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Can we imagine anyone attempting to subvert the position of High Priest, who is Jesus Christ?  Col 1:18; Heb 5:9,10; 7:26  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Col+1%3A18%3B+Heb+5%3A9%2C10%3B+7%3A26++&version=NKJV

Does anyone try to stand in for Christ as High Priest?  Yes, the Governing Body.  Not true?  Well, they have assumed power over the anointed priesthood and judge their fellow servants as spiritually “dead” (disfellowshipped) for disagreeing with their doctrine.  Luke 21:12,13; John 16:2  Do they have the right to?  Matt 7:1,2; Rom 8:33,34; 14:4; James 4:12; 2 Cor 5:10    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+21%3A12%2C13%3B+John+16%3A2%3B+Matt+7%3A1%2C2%3B+Rom+8%3A33%2C34%3B+14%3A4%3B+James+4%3A12%3B+2+Cor+5%3A10++&version=NKJV

According to scripture, a “faithful and discreet slave” is appointed over God’s House as a “steward”/administrator of services and spiritual gifts, derived from among the priesthood. Yes, from among the anointed priesthood – who are God’s Household.  Luke 12:42; Eph 2:19; 1 Tim 3:15; 5:8; Heb 3:4-6  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+12%3A42%3B+Eph+2%3A19%3B+1+Tim+3%3A15%3B+5%3A8%3B+Heb+3%3A4-6++&version=NKJV

A ship or house steward oversees and manages all the various services performed, for the benefit of the household.  It is his or her job to administer all necessities produced, as well as provide the individual’s  own service, in keeping the household running smoothly.  The steward regulates and checks all presented by the staff, for quality and distribution. 

If today, there is in place, a “faithful and discreet slave” chosen for this spiritual position, should the rest of the priesthood wait until God’s Kingdom arrives, to offer their services to the steward who administers the household? 

No.  They should act as priests now; following their installed High Priest, Jesus Christ, and utilizing what gifts the Holy Spirit has given them, to be managed by the House Steward (see following comment)   All are to work in harmony as one anointed body.  1 Cor 12:7,8; Matt 25:14,22,23   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Cor+12%3A7%2C8%3B+Matt+25%3A14%2C22%2C23&version=NKJV

This is not the case in the organization.  The anointed have been cajoled into believing they must wait until the Kingdom arrives before they serve in their priestly capacity.  But notice:

“you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” 2 Pet 2:5

The scripture is not written in future tense, but it is to be enacted now.  Their offering of spiritual sacrifices comes from their own heart, not through the mouth of another. 

“Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.”  Heb 13:15

A “wicked slave” uses its own false priesthood to distribute its own false “food”, which has created a famine of spiritual provisions that otherwise could nourish the sheep, if all priests were to contribute under the guidance of Holy Spirit from Christ. Luke 6:45; Ezek 34:17-19; Rev 8:10-11  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+6%3A45%3B+Ezek+34%3A17-19%3B+Rev+8%3A10-11++&version=NKJV

Clearly, it must be discerned that the governing body is unable to offer spiritual food from Christ, since it has SEVERED itself from the Body and at the same time, acts as the Body’s Head!  Rom 12:3-5; 1 Cor 12:7,21,22,25,16; Col 2:18,19    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rom+12%3A3-5%3B+1+Cor+12%3A7%2C21%2C22%2C25%2C16%3B+Col+2%3A18%2C19++++&version=NKJV

Instead of being “faithful” with all provisions within the House of God, and “discreet” in it usage, the GB rejects and judges God’s priestly members for their offerings.


Can you see this, JWs?  I can hear you say; “how would the organization run on just a handful of anointed ones?  We NEED the elders to teach!” 

Jesus knew beforehand the scenario to occur and affect the anointed ones in the time of the end.  The parable of the faithful and discreet slave chosen as steward over God’s House, warns of this.  Luke 12:37,45,47  We can’t look at it realistically on the one hand as being fulfilled, and then dismiss the possibility of a wicked one to arise, as the governing body is telling you.

