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Another Watchtower "Temple" Progressing Well?


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Quote:  “WeÂ’ve considered some 300 different locations.  Finally, we found a suitable area near Chelmsford in Essex.  This property is presently known as “TEMPLE Farms”. 

“As you can see, the Britain Branch relocation project is progressing well.  Just like theocratic construction projects in Bible times, and more recently.  We’re CONFIDENT that Jehovah will continue to bless this project…”

The JW reads Luke 14:29, but let’s include the scriptures before and after –

Now as Jesus proceeded on his journey, great crowds accompanied him, and he turned and spoke to them, “If anyone comes to me without ‘hating’ his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be a disciple of mine. The man who will not take up his cross (“figuratively, exposure to death, i.e. self-denial”)   and follow in my footsteps cannot be my disciple.

28-30 “If any of you wanted to build a tower, wouldn’t he first sit down and work out the cost of it, to see if he can afford to finish it? Otherwise, when he has laid the foundation and found himself unable to complete the building, everyone who sees it will begin to jeer at him, saying, ‘This is the man who started to build a tower but couldn’t finish it!’

31-33 “Or, suppose there is a king who is going to war with another king, doesn’t he sit down first and consider whether he can engage the twenty thousand of the other king with his own ten thousand? And if he decides he can’t, then, while the other king is still a long way off, he sends messengers to him to ask for conditions of peace. So it is with you; only the man who says goodbye to all his possessions can be my disciple.

It is true, this video is mocking the organization for their empty promises touted as “blessings from Jehovah”, although this “tower” the organization is attempting to finish despite having financial difficulties, mocks God’s true spiritual “House”. 1 Pet 2:5; 1 Cor 3:16,17; 2 Cor 6:16; Eph 2:20-22; Rev 13:1,5,6 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Pet+2%3A5%3B+1+Cor+3%3A16%2C17%3B+2+Cor+6%3A16%3B+Eph+2%3A20-22%3B+Rev+13%3A1%2C5%2C6+&version=NKJV

In the foregoing scriptures is Jesus talking about building physical empires, or is he speaking of the cost and consequences of following him?  Are the leaders of the Wt., who delegate this pagan building endeavor, true disciples of Christ?  No.  1 John 2:19; Jude 1:12,13; Matt 7:18,20; Rev 8:10,11 They are attached to their ever-increasing pagan idols, and desire your money, JWs, to keep financing their “towers”.  Jer 22:13-17; Isa 5:8,9    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+John+2%3A19%3B+Jude+1%3A12%2C13%3B+Matt+7%3A18%2C20%3B+Rev+8%3A10%2C11%3B+Jer+22%3A13-17%3B+Isa+5%3A8%2C9+&version=NKJV

The “theocratic construction projects” in Bible times were the building of temples, which God blessed with his Holy Spirit. 2 Chron 7:1    Within these early temples, a sanctioned priesthood offered holy sacrifices – burnt offerings, grain, sin, peace, thank, gift and trespass offerings - each one significant in being fulfilled once and for all, by Christ. Col 2:14; Heb 8:1,2  What sort of sacrifices are performed in the Watchtower ‘temples’, and to whom? They are all unholy, pagan sacrifices offered by “slaves” to “Jehovah’s organization”.  Rom 6:16  And who acts as “temple” priests?  An unanointed elder body.  Rev 13:1,2,4, 11,14-18; 2 Thess 2:3,4   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Chron+7%3A1%3B+Col+2%3A14%3B+Heb+8%3A1%2C2%3B+Rom+6%3A16%3B++Rev+13%3A1%2C2%2C4%2C+11%2C14-18%3B+2+Thess+2%3A3%2C4+&version=NKJV

If today there are to be, spiritual sacrifices to be offered by an appointed priesthood, is there a need for a PHYSICAL temple?   The only Temple sanctioned by God, is built on Christ, the foundation cornerstone of the SPIRITUAL Temple, comprised of “living stones”, who are the anointed in Christ. 1 Cor 3:16,17



Can you discern that the CORNERSTONE of God’s true Temple has been rejected by your leaders, JWs, and is replaced with an idol? 1 Pet 2:6-8 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Pet+2%3A6-8&version=NKJV

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.  But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”  Matt 7:24-27

God does not accept the variety of physical temples including “Bethel”, as well as a spiritual temple/Zion which the Watchtower claims is both an earthly and heavenly “organization”.   This is the 360-degree illusion the Wt. has created.   What Temple isn’t mentioned by your leaders and which has lost significance in the JW mind? It is Watchtower’s hidden target for “trampling” - the Temple/holy priesthood belonging to the Father under the “woman” covenant.  Matt 24:15; Dan 8:11; Rev 13:6,7; Gal 4:26; Rev 12:1,13  More praise is given to what man’s hands have built and the image it portrays, than God’s invisible building within the anointed. 1 Cor 3:9  As a result, “Jehovah’s” awe-inspiring “spirit-directed organization” is easily accepted and revered.  Rev 13:4  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+24%3A15%3B+Dan+8%3A11%3B+Rev+13%3A6%2C7%3B+Gal+4%3A26%3B+Rev+12%3A1%2C13%3B1+Cor+3%3A9%3B+Rev+13%3A4++&version=NKJV

Jesus said, only the man who says goodbye to all his possessions can be my disciple.  He mentioned what that encompasses, in Luke 14:26, what we must “hate”, “disregard”, “love less”.  When we see the Watchtower for the idol it is, and reject it to serve the Father and Christ, we have calculated the cost of following Christ.  We know we can lose our family members and the life we once had in the organization.

