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(Proverbs 18:11) The valuable things of the rich are his strong town, and they are like a protective wall in his imagination."

The spirit of the world promotes “the desire of the eyes” by encouraging greed and materialism.

(1 John 2:16) because everything in the world—the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one’s means of life—does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world."

It has nurtured in many a determination to be rich. 

(1 Timothy 6:9-10) However, those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and ruin. 10 For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains."

That spirit would have us believe that a stockpile of material things will provide lasting security. We should ask ourselves, ‘Has my life become focused on a quest for material comforts and pleasures?’ By contrast, God’s spirit-inspired Word encourages us to have a balanced view of money and to work hard to provide material necessities for ourselves and our family. 

(1 Timothy 5:8) Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith."

GodÂ’s spirit helps those who receive it to reflect JehovahÂ’s generous personality. Such ones are known as givers, not takers. They value people more highly than things and gladly share what they have when they can afford to do so.

(Proverbs 3:27-28) Do not hold back good from those to whom it is owing, when it happens to be in the power of your hand to do [it]. 28 Do not say to your fellowman: “Go, and come back and tomorrow I shall give,” when there is something with you."

And they never allow the pursuit of money to take precedence over serving God.



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IS MONEY THE FIRST THING IN YOUR LIFE? CAN'T LIFE WITHOUT? ????? (Proverbs 18:11) The valuable things of the rich are his strong town, and they are like a protective wall in his imagination.

Thats  a  very  intimate,  direct  but  also  nosy  question....   I  NEVER  would  ask  any  people  to  that !  We  all  need  money  for  living  in  our  bad  world AndÂ

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Thats  a  very  intimate,  direct  but  also  nosy  question....   I  NEVER  would  ask  any  people  to  that !  We  all  need  money  for  living  in  our  bad  world :( And  by  loyal  JW  its  NOT  a  theme,  we  all  know  the  dangerous  difference.  Learning  from  Jehovah  in  our  Bible 1f64f.png


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