If a slave of Christ has been assigned over God’s true priestly Household to fulfill his duties as a priest, (Mal 2:7) why would the remaining anointed Body be told they are not to serve as priests until Armageddon is finished? Who would the House Steward be managing, if there are no fellow active priests to manage?  Who would be bringing forth their provisions to nourish and support the Body, as well as their hearers, which includes YOU, JWs?  1 Cor 12:12,27; Eph 4:11,12; 1 Cor 12:7; 1 Pet 4:10   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+12%3A37%2C45%2C47%3B+Mal+2%3A7%3B+1+Cor+12%3A12%2C27%3B+Eph+4%3A11%2C12%3B+1+Cor+12%3A7%3B+1+Pet+4%3A10&version=NKJV

The governing body is only managing their un-anointed priesthood, who regurgitate what the wicked slave expects them to serve, sourced solely from their own mouth. 2 Cor 11:12,13; Rev 3:9; 2 Tim 3:13; Matt 24:24; Isa 28:8  

Are they working under the true definition of the term, “steward”?  The anointed priesthood’s provisions are left untouched and ignored by the wicked steward.  Luke 16:2,3;2 Cor 9:6-12   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Cor+11%3A12%2C13%3B+Rev+3%3A9%3B+2+Tim+3%3A13%3B+Matt+24%3A24%3B+Isa+28%3A8%3B++Luke+16%3A2%2C3%3B+2+Cor+9%3A6-12&version=NKJV

This priesthood and Body of Christ is God’s Temple. John 2:19-21;1 Cor 3:16,17  Do you believe it would have been acceptable for Gentiles to enter the ancient physical Temple of God?  Never!   2 Chron 13:9; 23:6; Ezek 44:6-9  Why would it be acceptable to God today for His Temple priesthood to submit themselves to “Gentile” rule – those who have not received the circumcision of the heart, to serve God in place of themselves?  Rom 2:29  Should their spiritual sacrifices be replaced by those not anointed? Dan 8:11,12   God’s priests in the organization allow this, without considering His view of this abomination against His “special possession” – His Temple.  2 Cor 11:4,20  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+2%3A19-21%3B1+Cor+3%3A16%2C17%3B+2+Chron+13%3A9%3B+23%3A6%3B+Ezek+44%3A6-9+%3B+Rom+2%3A29%3B+Dan+8%3A11%2C12%3B2+Cor+11%3A4%2C20&version=NKJV

There are both present at the time of the end – a wicked slave and a faithful slave.  A counterfeit and an authentic faithful slave.  The counterfeit upholds his counterfeit “Zion” – the organization. Hab 2:19; Rev 8:8  

The authentic slave teaches as Christ admonishes, in spirit and in truth.  John 4:23

The authentic slave reveals this situation to all priests of the Household; whereas the wicked slave keeps his fellow slaves muffled and trampled down by his own false priesthood.  John 16:13; Rev 11:1-3; Matt 24:15; Dan 11:31,36; Matt 24:48,49; Luke 22:25,26; 2 Thess 2:4

The authentic “faithful and discreet slave” cares for each member by warning them of the wicked one in their midst, admonishing them to separate and leave this task master behind.  2 Cor 6:14-18; Matt 24:15-18   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hab+2%3A19%3B+Rev+8%3A8%3B+John+4%3A23%3B+John+16%3A13%3B+Rev+11%3A1-3%3B+Matt+24%3A15%3B+Dan+11%3A31%2C36%3B+Matt+24%3A48%2C49%3B+Luke+22%3A25%2C26%3B+2+Thess+2%3A4%3B+2+Cor+6%3A14-18%3B+Matt+24%3A15-18&version=NKJV

You will know the two distinctly, by their fruits - their teachings -  not by what they build with money sourced in Satan’s world.   Matt 6:24  Jesus’ “belongings” are not only his sheep that must be cared for, but the spiritual gifts received through Holy Spirit and bestowed upon his servants; not earthly endeavors, as the Watchtower so deceitfully will tell you.  Matt 25:14;7:16-20; John 7:17;15:8; Matt 6:19-21; Luke 12:15-21

You will find the faithful and discreet slave “where the eagles gather”, as a symbolic carcass “slain’ by the wicked slave and its false priesthood. Luke 17:31-37; Rev 12:6;13:1,5-8,11,14-17;11:3,7  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+6%3A24%3B+Matt+25%3A14%3B7%3A16-20%3B+John+7%3A17%3B15%3A8%3B+Matt+6%3A19-21%3B+Luke+12%3A15-21%3B+Luke+17%3A31-37%3B+Rev+12%3A6%3B13%3A1%2C5-8%2C11%2C14-17%3B11%3A3%2C7+&version=NKJV 

This faithful slave isn’t found in another organization built in Satan’s realm.  Yet, how fitting it is to find a “wicked slave” consumed by greed, power and JWs continuous slavery, inhabiting his father’s realm – the world of confusion.  John 8:44; Amos 2:4; Rev 17:1-6; 18:4-8