“Then he called his disciples and the people around him, and said to them, “If anyone wants to follow in my footsteps, he must give up all right to himself, take up his cross and follow me. The man who tries to save his life will lose it; it is the man who loses his life for my sake and the Gospel’s who will save it. What good can it do a man to gain the whole world at the price of his own soul? What can a man offer to buy back his soul once he has lost it? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this unfaithful and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in the Father’s glory with the holy angels around him.”   Mark 8:34-38

 Jesus said, “I can guarantee this truth: Anyone who gave up his home, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children, or fields because of me and the Good News will certainly receive a hundred times as much here in this life. They will certainly receive homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields, along with persecutions. But in the world to come they will receive eternal life.”  Mark 10:29-30

JWs, you know the law covenant and its sacrifices are fulfilled in CHRIST. Acts 13:23,32; Gal 3:16; Heb 8:3-6  His body replaced the physical temple of worship. John 4:24; 2:19-22; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 4:15  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts13%3A23%2C32%3B+Gal.3%3A16%3B+Heb+8%3A3-6%3B+John+4%3A24%3B+2%3A19-22%3B+1+Cor+3%3A16%2C17%3B+Eph+4%3A15+&version=NKJV

There isn’t a new “covenant” God decreed with the Watchtower organization and its many slanted definitions of “temple”; but with His anointed priesthood/”living stones”/firstfruits; who, through the sacrificial offering of their lives and Witness to Truth, become sealed into the Temple of God.  Lev 10:11; Mal 2:7; Num 8:18,19; 1 Cor 15:23; James 1:18; Heb 8:1,2; 12:22-24   Their actions of faithfulness lead to the “healing of the nations”.  Rom 8:19-22; Rev 22:1,2  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Lev+10%3A11%3B+Mal+2%3A7%3B+Num+8%3A18%2C19%3B+1+Cor+15%3A23%3B+James+1%3A18%3B+Heb+8%3A1%2C2%3B+12%3A22-24%3BRom+8%3A19-22%3B+Rev+22%3A1%2C2&version=NKJV

About priestly sacrifices, Pearl Doxsey comments:

“Animal sacrifices ended for God's new Nation, with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Rom.10:4; 1Cor.5:7; Heb.10:10; 9:12,13,14,15)
The New Covenant involves new sacrifices from it's members (Hosea6:6; Heb.13:15; Rev.6:9; Eph.5:2; Psalm141:2; Rev.5:8; 8:4; Rom.12:1;Phil.2:17). For those in the New Covenant, there is a new sacrifice of life, and new gift offering.
When Daniel mentions the end of the daily sacrifice (Daniel12:11; Rev.6:9; Rom.6:3; Psalm51:17), it also referred to the "gift offering" (Dan.9:27  "he shall cause the zevach [sacrifice] and the minchah [gift offering] to cease) Heb.13:15. [I believe this is the same period when there is a "half-hour" of "silence in heaven" (Rev.8:1; Job.12:19,20; Lam.2:10; Amos8:2,3; Isa.42:14; Rev.12:2)]. I believe this to be the period while Satan is successful in "trampling the Holy Place" (Dan.8:13Rev.11:2) into a condition of sleep and inebriation (Matt.25:1,5; 5:13; Jer.51:7;Rev.18:3), through the lying signs and portents of the Wild Beast (2Thess.2:3,4,9; Rev.12:15; 16:13,14,15; 13:11,13,14; Matt.24:24; Col.2:8). This is when the "gift offering" being offered by the anointed "priests", ceases (1Pet.2:5; Rom.15:16; 1Tim.4:16; 2Pet.1:8; Col.1:10).”   (4womaninthewilderness)

When are the thanksgiving and gift offerings resumed by today’s priesthood?  In Hezekiah’s day, it was when the temple doors were reopened, and when the process of consecrating the temple and priests was finished.  2 Chron 29:15-17  Now, it is during this Marriage Feast, that Temple members who have realized Christ as their Head resulting in their “death” at the hands of the Beast/organization, and are cleansed of all Wt. lies.  Rev 11:1-4,7,8; 13:15-17; 3:18-20; Mal 3:1-5 They can then present their spiritual offerings acceptable before the Lord.  1 Pet 2:5; Heb 13:15  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Chron+29%3A15-17%3B+Rev+11%3A1-4%2C7%2C8%3B+13%3A15-17%3B+3%3A18-20%3B+Mal+3%3A1-5%3B+1+Pet+2%3A5%3B+Heb+13%3A15&version=NKJV

On the other hand, the Harlot/governing body will have her “exposure to “death”, but not as a result of turning to Christ.  She will be brought down by the organization she presently relishes.  Rev 13:11,12; 17:12,13,15-18  



"YHWHÂ’s name is a strong tower:
    the righteous run to Him, and are safe."

We know that scripture like the back of our hand, but keep reading:

 The rich man’s wealth is his strong city,
    like an unscalable wall in his own imagination.

Before destruction the heart of man is proud,
    but before honor is humility."

Ps 18:10-12





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