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Sexual abuse of children... The organization today released its internal online agreement.

Queen Esther

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Sexual abuse of children... Â Â Â Â  MORE:  https://www.jw.org/en/search/?q=sexual++abuse++of++children
The organization today released its internal online agreement.
The position based on the writings of Jehovah's Witnesses on the protection of the child.
This document is available to members of the community and it is a living document. In short, questions should never be seen or denied badly.
Reference: dates from 1983 to show the extension of our education to prevention, not to respond to the sexual abuse of children. The best protection is prevention.

The authority of the state punishes the crimes,  not us.
Abuse of children is a crime.
The verification of membership is strictly religious, not a matter of the state.

We decide who Jehovah's Witnesses may or may not be,  not the state.
Parents / tutors are solely responsible for the safety of their own child,  not the organization.
The parents are responsible for their children. I mean, who else should it be?  If a child is arrested for theft, who does he contact?  The old or the parents?  The law is responsible for the parents. Jehovah does that too.
You can not stress enough. Education starts at home The prevention of child labor starts at home. When parents do their work as parents, the abuse can be kept to a minimum.

We do not isolate the parents' children for every activity.
The elderly must be kind to the abuse of the victims.
The elderly are contacting the branch to ensure compliance with child abuse reporting laws.
Even if the elderly do not have the legal obligation to provide information, the oldest instructions have to report if a child is at risk. That's a good point. This shows that the older ones do not have the instruction to simply call the branch and leave it that way if they are not binding reporters. In other words, older people need to go beyond their legal obligations when the situation requires it. Therefore, older people should look after the child and their personal well-being. We are a family. We are not in trade relations between us.
Older people should never punish police and inform parents and victims of their right to report.
Reports to the police can even be encouraged for certain reasons. At any time during the examination of the elders, the victim can call the police and have them examined. You are not dependent on the other one. One has nothing to do with the other.
Mental health is never discouraged. Older people do not protect the known authors of sexual abuse of children.
Jehovah's Witnesses have educated people to protect their children for decades. We care about the protection of children when the world generally ignores the problem or does not understand its scope.

( shared by our Brother, Jose Antonio Gutierrez Garcia )

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This article needs some serious editing!

Sexual abuse of children... Â Â Â Â  MORE:  https://www.jw.org/en/search/?q=sexual++abuse++of++children The organization today released its internal online agreement. The position based on the writ

Ok,  I  will  try  it  after  my  sleep !   I  hope  he  can  answer...  I  will  translate  in  Spanish  for  a  better  understanding.  Please,  little  patience...   ThankÂ

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I found this totally incomprehensible as to what the writer MIGHT be trying to say.

I thought I would find an ACTUAL internal online agreement.

Between who, and who?

Who wrote the "agreement"

What are the terms of the "agreement"

When and where can the "agreement" be found?

Did I miss something?

And whats with "... mental health is never discouraged"?

What?  Were we accused of encouraging insanity?

It appears as disjointed sentence fragments that have no overall meaning.

..and who is Brother, Jose Antonio Gutierrez Garcia , and where did this supposition of an on-line agreement come from?

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Ok,  I  will  try  it  after  my  sleep !   I  hope  he  can  answer...  I  will  translate  in  Spanish  for  a  better  understanding.  Please,  little  patience...   Thank  you :)

His  text  was  in  Spanish  and  in  German,  so  Bro. Jose  must  have  understood  the  sense  of  all,  I  hope !

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Dear  @James Thomas Rook Jr....  here  the  answer  from  our  Brother  Jose`:

PODRAS VER QUE AL FIN DEL ARTICULO HE PUESTO UN ENLACE AL PERIODISTA QUE DICE ESAS PALABRAS. Los propios rusos ven que se teme a los testigos porque no colaboran con el nacionalismo ni el militarismo....

YOU CAN SEE THAT AT THE END OF THE ARTICLE I HAVE PLACED A LINK TO THE JOURNALIST WHO SAYS THOSE WORDS. The Russians themselves see that witnesses are feared because they do not cooperate with nationalism or militarism....

I  told  him,  the  link  is  not  working...  only  an  empty  page  with  number  404  -  sorry !!   Maybe  tmw  a  new  answer ?

Thats  all  I  got  today :(


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11 minutes ago, Queen Esther said:

Dear  @Anna....  I  just  sent  your  link  in  Spanish  to  our  Brother  Jose...  We  shall  see  what  he  will  answer...

Thank  you  for  the  link ! :)

You are welcome! :)

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I downloaded the PDF file, and read it ... who is the agreement between?

It looks like a policy statement ... not an agreement of any sort ...on-line or otherwise.

It appears to be what is called in the corporate world a "Mission Statement".


I cannot see where anybody is agreeing with anything.


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