Christ feeds his sheep through his true ambassador, in abundance.  2 Cor 5:20; Matt 24:31; John 14:26; Rev 12:14 ;Matt 22:4,8-10; Rev 19:9   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+8%3A44%3B+Amos+2%3A4%3B+Rev+17%3A1-6%3B+18%3A4-8%3B+2+Cor+5%3A20%3B+Matt+24%3A31%3B+John+14%3A26%3B+Rev+12%3A14+%3BMatt+22%3A4%2C8-10%3B+Rev+19%3A9&version=NKJV

The Watchtower August 2018 begins by stating:

“As true Christians, we need to develop the ability to EVALUATE INFORMATION and reach ACCURATE CONCLUSIONS. (Prov. 3:21-23; 8:4, 5) If we do not cultivate this ability, we will be far more VULNERABLE to the efforts of Satan and his world to DISTORT our thinking. (Eph. 5:6; Col. 2:8) Of course, only if we have the facts can we reach RIGHT CONCLUSIONS. As Proverbs 18:13 says, “when anyone replies to a matter before he hears the facts, it is foolish and humiliating.” (caps mine)  

The governing body navigates around their own wickedness and failure as a faithful steward, by distorting the definition of “God’s House”.  Note:

This Watchtower quote conceals the “trampling” (Matt 24:15; 2 Thess 2:3,4) of God’s Temple priesthood by including everyone in the spiritual Temple of God:   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+24%3A15%3B+2+Thess+2%3A3%2C4&version=NKJV

“We all have a place in Jehovah’s house,” said the next speaker, Samuel Herd of the Governing Body. All Christians have a place in God’s “house” —his spiritual temple— the arrangement to worship him on the basis of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice. It is a place to be cherished as a precious privilege. Like David, we desire to “dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of [our] life.” —Ps. 27:4.  w12 8/15 p. 17-18

As the organization:

“Jehovah’s witnesses give their support to God’s house or organization by their individual dedication vows and by their faithfulness in service.” Wt 56/11/1

 As the actual “Bethel”, the World Headquarters:

“Each Bethel worker knows that his assignment in the “House of God” takes priority over other activities.”  Wt 94/6/15

Down to the local kingdom hall:

“For millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses, there is no place closer to their heart than their regular place of worship, the Kingdom Hall. They show proper respect for that place. They manifest an industrious spirit in caring for it, and they strive always to use it properly. May you too follow the admonition that Jehovah himself gives: “Guard your feet whenever you go to the house of the true God.” Wt 93/6/15

You should be totally confused, JWs.  Simply, God’s House and Temple is the anointed Body of Christ. Eph 2:20-22; 2 Cor 6:14-18   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Eph+2%3A20-22%3B+2+Cor+6%3A14-18&version=NKJV

The scriptures I have sited are there for you to read and evaluate, to appropriately discern the FACTS. Please open your eyes and read them!  Satan appears as a minister of light.  2 Cor 11:12-15  He is a powerful expert at creating counterfeits that seem full of truth and light. We can recognize his ability to do so in our many walks through this life; but how much more so, can we be hoodwinked spiritually!  Luke 21:8; Acts 20:29; 2 Thess 2:9-12   He will reason in truth as the Watchtower quote has done, but will convince you to practice the lie, and take part in the trampling of God’s priesthood/Temple. Acts 7:57,58   His full intention is to deceive the anointed and you, through his own servants, before the Kingdom arrives.  Rev 13:11,14-17; 16:13-16  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Cor+11%3A12-15%3B++Luke+21%3A8%3B+Acts+20%3A29%3B+2+Thess+2%3A9-12%3B+Acts+7%3A57%2C58%3B+Rev+13%3A11%2C14-17%3B+16%3A13-16++++&version=NKJV

When Christ walked the earth, Satan’s attempted to gain power over him.  Now, he has in position, fallen anointed ones who have accepted his offer and willingly carry out his plan. The governing body holds sway over the anointed Household assuming the role as High Priest.  The Watchtower is Satan’s last magnificent, yet clandestine death trap to bring down the last “kings of the earth” and the “nations“ residing with them.  Luke 4:5-7; Rev 8:10,11; Rev 13:7,8,12; 17:1,2,6; 6:15-17    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+4%3A5-7%3B+Rev+8%3A10%2C11%3B+Rev+13%3A7%2C8%2C12%3B+17%3A1%2C2%2C6%3B+6%3A15-17&version=NKJV

FLEE, JWS!  Matt 24:15,16; Luke 21:21  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+24%3A15%2C16%3B+Luke+21%3A21&version=NKJV

I hope you consider Pearl Doxsey's articles:  "Flee - Where?"

