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Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that despite this informative document recently made available to download in several languages on the JW website, there is not too much of a mention of it by any of the opposers and "campaigners" against child abuse in the JW organization.

Here is the entire document:


Definitions: Child abuse may include neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, or emotional abuse.

Child sexual abuse is a perversion and generally includes one or more of the following: sexual inter-course with a child; oral or anal sex with a child; fondling the genitals, breasts, or buttocks of a child; voyeurism of a child; indecent exposure to a child; or soliciting a child for sexual conduct. It may include sexting with a minor or showing pornography to a minor.

In this document, references to parents apply equally to legal guardians or other persons who hold pa-rental responsibility for a minor.

1. Children are a sacred trust, “an inheritance from Jehovah.”—Psalm 127:3.

2. The protection of children is of utmost concern and importance to all Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is in harmony with the long-standing and widely published Scripturally based position of Jehovah’s Witnesses, as reflected in the references at the end of this document, which are all published on jw.org.

3. Jehovah’s Witnesses abhor child abuse and view it as a crime. (Romans 12:9) We recognize that the authorities are responsible for addressing such crimes. (Romans 13:1-4) The elders do not shield any perpetrator of child abuse from the authorities.

4. In all cases, victims and their parents have the right to report an accusation of child abuse to the authorities. Therefore, victims, their parents, or anyone else who reports such an accusation to the elders are clearly informed by the elders that they have the right to report the matter to the authorities. Elders do not criticize anyone who chooses to make such a report.—Galatians 6:5.

5. When elders learn of an accusation of child abuse, they immediately consult with the branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses to ensure compliance with child abuse reporting laws. (Romans 13:1) Even if the elders have no legal duty to report an accusation to the authorities, the branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses will instruct the elders to report the matter if a minor is still in danger of abuse or there is some other valid reason. Elders also ensure that the victim’s parents are informed of an accusation of child abuse. If the alleged abuser is one of the victim’s parents, the elders will inform the other parent.

6. Parents have the primary responsibility for the protection, safety, and instruction of their children. Therefore, parents who are members of the congregation are encouraged to be vigilant in exercising their responsibility at all times and to do the following:

• Have direct and active involvement in their children’s lives.

• Educate themselves and their children about child abuse.

• Encourage, promote, and maintain regular communication with their children. —Deuteronomy 6:6, 7; Proverbs 22:3.

Jehovah’s Witnesses publish an abundance of Bible-based information to assist parents to fulfill their responsibility to protect and instruct their children.—See the references at the end of this document.

 7. Congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses do not separate children from their parents for the purpose of instruction or other activities. (Ephesians 6:4) For example, our congregations do not provide or sponsor orphanages, Sunday schools, sports clubs, day-care centers, youth groups, or other activi-ties that separate children from their parents.

8. Elders strive to treat victims of child abuse with compassion, understanding, and kindness. (Colossians 3:12) As spiritual counselors, the elders endeavor to listen carefully and empathetically to victims and to console them. (Proverbs 21:13; Isaiah 32:1, 2; 1 Thessalonians 5:14; James 1:19) Victims and their families may decide to consult a mental-health professional. This is a personal decision.

9. Elders never require victims of child abuse to present their accusation in the presence of the alleged abuser. However, victims who are now adults may do so, if they wish. In addition, victims can be accompanied by a confidant of either gender for moral support when presenting their accusation to the elders. If a victim prefers, the accusation can be submitted in the form of a written statement.

10. Child abuse is a serious sin. If an alleged abuser is a member of the congregation, the elders conduct a Scriptural investigation. This is a purely religious proceeding handled by elders according to Scriptural instructions and is limited to the issue of membership as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. A member of the congregation who is an unrepentant child abuser is expelled from the congregation and is no longer considered one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. (1 Corinthians 5:13) The elders’ handling of an accusation of child abuse is not a replacement for the authorities’ handling of the matter.—Romans 13:1-4.

11. If it is determined that one guilty of child sexual abuse is repentant and will remain in the congregation, restrictions are imposed on the individual’s congregation activities. The individual will be specifically admonished by the elders not to be alone in the company of children, not to cultivate friendships with children, or display any affection for children. In addition, elders will inform parents of minors within the congregation of the need to monitor their children’s interaction with the individ-ual.

