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JW Convention 2018 Final Video - English Version

Jack Ryan

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Yes. That's the point. Things like this can literally happen, and have literally happened in the past right up to the point of the miraculous divine intervention. In the past such things have hap

This has been discussed before somewhere and you know what my feelings are on this and I've probably mentioned this already but this is a good post to mention it again; the argument seems to be that t

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27 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

not know personally

even when I know someone personally

everyone online is a liar

open with that assumption

sometimes I have my doubts about you

.... or similar quotes, no matter who said it, it is in general use, and not originated by Mr TTH.

These are ordinary enough expressions that it is hardly to be expected that they are original. Still, the only one not (to me) when I posted it was: sometimes I have my doubts about you.

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4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

The only concern is Gangstalking being a possibility, who target people of race, sex, nationality, color, religion, faith,...so it would not be a surprise if such ones somehow enter into or end up near these assemblies this faith group, so vigilance is key in such situations as well as awareness.

The enemies of Jehovah’s Witnesses have succeeded in doing what they could never have done alone, putting the Cause before the world. Russia persecution triggers international sympathy. Shunning and child abuse cover-up allegations trigger international frowning. All three are diluted by the fact that there are endless atrocities today to compete for people’s limited attention.

Cover-up allegations and shunning complaints are bad. Invariably they are exaggerated, such as people are wont to do, but they are seldom manufactured. Countering the bad press will be the good things that Jehovah’s Witnesses have to offer, never mentioned by opposers.

A recent development of the Witness organization is self-guided, online Bible study lessons at their website, addressing such age-old questions as ‘Why does God permit suffering?’ ‘What happens when we die?’ and ‘Is there realistic hope for the future?’ Is it only opponents that can use the web? People want such answers. Someone says (pityingly) in a video that Witnesses ‘crave certainty.’ Isn’t that a big ‘Duh’? Anyone here enjoy playing Russian Roulette with their finances or health? The more certainty we can lay hold of the better.

Bible answers are Jehovah’s Witnesses’ strong suit. Christians are directed in the Bible to stay separate from the greater world, as they offer it a helping hand. Anything with an upside will have a downside. The downside zeroed in on exclusively in some venues is real, but it does not negate the upside. Therefore it depends upon where is your focus. ‘Bible education’ is the overall goal of the Witness organization, ‘preaching the good news,’ As the online study sessions demonstrate, with only some exaggeration, if push comes to shove, the essential components of the Witnesses’ work can be run out a server in someone’s dorm room.

Meanwhile, going atheist holds some attraction, mostly escaping anyone who would tell you what to do, as though one does not simply put themselves under the ‘control’ of other deep-pocketed parties telling you what to do, be it Trump, Soros, the Russians, Big Defense, Big Pharma, pro or anti climate change with the enormous economic and lifestyle consequences both bring. Atheism will appeal to some, but never all. The yeartext presumably atheists agree upon is: “Sh*t happens. Get used to it. Maybe we can elect the right politicians to fix it.” How’s that project going, anyway?

No, that yeartext will just not cut it for everyone. Better to run something like "Be Courageous"

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2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

But I was rather surprised to see that picture of you with the King of Siam when I looked you up on the Internet. 

I won't say what I found when I looked you up

The truth is some on here know me better than others and vice versa, right @TrueTomHarley ? Hehee heee :))))

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@JW Insider It was regarding his Glasgow comment from a while back of which he put forth before, only after doing some research I see the errors and made the response, even not yielding upon assumption. He quickly deleted both comments from Dec. 2017 and Jul. 2018, in the same thread he used a registry and or census via link to make proof of an owned business, location being Australia if I remember correctly, when actually seeing the link itself we do not see any proof of an owned business or corporation, just a listed non-profit and nothing more, granted such websites that have a registry of this kind have a list of institutions and other things. Not sure but you had a bit of a presence on this thread too from a while back. The deleted item linked was done immediately on Sostar's part when the research have been made, for if it was not for the research my response would have been different. As for the video that came from the now deleted 2017 post by him, it can still be found on YouTube of which it paints the faith as being part of the world and or sponsoring a sporting event or banking on it for that matter, when in reality, they simply rented out the Hydro venue weeks after the sporting event.

Some of us may be quick to assume things and or say something and later do the research if need be, but it was and never is the case with this man, as to wherever and anywhere he is seen.