Also, see "Who are the Kings of the Earth?"











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Can we imagine anyone attempting to subvert the position of High Priest, who is Jesus Christ?  Col 1:18; Heb 5:9,10; 7:26  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Col+1%3A18%3B+Heb+5%3A9%2C10%3B+

Oh dear! More butchers in the operating theatre! This is the WT 15 May 2015 quote referenced above. "But who is referred to as “Gog and Magog” at Revelation 20:8? During the final test at th

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 The thousand-year reign of Christ began when he ascended into heaven.  By teaching that it is still to come, Watchtower promulgates its lie that the priests will not reign until after Armageddon.  Rev 5:9,10  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rev+5%3A9%2C10&version=NKJV

“This is the declaration of the LORD to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool."  The LORD will extend your mighty scepter from Zion. Rule over your surrounding enemies.”  Ps 110:1,2

Do the enemies exist in a thousand-year time of peace?  They exist now.  The faithful priests are to rule now under Christ, battling against Satan’s lies enforced through the teaching of his cohorts.  Gen 3:15; 2 Cor 10:4,5; Eph 6:12 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Gen+3%3A15%3B+2+Cor+10%3A4%2C5%3B+Eph+6%3A12&version=NKJV

 Nowhere in scripture is Christ’s Thousand Year Reign spoken of as a time of peace, along with a time of judgment. (The Wt. teaches the entire time is a “judgment time”)

Nowhere does scripture say mankind will slowly become physically perfect during the thousand year reign, and then finally reach the end of such judgment by Satan’s release after this peaceful interlude.  

Nowhere does the Bible say there are separate judgments for two groups of people – the entire “world” facing judgment during Armageddon, but another remnant group judged as safe within the haven of “Jehovah’s organization” during the Great Day of God the Almighty, only to be finally judged again a thousand years later. Dan 7:9,10,21-27 

Watchtower teaches Satan would be released at that point, to devise a plan that would certainly not happen overnight, since his building tool is gradual deception. Rev 16:13,14 These are fabricated false promises and “sorcery” made to lull JWs into a false “peace and security” – now. 1 Thess 5:1-3; Luke 17:26-30; Rev 18:23  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Dan+7%3A9%2C10%2C21-27%3B+Rev+16%3A13%2C14%3B+1+Thess+5%3A1-3%3B+Luke+17%3A26-30%3B+Rev+18%3A23&version=NKJV 

"Don't assume that I came to bring peace on the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”  Matt 10:34

 “Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.  And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:  of sin, because they do not believe in Me;  of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more;  of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.”    John 16:7-11

If Satan has been judged, so too, have his demons and his “ministers” with him.  2 Cor 11:15  Can you see how incredibly naive it is to think Satan would be released from the abyss after Armageddon?  Once condemned, sentencing normally follows, which is the culmination of Armageddon.  1 Cor 15:23,24,26,25; Rev 20:7-10,14,15    In Rev 20:10, Gog and Magog, the “beast and the false prophet”, and the devil are “thrown into the lake of fire and they are tormented day and night forever and ever”.   The WT 15/5/15 p. 29-30 states that the attack by Gog and Magog is the final attack of Armageddon; and it is also Satan’s final attack on God’s people. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Cor+11%3A15%3B+1+Cor+15%3A23%2C24%2C26%2C25%3B+Rev+20%3A7-10%2C14%2C15++&version=NKJV

Think, JWS! 

Gog and Magog deceive the “holy ones”/anointed.  Rev 20:8,9   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rev+20%3A8%2C9&version=NKJV

The Beast and false prophet deceive the “holy ones”.   ”.   Rev 13:14;16:13,14; 19:20  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rev+13%3A14%3B16%3A13%2C14%3B+19%3A20&version=NKJV

They are the same entities.

Satan, the Dragon, deceives the “holy ones”.  Rev 12:15;13:4;16:13,14; 20:10  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rev+12%3A15%3B13%3A4%3B16%3A13%2C14%3B+20%3A10&version=NKJV

These three together use “demonic expressions” to deceive; which are  LIES. Luke 21:8  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+21%3A8&version=NKJV

The organization, which is the actual “Beast” of Rev 13:1 and its leaders, the authentic “false prophet” of Rev 13:11, teaches that this beast is the political systems of the world, and the false prophet as Christendom who will be destroyed in Armageddon.  Again, who joins them according to Rev 20:10?  Satan!   Will he be removed from this symbolic “lake of fire” at the end of a thousand literal years to follow Armageddon? (Jer 23:29)

