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JW Convention 2018 Final Video - English Version

Jack Ryan

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Yes. That's the point. Things like this can literally happen, and have literally happened in the past right up to the point of the miraculous divine intervention. In the past such things have hap

This has been discussed before somewhere and you know what my feelings are on this and I've probably mentioned this already but this is a good post to mention it again; the argument seems to be that t

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6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Question is:  How is possible that one JW  group died in Armageddon and in the same time other JW group is saved from same "enemy" in same global collapse called Armageddon ? 

The scene appears to be a weak representation of the attack of Gog and Magog on the “holy ones”/”saints”  (anointed).   

From Wt 13/11/15 pp. 16-20
“The prophecy about seven shepherds and eight dukes has its major fulfillment in our day. The citizens of ancient Jerusalem were attacked by the Assyrians. IN THE NEAR FUTURE, Jehovah’s apparently vulnerable people will come under attack from the modern-day “Assyrian,” WHOSE INTENT WILL BE TO WIPE THEM OUT. (caps are mine) The Scriptures refer to that attack as well as the attack of ‘Gog of Magog,’ the attack of “the king of the north,” and the attack of “the kings of the earth.” (Ezek. 38:2, 10-13; Dan. 11:40, 44, 45; Rev. 17:14; 19:19) Do these represent separate attacks? Not necessarily. The Bible could be referring to the same attack under different names.”

It appears Watchtower deliberately left out Rev 20:7-10 in this paragraph concerning this attack of Gog and Magog. 

Here’s why:

Wt 15/5/15 “We are told that AT THE END OF THE 1,000 YEARS, Satan will be released from the abyss, and “he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war.”



Sounds like deceit in the making. 

Rev 20:7-10 - Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive (with lies) the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea. They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them. 10 The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” 

Once Armageddon is finished, Satan is finished. 

Ps 110:1,2 - The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
The Lord shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion.
Rule in the midst of Your enemies!

There are no enemies in Watchtower’s peaceful thousand-year kingdom after Armageddon. But there are now. And Gog and Magog certainly cannot make two appearances; one at Armageddon and a thousand years later.   

“ But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. 23 But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ’s at His coming.  Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. 25 For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet26 The last enemy that will be destroyed is death. 27 For “He has put all things under His feet.” But when He says “all things are put under Him,” it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted.”  1 Cor 15:20-28

Paul is stating that the active reign of Christ began in the first century, leaving 1914 hanging on nothing.  Watchtower has a way of taking scripture and twisting it as they like, to deceive and surround the "saints" and companions, with lies.  

And He said: “Take heed that you not be deceived. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He,’ and, ‘The time has drawn near.’ Therefore do not go after them."  Luke 21:8





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Personally I thought it was a very well made video. It was nice to include Phelicity Sneesby, the young girl from Australia who died shorty after the video "Jehovah is more powerful than my health problem" was shown. She appears in the "courageous" video to the words of "Lasting harm can never hold me—No prison, gate, or grave".

For those who have been following the last few conventions the video will have more meaning because they will recognize the characters from some of the previous stories.

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1 hour ago, Anna said:

Personally I thought it was a very well made video. I

I can see how you might say that, but what scriptures are used to back up the scene?  Isn't the whole point to learn what the Bible actually says?  Are they just being dramatic without sound reason for doing so, to touch the hearts of the audience who will walk away with not one shred of biblical evidence to support what they saw? 

 It is all a fabrication.

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10 minutes ago, Witness said:

I can see how you might say that, but what scriptures are used to back up the scene?  Isn't the whole point to learn what the Bible actually says?  Are they just being dramatic without sound reason for doing so, to touch the hearts of the audience who will walk away with not one shred of biblical evidence to support what they saw? 

 It is all a fabrication.

It's no more a fabrication than an artist's impression of paradise. I don't think the point was to depict "exactly" how things will transpire because no one knows for sure. The objective was to inspire courage to stand up for what one believes is right. That's what the audience walked away with I would hope.  It was based on Biblical experiences of God's people in the past such as Joshua, Hezekiah and others where God defeated enemies on their behalf.

For our present day Luke 21:27 is quite applicable: "And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. But as these things start to occur, stand up straight and lift up your heads, because your deliverance is getting near.” 

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On 8/25/2018 at 12:36 PM, Witness said:

The battle doesn’t take on a physical form with the world’s military armies in the symbolic book of Revelation, but depicts how the rider on the white horse, called “Faithful and True”, defeats the Beast who received “spirit” from the false prophet - all to deceive Christ’s servants…with lies, since that is the weapon false prophets use. 

All spiritual battles must manifest themselves in a physical way eventually.

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16 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I noticed that this little JW group assembled in the field because they obviously received some "instruction" to go there and wait. They were been warned in advance what they can expect and what would be the outcome. Because that they are calm, not panic at all. This scene support WT articles about receiving "instructions" that must be obeyed in Armageddon.     

Yes. That's the point. Things like this can literally happen, and have literally happened in the past right up to the point of the miraculous divine intervention.