@TrueTomHarley The thing is we have a big enemy, an enemy people are not paying attention to, and it is only drawing in more converts, all one can do is avoid such, be vigilant and be aware, and be very very careful. There are some things I have to further do research on to find more information, some of which even overwrites what I already know, but the more you go deeper into these things, the more you want to seek. Another problem for me, as do some, most sources I rely on have gotten axe'd since the whole Alex Jones thing and it is not that easy as it use to be to seek out clear information as of late.

That being said, I had been recommend a small source of which I am getting use to for some days now regarding things in the EU, especially Russia.

Other than that, after what went down for my people, I, as do others, tend to be a bit paranoid at times.

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On 8/29/2018 at 6:41 PM, JW Insider said:

what was that about?

  On 7/18/2018 at 8:33 PM, Space Merchant said:

Can you prove it instead of making claim? Literally we are part of the world, but when it comes to the world, but Spiritually, should you accept, we are not part of the world at all.

Mr JW  Insider this down is my comment in full version as respond to Space Merchant. Judge by yourself what is it. All of us as private or legal persons/entities have NUMBER. And that is what i try to show  to SM. Who gave us number? For what purpose? For what sort of work?

About Glasgow video. Yes that was my mistake. I was relied to much on those who put that video, not in full length. Second problem is my English and to not listen more carefully. Mea culpa with smile! :)) Would somebody stoned me because it? People on responsible positions in WT making many and much more worst  errors on global level for at least 8 000 000 people. How many looked my deleted post? And with what response, with what consequences for their life? Thanks for reading this! 


So you are JW who spiritually is not part of this world? That is nice.

I will provide links from Australian government site about Australian Branch. Only to illustrate, the same is around the world. Watchtower have Identity number and in this case it is Charity ABN 42002861225 (ABN is Australian Business Number), and they have additional business name - "Watchtower Travel".  Travel Company? :)))))




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7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Mr JW  Insider this down is my comment in full version as respond to Space Merchant. Judge by yourself what is it. All of us as private or legal persons/entities have NUMBER. And that is what i try to show  to SM. Who gave us number? For what purpose? For what sort of work?

As in who gave us the number, the website of which you listed states it very clearly, the links for your website states the following (I'll link you the glossary on the final part):


Business name(s)

The national business names registration service has replaced state and territory services, meaning you only need to register your business name once with a single national register.

The new service commenced on 28 May 2012 and is managed and administered by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC).

If your business does not operate under your own entity name (e.g. GLM Pty Limited or Jane Smith), you will need a registered business name.

To apply for a registered business name you will need to have (or be in the process of applying for) an Australian business number (ABN). This is to assist with the identification of the entity behind a business name.

If you have registered a new business name with ASIC after 28 May 2012, ASIC will automatically update the ABR and ABN Lookup with this information.

To register for, update or cancel a business name, you will need to go to the ASIC website External site.


7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

About Glasgow video. Yes that was my mistake. I was relied to much on those who put that video, not in full length. Second problem is my English and to not listen more carefully. Mea culpa with smile! :)) Would somebody stoned me because it?

You didn't rely on the video because the video in question even tells you of who will come to Glasgow and the venues of which they will reside in, the video's title, of which you relied on states the following:

The December 2017 (December 9, 2017) comment made by you was of your own design, not of anyone else, for their concern is being part of the world or not, you took it a step further by stating the following: JWorg attracted thousands of people and millions of pounds to Scotland on XX Commonwealth Games, Glasgow 2014.

When this thread existed, it only pointed back to one source when goggle searched: Srecko Sostar.

You also went on to say the following: 

video reveal JWorg in sport and business events, Glasgow 2014. OR UK TV news  REPORTERS WERE LIE? Among some Scottish Products :))) is JWorg. How many JW rank and files surfed on you-tube, in 2014 and after, to find out what was been actual in 2014, and be in time with activities of their religion? ~ Sostar

If anyone looks at that video, they themselves can clearly see this was not the case, not even outlandish sources would make that remark either and this was pointed out by you and only you when the video gave a clue of something entirely different. Mind you, as I said before, everyone else' concern was those being part of the world or not, hence why some of the comments were deleted by the poster, but no one made claim to what you have stated, not even part of it alludes to such of what you stated.

The other thread you deleted, in connection to this in discussion, you even stated that the JWs were running a business this way, this was prior to when you deleted everything as of July 18th, 2018.

Indeed this was a mistake, but what was added into the mix was of your design, no one else, be it members of the faith, disgruntled ones, and or other.