 Can you see the absurdity of the governing body’s “rotten fruit”?  Matt 7:19,20

The thousand year reign is over, Satan has already been released to formulate his “delusion” of misleading lies through fallen “stars” – anointed ones  (Rev 8:10,11;Dan 12:3;Matt 5:14,15 ;2 Thess 2:9-12), in the form of a “Beast”/organization along with its false prophet (Rev 13:1,11) to surround and come against the “holy people” – the anointed ones. Ezek 38:10,11; Rev 20:9  They and their companions, reside in the midst of Satan’s “den” – the Watchtower, where those who say they are “Jews” (the “Gentile” elder body) rule over spirit-anointed “Israel”.    Rev 2:2,3,9;11:1,2   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rev+8%3A10%2C11%3BDan+12%3A3%3BMatt+5%3A14%2C15+%3B2+Thess+2%3A9-12%3BRev+13%3A1%2C11%3BEzek+38%3A10%2C11%3B+Rev+20%3A9%3B++Rev+2%3A2%2C3%2C9%3B11%3A1%2C2&version=NKJV

How Satan has made it explicitly easy to surround them with his lies, by initially offering some truth!

“Elijah” in the “spirit of truth” (John 16:13; Rev 9:13,14; 16:12; Rev 11:1-3; Isa 46:11,10) is Christ’s servant sent to all his anointed servants to reveal the last power over God’s people -  the “man of lawlessness”/Elder Body standing over the Temple of God/anointed ones, and supported by its false prophet.  Matt 17:11; Rev 1:1;11:1-3; Matt 24:15; 2 Thess 2:3,4;Rev 13:1,18   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+16%3A13%3B+Rev+9%3A13%2C14%3B+16%3A12%3B+Rev+11%3A1-3%3B+Isa+46%3A11%2C10%3BMatt+17%3A11%3B+Rev+1%3A1%3B11%3A1-3%3B+Matt+24%3A15%3B+2+Thess+2%3A3%2C4%3BRev+13%3A1%2C18&version=NKJV

The final war of Armageddon concerns Christ’s “kings of the earth” –God’s anointed, “special possession”. 1 Pet 2:5,9; Isa 43:10; Rev 1:5,6  This final, decisive war is about God’s anointed ones losing their priestly authority to a Beast and its blasphemies against God’s “sanctuary”.  Rev 13:5-8; 11:1 Will they rise above this blasphemy to serve God and Christ only, in the capacity of priest that scripture admonishes?  Or, will they continue to serve the organization – the Beast and the Harlot/false prophet that directs it? Rev 2:20-22; 18:4-8;17:1-3,6  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Pet+2%3A5%2C9%3B+Isa+43%3A10%3B+Rev+1%3A5%2C6%3B++Rev+13%3A5-8%3B+11%3A1%3BRev+2%3A20-22%3B+18%3A4-8%3B17%3A1-3%2C6+++&version=NKJV

 The history of the Bible deals with God’s Chosen people; but who changed its prophetic outcome to include the entire realm of Satan in the last 100 years?  The Watchtower organization.  God judges everyone in righteousness, but His anointed people who are captivated by Satan’s ruse, are the theme of Daniel and Revelation in the time of the end.  This ruse has one intent; to trample and destroy the anointed ones – the holy priesthood of God.  Luke 21:24; Isa 63:18; Jer 21:10; Dan 8:13;11:36; 7:25; Rev 11:2; Dan 8:11,14; Num 3:10   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+21%3A24%3B+Isa+63%3A18%3B+Jer+21%3A10%3B+Dan+8%3A13%3B11%3A36%3B+7%3A25%3B+Rev+11%3A2%3B+Dan+8%3A11%2C14%3B+Num+3%3A10++&version=NKJV

There is no other Beast/organization – political or otherwise -  sanctioned by a false prophet, (Rev 13:12) that will come against God’s chosen people by using deceit, before Armageddon is finished.  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rev+13%3A12&version=NKJV

Evil does not always appear ugly.  Please, wake up JWs! 




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7 hours ago, Witness said:

The WT 15/5/15 p. 29-30 states that the attack by Gog and Magog is the final attack of Armageddon; and it is also Satan’s final attack on God’s people.

CORRECTION!  My apologies. This Watchtower specifies the attack after Armageddon and a thousand years. 

However, "God's Kingdom Rules" book says:

After Jesus pronounces his judgment on “all the nations,” several significant events are still to occur before the war of Armageddon begins. (Matt. 25:32) We will consider two of those events: the attack of Gog and the gathering of anointed ones. 

