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Will Childbirth Still Be Painful in the New System?

Claudia Sanchez

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When Jehovah outlined the consequence of her sin to Eve in the Garden of Eden, He said: "I will greatly increase the pain of your pregnancy" Genesis 3:16. So childbirth would have been physically

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When Jehovah outlined the consequence of her sin to Eve in the Garden of Eden, He said: "I will greatly increase the pain of your pregnancy" Genesis 3:16.

So childbirth would have been physically painful for perfect women, the possibility of that pain having existed prior to the sin of Eve. There is nothing to indicate that the case will be otherwise in the future. 

Of course the eventual absence of the effects of Adamic sin on the health of mothers, resulting in inherited and/or acquired factors causing  complications effecting childbirth will likely see that Jehovah, through the admistration of the benefits of Christ's ransom, will "greatly decrease the pain of...pregnancy".

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