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“He gave them to me, he took them away, he did a good job, there’s no better person than him to do...


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These are the words of the surviving father???    Who else thinks this is SICK way of thinking much less speaking publicly. Are Jehovah's Witnesses taught to think that a father has this rig

Sorry, but the words he spoke are mentally flawed. His reaction and speech betray who he is. It is difficult to imagine a JW ever speaking this way. But it doesn't mean it can't happen, and it may hap

I suspect more information  will come out over time ........ perhaps the news articles were inaccurate, incomplete, or something else unknowable..... for now.

These are the words of the surviving father???   

Who else thinks this is SICK way of thinking much less speaking publicly.

Are Jehovah's Witnesses taught to think that a father has this right? Is it their studies of patriarchal times affecting his thoughts that his father in law somehow "OWNED" these women and children?

He needs mental health treatment immediately himself.

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1 hour ago, admin said:

These are the words of the surviving father???   

Who else thinks this is SICK way of thinking much less speaking publicly.

Are Jehovah's Witnesses taught to think that a father has this right? Is it their studies of patriarchal times affecting his thoughts that his father in law somehow "OWNED" these women and children?

He needs mental health treatment immediately himself.

Sorry, but the words he spoke are mentally flawed. His reaction and speech betray who he is. It is difficult to imagine a JW ever speaking this way. But it doesn't mean it can't happen, and it may happen more often than we would like to admit. In recent years, many things are coming into the public eye, and they humble us to have to face them. None of us are saints in the perfect sense, but these things happen and I wonder if they will come to the fore more and more in the following months. 

There are a number of things wrong with the crime scene that police seem to have just accepted at face value. The last few years feel like a bad dream, many logically solvable problems seem to have taken drastically odd directions. Nowadays most news is hard to trust, almost anything can be faked now, sometimes with just a home pc. The world is at an empass I think...

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Strange way of thinking and expressing himself.   Doesn't look like he was grounded in the faith, if he is a Witness.  The children are sleeping in death . They are not in any new world.  Eventually they will be resurrected in the new world and the former things will not be remembered or come into mind.  Rev 21:3,4; John 5: 28,29, Isaiah 65:17.

The murder brings reproach on Jehovah's name in every respect.  The surviving father who is supposed to be a JW adds to the reproach by appearing to be callous and not representing the truth of the Bible accurately.  His choice of words to say that the grandfather contributed to the children being taken away from him and now he has taken them all away (probably meaning is he good at it) is rather poor and shocking use of language.  Put that together with one nation in Europe calling us extremists and see what that does.

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Guest Nicole
22 hours ago, admin said:

These are the words of the surviving father???   

Sound more like the words of a killer, I'd suspect him

22 hours ago, admin said:

He needs mental health treatment immediately himself.

Yes he does. 

It seems that his family had issues. 

The reports say that this 4 children were autistic 

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