An all-out attack. Gog of Magog will attack the remaining anointed ones and their other sheep companions. (Read Ezekiel 38:2, 11.) This attack against established Kingdom rule will be Satan’s last battle in a war that he has been waging against the anointed remnant since his expulsion from heaven. (Rev. 12:7-9, 17) Especially since the anointed ones began to be gathered into the restored Christian congregation, Satan has tried to destroy their spiritual prosperity —but to no avail. kr chapter 21 pp. 223-230

How do they do it, and how do you, JWs, fall for it?  They tell you two different stories and you continue to believe they are sent by God.  






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32 minutes ago, Witness said:

This Watchtower specifies the attack after Armageddon and a thousand years. 

Correction again.  This Watchtower is applying the Gog and Magog attack both before AND after Armageddon.  

How convenient.  

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Oh dear! More butchers in the operating theatre!

This is the WT 15 May 2015 quote referenced above.

"But who is referred to as “Gog and Magog” at Revelation 20:8? During the final test at the end of the 1,000 years, those who rebel against Jehovah will manifest the same murderous attitude as ‘Gog of Magog,’ those nations that attack God’s people at the end of the great tribulation. And the outcome for both groups will be exactly the same—everlasting death! (Rev. 19:20, 21; 20:9) It seems fitting, then, that all those rebels at the end of the Millennium be called “Gog and Magog.”"

It fails to support the allegations made. Not worth reading the rest then, as it will only display the same level of competency in argument.

I am afraid that this is a case of what Solomon described:

"What is crooked cannot be made straight, and what is lacking cannot possibly be counted." Ecc.1:15.

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10 hours ago, Gone Away said:

It fails to support the allegations made. Not worth reading the rest then,

Dear Eoin, You are speaking of the Watchtower article, then.  If so, I am pleasantly gobsmacked.  Just want to verify. 

10 hours ago, Gone Away said:

as it will only display the same level of competency in argument.

And this?  To the same level of competency referring to my argument as well?


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11 hours ago, Nana Fofana said:

When do you say it is?  "Unless those days were cut short, no flesh had been saved."  How long were the Romans encamped around, and besieging Jerusalem  in 66CE, before leaving [days cut short],  giving Christians a chance to flee to the mountains?  [Else, no flesh had been saved.]  Attack on Jehovah's people, living without wall, in open , rural country, will be touching His eyeball, still-won't it?  Or not?  Causing days to be cut short?  Else, last of anointed [ who maybe don't abound in the numbers some would suggest they do] couldn't be 'extracted', and whatever Satan's purpose for which he's "full of great anger, knowing he has but a short time", might actually come to fruition instead?  I don't Know-  Just pretty disgusted  with thread so thought I'd try to 'compose' a little something to interrupt it if I could ,as much as I could!

I am sorry you believe this thread is personally disgusting.  We can personally be offended by both opinion and facts against something we wholeheartedly support.  If we don’t look at God’s Word to understand how He personally feels about His spiritual Temple, what we wish to believe and take stock in…means nothing.  Jer 51:51

Ezek 44:8 - "And you have not kept charge of My holy things yourselves, but you have set foreigners to keep charge of My sanctuary."

WHO are the foreigners in charge of God’s spiritual Temple? (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17) 

The “Gentile” elder body, who have been given authority over them.  Rev 13:11,12,5,6

 “If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.”  1 Cor 3:16,17

Some will say Matt 24:15 reached its finale when the Romans invaded Jerusalem.  Yet, 2 Thess 2:1-4; Rev 11:1; 2:9; Dan 7:7,23-25  all point to another destruction of the Temple/”holy ones”/anointed made against “New Jerusalem”.  Rev 3:12

JWs are dazed by the faulty guidance of the anointed GB, forgetting they are only eight men out of all the anointed ones.  You don’t see the other anointed ones, purposefully;  or recognize their untapped spiritual gifts as a holy priesthood.  THEY don’t realize their untapped spiritual gifts.  THIS is a disgusting situation before God and Christ.  Eccl 5:1

Pearl Doxsey’s article:  First the "wall"...then the entire "Temple"


I was wondering what you think of this...
 When Jerusalem's temple wall was breached by the 'Gentiles', and then left...and they didn't come back for "3.5 years/times", do you think that was a prophetic type for what we are going through now?
 Seeing the "gentile elders/beast" in the temple (standing where it ought not Mark13:14) and us having to flee to the mountains (Eze.36:8)...
Are we in the 3 and a half times that was allowed for people to escape ?
 I don't think it was a chance thing that 3.5 times was allowed by Jehavah to set a pattern for modern times.