I mean everyone makes error, even me, but going this far is silly.

7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

?People on responsible positions in WT making many and much more worst  errors on global level for at least 8 000 000 people. How many looked my deleted post? And with what response, with what consequences for their life? Thanks for reading this! 

You'd be surprised when your information was passed on. Let's just say an Arab had a few words to say on this matter, and people do read into things, and also tend to connect it with something and or someone.

Everyone is aware, regardless of their faith and or background, that the venue was of used 2 weeks after the sporting event, I mean, the Hydro SSE is quite the spectacular venue, who could miss that when it is the talk of the ton to some?

Everyone makes errors, even JWs, for a I told you before, we are all imperfect and it is the price of which we pay, for there is good and there is bad, something of which you took issue with before also.

7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

So you are JW who spiritually is not part of this world? That is nice.

I will provide links from Australian government site about Australian Branch. Only to illustrate, the same is around the world. Watchtower have Identity number and in this case it is Charity ABN 42002861225 (ABN is Australian Business Number), and they have additional business name - "Watchtower Travel".  Travel Company? :)))))




Here is the Link of which I had mentioned, therefore, understanding is of importance: https://abr.business.gov.au/Help/Glossary


If the Awesome Church is registered as a Business Name/Number, it does not make them a legitimate business (and lord and behold, it can be looked up and found, even though I do not take kindly to Trinitarians, their ABN can be found and is in connection with a legitimate source), just another religious institution, the same case can be made of any of whom is of religious position and or non-profit.

No one is asking to stone you, they are merely asking you to read into things, for yes we do make errors, but to continue to make error upon error upon error and using said error only shows you, be it corrected or not, do not take the time to read into things. I myself tend to jump to conclusion on things, mainly when someone says something that does not bode well with me or something else, but at least, later on I try to learn something. You must do the same also otherwise one can accept what Gone Away have stated of your words, flawed.

That being said, that is all that will be said of you and the other things speak for itself, like you having yet to show me the truth of Chloe elsewhere. But will leave it at that because  because you expect so-and-so to save you for a second time, it won't happen here, nor ever again, hence why I am more aware of how you tend to do things.

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To both @Srecko Sostar and @Space Merchant

Thanks for the clarification, both of you, and I didn't mean to get you to rehash this same conversation. I remember this particular one, although I didn't take so much of an interest in it because it seemed that Srecko Sostar had made some gullibility mistakes and Space Merchant had correctly pointed that out. I thought that might be the thread you were speaking about. But when you, Space Merchant, had worded what you said about a certain one of his December 2017 claims being forever immortalized, I thought I had missed a followup thread or some of the posts from that thread that had perhaps been deleted, as you said. I was interested because you made it sound as if it were much more sinister of a problem than I had recalled. I remember the excellent research you put into that rebuttal for both Witness and Srecko. But I understand where you are coming from, and I understand that Srecko has learned something from you. I had never looked into some of the information you provided there, Space Merchant, and I appreciated it, too. I personally had looked at "Six Screens of the Watchtower" a couple times, a couple years ago, and thought it was one of the worst of the anti-JW sites for its lack of accuracy. What a waste of time.

Just an aside, but when a person sees he has made a mistake, no longer believes fully in a specific point he has made, and he or she removes the mistaken, confusing post for that reason, I think this can be the right course of action.

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@JW Insider No worries and thanks. I said what I said because I know if I had never saved that information, not knowing he will delete his current and a year old post on Glasgow, he would say something entirely different, for I had only saved it to make note of what to research on, only to find out Sostar deleted both post at the same time.

But this is common on some forums, for someone will say something, then deleted it afterwards when people see it, and when it is brought up again, the original poster will speak negatively and act as if his own words do not belong to him, but when one have a snippet of what is deleted and or in full, the tables turn quickly and what is said remains on whatever forum in question for as long as the forum exist, which is the case here. So if anyone, even guests, who want to see the whole Glasgow thing, they see it there, should anyone opposite to them take what Sostar had said with seriousness, the actual information is there that says otherwise.

But yes, everyone makes mistaken, even me, for I tend to dwell on things with minor paranoia, other times, when dealing with oneness and Trinity believers I tend to get irritated and often go overboard only to correct myself after, mainly when I do not have my research notes with me, when I forget something that becomes an issue. But in Sostar's case, he is just a different case entirety.

But yes, some people learn things, some people have a hard time learning, while others do not learn at all.

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