12. A person who has engaged in child sexual abuse does not qualify to receive any congregation privileges or to serve in a position of responsibility in the congregation for decades, if ever. —1 Timothy 3:1-7, 10; 5:22; Titus 1:7.

13. This document is available upon request to members of the congregation. It is reviewed at least once every three years.

Source: https://www.jw.org/en/news/legal/legal-resources/information/packet-jw-scripturally-based-position-child-protection/#?insight[search_id]=4022773a-67c8-48a8-ba04-eac2f426147e&insight[search_result_index]=0




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Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that despite this informative document recently made available to download in several languages on the JW website, there is not too much of a mention of it by an

As my grown daughter once said to a "Brother" who was showing her  unwanted "attentions", "If you don't leave me alone my Dad will kill you. Yes, he will go to prison, but YOU will be dead!".

And probably a rather soft launch of it within the organisation as well.

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The thought just occurred to me, that is we as Jehovah's Witnesses become tired of waiting on the Governing Body to straighten out this problem, AND hold those accountable, we can do it OURSELVES.

Report EVERYTHING to the police ... and let them sort it out.

Apparently THEIR system of Truth and Justice works better than ours!

Not perfect ..... just better.

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4 hours ago, Gone Away said:
6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Report EVERYTHING to the police ... and let them sort it out.

At last! A working conscience, despite the ineffective remedy! 


As my grown daughter once said to a "Brother" who was showing her  unwanted "attentions",

"If you don't leave me alone my Dad will kill you. Yes, he will go to prison, but YOU will be dead!".

This man and I had met, and he knew that was true .... and he turned his "attentions" elsewhere.

Sometimes the most complicated interpersonal problems have a simple solution.

... and I am a man who takes spiders outside when I can so as not to harm them.


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4 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

"If you don't leave me alone my Dad will kill you. Yes, he will go to prison, but YOU will be dead!".

My laugh vote is with you, not scorn!

After reading the bbc news account on Lagarie, a hellfire vision subliminally crossed my mind, quickly replaced by non-parachute, low altitude, helicopter jettison over the sea near Gansbaai.

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4 hours ago, AllenSmith34 said:

be confident the Watchtower is doing everything it can to obey the laws of the land and more importantly, obey God's laws.

I would agree with this, as a sentiment.

However what is NOT true is that everything has been done to make members aware of the dangers predatory pedophiles present. More is required.

Also, (and I absolutely affirm this, (not from my own experience but from the experience of others), NOT ENOUGH is being done to help those falsely accused of this disgusting crime. Those I have known in this dire predicament DID NOT know how to handle it.

I think the basic problem revpolves around naivety and incompetence. Spin it as you will. 1Cor.14:20 says: "be babes as to badness". This has been explained as inexperienced and said to be tandem with being "full grown in powers of understanding".  The latter has not always been evident.

I don't care about media trash on this subject. I just know that that my own experience of these matters confirms what I have said. In the main, JWs are "babes" when it comes to this issue. Many have had an "It Can't Happen Here" mentality, still very much in evidence.

We live and (hopefully) we learn.

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On 5/24/2018 at 10:54 PM, Anna said:

Elders do not criticize anyone who chooses to make such a report.

What we can extract from this statement?

That some elders criticize those who made reports?

That some victims and their family was not report crime because of fear of elders criticism?

.....and/or more?

but we see next statement:

On 5/24/2018 at 10:54 PM, Anna said:

The elders’ handling of an accusation of child abuse is not a replacement for the authorities’ handling of the matter.

By this, all cases (past and present) must be made known to authorities. Then Why in USA WT not gave documents to Court when they ask? Or by free will to police?


On 5/24/2018 at 10:54 PM, Anna said:

A member of the congregation who is an unrepentant child abuser is expelled from the congregation and is no longer considered one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.


On 5/24/2018 at 10:54 PM, Anna said:

If it is determined that one guilty of child sexual abuse is repentant and will remain in the congregation

Again, elders and others who know about this crime have to read again this sentence in JW document:    The elders’ handling of an accusation of child abuse is not a replacement for the authorities’ handling of the matter.

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@Anna I know there is a guy by the name of Daniel who is a Jehovah's Witnesses and he had a lot to say about the matter. When I have the time to look up his blog posts I will just list them here for you.

@Srecko Sostar You have Secular Law and Religious Law. Not all the time, if any chance given, such crosses paths with each other.

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