You are right. I remember having the same conversation with my husband about the time it took for the Romans to return, and that it was a prophetic pattern for now.
The Romans threatened all those in Jerusalem (Jew and Christian) the first go round.
The second/last threat and assault, was only for those who did not obey Jesus, by "fleeing" "Jerusalem" (Matt.24:15,16Rev.18:4).
The first 3 1/2 was the ministry of Jesus (3 1/2 years).
The second 3 1/2 was while the faithful were in the wilderness, after their fleeing Jerusalem.
During the entire "7", the Gentiles are in power, and "Jerusalem" is under the effect of their domination. 

Of course it is obvious that these original two periods (of three and a half years each) were not consecutive. This is because they are not, in their fulfillment today, a literal time period of seven years. This is partly why God's Word refers to them, as seven "times", and not as seven "years". It is also why each "time", is 360 (12X30), and not a 365 solar year.

In the first Century, the Temple was already under the dominion of the Romans, before either attack on Jerusalem. So too today (Dan.7:25Rev.13:79:3,5,10Matt.5:13).
The point at which the first assault by the Gentiles occurs today, is when the faithful anointed, are "killed", or, disfellowshipped/expelled (John16:2Isa.66:52Chron.13:9). This is comparable to the first century, and it's temple's "wall" being breached at the first siege (Isa.5:5Ps.80:1289:40Prov.24:31). Today, not all of the anointed Temple, are made powerless with this first breach.  That complete collapse of "Jerusalem" is yet to come (Dan.12:7).

This "wall" today, (Matt.21:33Neh.1:32:17) was a defensive boundary (Job1:10) for the "Temple" (1Cor.3:161Pet.2:5Eph.2:21,22) and all the unsealed priests (both invited leaders and invited followers/Steward and domestics) within it.
Once the "wall" is initially breached (Rev.8:10,1113:19:1,3; Job30:14) by the spiritual "weapons" the false prophet gives to the Gentiles (deceptive doctrines, lying arrangements, illicit power and false authority Rev.9:1,2,3,713:2,11,12,14,1516:13,142Thess.2:9,10Hosea4:6Dan.8:24 (Rev.13:12); Luke21:24Rev.11:1,2),
(1st Century-- Matt.27:1,2John18:30,3119:12,15Luke23:2)
the previous defensive "wall" no longer protects the invited priests within it (Ec.10:5,6,72Thess.2:4Ps.82:6). Once the breach expels those who take a stand for truth, the stage is then set for the demise of the entire temple, ...including the "Harlot" (Ec.10:8Isa.47:10Dan.8:1311:13).

The second siege, is for the unfaithful. The very same river of lies (white-washed wall) of the False Prophet/Harlot/wicked steward, that was breached by Gentiles (Beast) to destroy their brothers; will later come back and also take them away (Isa.28:15,17,18,19,2030:12,13Jer.50:15Rev.18:6).
The meaning of "wall", are teachings we obey, that serve as a boundary to our conscience...which can be a protection if they are true,
or if false, will be our demise.
Such walls can be "fortified", "torn down", "repaired", "burrowed through", "white-washed", "cracked", "stormed against", "groped for", "sat upon", "leaning"/"swell out", "crawled upon", "rebuilt", "dug into", etc. I assume you can interpret what these symbolic descriptions mean, regarding wall-like teachings and truths, as well as false doctrines.
A book could be written about all the Bible's meanings, regarding this one symbol of "wall".

What the harlotrous ruling invited Steward does not realize, is that the protective wall that she empowers the Gentiles to remove (so that her fellow anointed slaves are open to attack; 1John3:12,154:20), is the very same wall that protects her. She has removed the distinction between the common Gentile ("elders") and the sanctified Priest (anointed chosen) (Lam.1:10Eze.22:25,26,27,28Matt.7:15Acts10:1520:29Zeph.3:3Eze.44:6,7,8,9) so that the uncircumcised Gentiles can become priests of the Temple, ...profane the Temple... and discard it's priesthood (2Chron.13:91Sam.22:17,18,19,21) ...a priesthood which competes with the power and authority of the Harlot (Matt.21:4523:13,27,28,30,31,32,33,34,35Rev.18:24Isa.26:21Luke11:50John11:47,48,49,50).    She does not foresee that the power and authority she gives the Gentile Beast (Rev.9:313:15), is also a threat to her. The Gentiles will not remain her lovers forever (Jer.2:20Eze.16:15,1623:16,17,28,29,30,35,22,23,24,25,26,27Rev.17:2,16). The non-anointed Organization does turn on the adulterous Chosen Ones above it. Ironically, it is the power that the Beast receives from the False Prophet/Harlot, which it uses to destroy her. This is a perfect fit to all the prophetic parables the scroll of Revelation uses, to describe the fornication between the Gentiles and the Chosen House Manager/Steward (in Rev.ch.9; ch.13; and ch.17). (Luke12:42,45,46)

