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How JW Elders Remove Apostates From Conventions

Jack Ryan

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Very brave what our Brother did....  A good example to our current  REG. CONVENTION'S  worldwide,  *BE  COURAGEOUS* ?❤️ 

Attendants are schooled in exactly what they can and can't do legally when dealing with disruptive intruders. They may not lay their hands on an intruder when ousting him, but force may be used when i

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How JW Elders Remove Apostates From Conventions...   (2018)

Probably got off quite lightly considering!

1975 Yearbook reports regarding on hecklers attempting to disrupt the Madison Square Garden Convention, June 23-25, 1939. 

"Jehovah’s servants learned that Catholic Action groups planned to prevent the public meeting on June 25. So, God’s people were ready for trouble. Blosco Muscariello tells us: “Like Nehemiah raising the wall of Jerusalem and supplying his men with both instruments to build and instruments to fight(Neh. 4:15-22), we were so armed. . . . Some of us young men received special instructions as ushers. Each was supplied with a sturdy cane to be used in the event of any interference during the main talk.....

C. H. Lyon tells us: “The attendants did their work well. A couple of the more obstreperous Coughlinites were rapped on the head with a cane, and all of them were unceremoniously hurled down the ramps and out of the auditorium.One of the Coughlinites rated some publicity in a daily tabloid the next morning, as they printed a picture of him with his head wrapped, as with a turban.”

Three Witness ushers were arrested and charged with “assault.” They were tried before three judges (two Roman Catholics and a Jew) of the Special Sessions Court of the City of New York on October 23 and 24, 1939. In court it was shown that the attendants had gone into the section of Madison Square Garden where the disturbance broke out in order to remove the disturbers. When the rioters attacked the ushers, they resisted and dealt firmly with some of the radical group. Witnesses for the prosecution made many contradictory statements. Not only did the court acquit the three ushers. It also found that the Witness attendants had acted within their rights."

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Attendants are schooled in exactly what they can and can't do legally when dealing with disruptive intruders. They may not lay their hands on an intruder when ousting him, but force may be used when it comes to self protection. These are the rules now, obviously was different in the 30's. We had an intruder in our hall a few months back and the brothers pretty much dealt with him the same way as the video. Once they got him outside one brother said firmly "and don't come back" to which the intruder replied moping "now that's not very Christian is it?" lol. They then locked the front door.

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I agree that anyone disrupting the meetings in any way should be escorted to a public area ... but be VERY CAREFUL and know for a CERTAINTY what is and is not a public area ... as if you IMPEDE someone in a public area from going ANYWHERE they want to go... in a public area ... it is FALSE IMPRISONMENT!   

Keeping someone in one place against their will is the same as KIDNAPPING, except that you have probably not crossed a State line.

It is called "abduction".

I think you can probably understand that if you are truly being illegally imprisoned by a cordon of good intentioned Elders, you are STILL being illegally imprisoned ... and the normal male response .. at least mine is ... is to respond with DEADLY FORCE to break that false imprisonment.

If the man in the video was truly escorted to a public area, as he seems to think he was ... and the Elders did not further push him away from the Assembly Venue, which means to me that they ALSO thought he was in a public area ... they are at potential great personal risk for falsely keeping this guy from walking up and down the sidewalk as he sees fit.

and, the ELDERS would be in the WRONG ... for falsely imprisoning him.

At the very least he could sue the Tight Pants off of the Elders, the Assembly, and the Society for violations of his firmly established civil rights.

More $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Worst case scenario is a sidewalk full of blood and corpses, and global headlines. 

Once when the guy is arrested for killing the Elders... and again .... after he is exonerated, for acting in self defense.


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