In the past such things have happened even to peaceful secular groups who are perceived as being a threat to totalitarian and imperial states. Even if NOT exactly like what will happen during the great tribulation and Armageddon, it still creates a picture of the divine intervention that can be seen in a symbolic way that all Christians should experience when facing death for a righteous cause. Stephen's faith, for example, may have allowed him to see such a vision of divine intervention just prior to being stoned to death. Long prior to Armageddon, in the first three centuries of Christianity, perhaps hundreds of thousands faced death in such a manner in arenas, by mobs, by trial and execution, on stakes and crosses, by wild beasts, by fire, etc. Those true Christians in the past can still experience what is perhaps similar imagery in their very next conscious moments after their death, at the time of their resurrection. This imagery in the video should help produce a reason to feel the same courage in a potentially near future time when that same imagery may happen literally just prior to divine intervention. 

So all this part of the video, and even the video itself is well done and should have a good effect on our courage.

But you hit upon a major theme of the video, even if it was not very overt. It's also about being obedient to men. This could end up making people associate salvation with obedience to humans. I'm sure that @Witness might have mentioned this before somewhere else, but the very article quoted above by "Witness" about Gog and Magog is the article that you quoted from earlier in this topic:

*** ws13 11/15 p. 20 pars. 16-17 Seven Shepherds, Eight Dukes—What They Mean for Us Today *** [Simplified Watchtower]

  • The Bible says that this army is made up of “seven shepherds” and “eight dukes,” or princes. (Micah 5:5) Who are they? They are the congregation elders. (1 Peter 5:2) Today, Jehovah is using many faithful elders to shepherd and to strengthen his people for the future attack of “the Assyrian.” (See footnote.) . . .  (3) At that time, the direction that you receive from Jehovah’s organization may seem strange or unusual. But all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether we agree with them or not, because obeying these instructions will save our lives.

*** w13 11/15 p. 20 par. 17 Seven Shepherds, Eight Dukes—What They Mean for Us Today ***

  • (3) At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.

It's just my personal opinion, of course, but this is where I see a danger. We are telling people who expect to be surrounded by doubt and fear [the first words of the song in the video] to remember that for salvation they must be ready to obey instructions they hear through the elders that might sound strange and not make any sense "from a human standpoint." In other words, we are to accept and obey the instructions from humans as if they are from something greater than just a human standpoint.

Notice that the simplified Watchtower version comes out and just plainly states that our salvation depends upon obeying strange and unusual direction from elders through the organization: salvation by obedience to men. Did we forget?

  • (Psalm 146:3)  3 Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs [who cannot bring salvation, NWT Revised].

Calling them nobles, princes, or dukes, doesn't make a difference;  they are still sons of earthling man, humans. The idea above subverts the scripture.





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36 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

Calling them nobles, princes, or dukes, doesn't make a difference;  they are still sons of earthling man, humans. The idea above subverts the scripture.

Yes, it does.

Also it subverts plain old common sense ... which seems to be completely nonexistent.

It could only be worse if all those Brothers and Sisters in the video were ordered out into the middle of an open field by the GB or Elders, to be murdered by the mysterious  black suited boogymen, had been told to take shovels with them, and dig their own graves, prior to being attacked.

Jehovah and his armies are seen preparing to slaughter those about to slaughter the Brothers and Sisters, but there is NO evidence that during the years of terror in Germany and Nazi occupied lands, that Jehovah saved a single person, or interfered with any side of the conflict, and approximately 10,000 Brothers and Sisters were murdered by the Nazis.

There is NO evidence that God is in any way interfering with what is going on in the Russian Federation, today.

Not individually.

Not as a group.

Please correct me if I have missed a material fact.

Remember facts?


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39 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

approximately 10,000 Brothers and Sisters were murdered by the Nazis.

We stopped using that number in the 1970s. The jw.org site has a better approximation now:


  • About 1,500 of Jehovah’s Witnesses died during the time of the Holocaust, out of some 35,000 Witnesses living in Germany and Nazi-occupied countries. The cause of death is not known in all cases. Since research is ongoing, figures and other details may be updated in time.
  • Executions: Close to 400 Witnesses were executed in Germany and in Nazi-occupied countries. Most victims were tried in court, sentenced to death, and beheaded. Others were shot or hanged without a formal court hearing.
  • Severe detention conditions: More than 1,000 Witnesses died in Nazi concentration camps and prisons. They were worked to death or died as a result of torture, starvation, exposure to cold, illness, or poor medical care. As a result of the brutal treatment, others died shortly after their liberation at the end of World War II.
  • Other causes: Some Witnesses were killed in gas chambers, subjected to deadly medical experiments, or given lethal injections.

The last group under "other causes" could have been as many as 100 Witnesses. Further study on this shows that many of those deaths we might still be counting as "Jehovah's Witnesses" were actually "Bible Students" who were either still one of the other factions of "Russellites" or who had returned to "Bible Students" associations after certain issues they had with J.Rutherford especially after 1927 and after 1933.

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