Does the Governing Bdy. really have divine authority, to allow spiritual "Gentile" Elders
(not anointed, priestly "Jews" -Rom.2:28,291Pet.2:9)
...to replace the invited priesthood, take over their duties (Eze.44:6,7,8,9), pass judgment on them (Rom.8:33Rev.13:15), and throw them out? (John16:2Rev.11:72Chron.13:9)
Only the anointed priests have received the "circumcision of the heart" that they may enter the Temple to "render acceptable service"
Any other arrangement, is considered a "disgusting thing, standing in a holy place" (Mark13:14Rev.11:2).

The second siege is the point after which all have had the opportunity to "flee" apostate Jerusalem. Once you see the faithful trampled upon, you know that "Jerusalem" is "surrounded by encamped armies" of Gentiles, and it is time to FLEE (Luke21:20,21,22). When the "Gentiles" return, they will devastate the unfaithful who remain inside....this is when the "Beast" turns on the "Harlot". It is after the faithful have already been thrown out, or, have been "killed" by the "Wild Beast" (Rev.11:76:9) for their faithful stance for Truth, even in the face of its consequences [Rev.12:1111:7Luke17:33Matt.10:32,33 (John14:64:24)]. At the final devastation of apostate "Jerusalem", the faithful are "outside the camp", in the "wilderness" (Heb.13:13Luke17:30,31,32,35,37Rev.12:611:3Eze.14:22).

The first 3 1/2 times, can partly be described as the period during which the anointed are growing to maturity, being taught by Christ, following in his footsteps, and being "drawn" by the Father, while under stewardship (Gal.4:2,3,11Cor.4:15Heb.12:9). The midpoint is when they are matured and ready to submit to their Heavenly Father...killed for their faithfulness and loyalty (Rev.6:9,10,11), chosen and sealed.
The second period of 3 1/2, is when they fulfill the role of John the Baptist/Elijah, by preparing the way for the second arrival of Christ, calling for repentance of those in Covenant with God, and those associated with them (Luke1:17Matt.3:311:14Luke1:76) which also applies today (Mal.4:5Matt.17:1125:6Acts3:21).
This is the same period while they are considered the "carcass"/"slain", upon which the sealed "eagles" (and those who receive them) feed (Luke17:37Matt.24:27,28Rev.12:141Cor.10:17).
This is their period in the "wilderness" (set free from "Egypt", "Sodom", and "Babylon" Rev.9:13,14Luke4:181:17Mal.4:5Matt.17:11), when they are given the freedom as the wings of eagles (spiritual perception) and open entrance into the marriage "feast" (Matt.25:1013:12). One need not be anointed in order to be invited into, and partakers of, this spiritual feast and it's provisions (Matt.22:8,9Rev.19:9)....which is the opening of the seven seals of Revelation (Rev.5:1,6,71:1,20Zech.4:2,3,4,14Rev.11:3,4Matt.5:14).

This is also the window....the time of escape to the wilderness....to flee to the "hills"/"mountains" of Judea (Matt.5:14John15:5Eze.36:817:23), who are also the faithful slain (Rev.6:9,10,11Matt.24:28; Job39:30,27,28,29,30).
This is not the same feasting as the "wild animals and unclean birds", who feed upon the slain wicked ones (Jer.49:16Ob.1:4Job.39:26Eze.39:17,18,19,20,21,22Hab.1:8,9Rev.18:2Isa.13:2134:11,13Jer.50:3951:37Zeph.2:14).

Once the Gentile Beast is done with the faithful (Rev.11:713:1520:4) and then turns on the Harlot, apostate Jerusalem (Rev.17:1,6,16)...
[the unfaithful in Covenant with God (Hosea1:22:2Rev.17:2)]
the door to escaping the "City", (Rev.17:18),
[which is responsible for the "deaths" of the faithful (Rev.11:8)]
is shut. (2Thess.1:8,9)
This event is rushing toward us.
The demise of the corrupt Temple draws near (Eze.8:6,7,8,9,10,11,12Mark13:2Dan.9:26Luke19:44Matt.24:2Luke17:27,29,30,32,33,35,37)




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