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Gerrit Loesch Condemns the UN in Hong Kong (clip)

Jack Ryan

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I admit, I didn’t read what you so laboriously wrote; because, it really doesn’t matter.  When the Watchtower was caught as an NGO member in the US, they blushed, made excuses and quickly removed thei

Two documents to consider. JWfacts breaks down the event quite thoroughly, including how #1 was implemented through the literature; while also providing examples of WT linking the UN with Revelat

How and where was this information from @Witness debunked? I thought that some of the claims had been exaggerated, but this was just my opinion. I also saw an attempt to debunk these claims that was l

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I was under the mistaken opinion that the Isaiah 2 quote had been removed somehow (my ignorance).  So, after doing a little digging, I came up with this quote, which tells me the U.N. never was involved “with putting that text in big letters on that wall”.

“The complex is also notable for its gardens and outdoor sculptures. Iconic sculptures include the "Knotted Gun", called Non-Violence, a statue of a Colt Python revolver with its barrel tied in a knot, which was a gift from the Luxembourg government and "Let Us Beat Swords into Plowshares” ", a gift from the Soviet UnionThe latter sculpture is the only appearance of the "swords into plowshares" quotation, from Isaiah 2:4, within the complex. Contrary to popular belief, the quotation is not carved on any UN building. Rather, it is carved on the "Isaiah Wall" of Ralph Bunche Park across First Avenue.

Ralph Bunche Park is a small municipal public park in the Turtle Bay neighborhood of New York City, on First Avenue between 42nd and 43rd Streets.. It was named in 1979 for Ralph Bunche, the first African-American to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

The park is across First Avenue from the United Nations headquarters. (This stretch of First Avenue is also known as "United Nations Plaza".)

It was built and dedicated in 1948 during construction of the U.N. headquarters and has the famous quotation from Isaiah 2:4: "They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more" incised into its wall. Known as the Isaiah Wall, it was rededicated in 1975 and had the name "Isaiah" added under the final word.

Because of its proximity to the United Nations, the peace theme of the Isaiah Wall and Peace Form One, and Bunche's career as a peacemaker, the park is a popular site for demonstrations and rallies concerning peace and other international issues. In 1985 the park was dedicated as New York City's first Peace Park

Loesch:  “Before true peace and security will come to the earth…there will be a time when people will think they have achieved it, but they will be in error”.

What people would that be, really? 

’For the law will go out of Zion, heavenly Zion today, and the word of Jehovah out of Jerusalem.  And then in verse 4 it says that they will beat their swords into plowshares their spears into pruning shears, nation will not lift up sword against nation nor will they learn war anymore.’”  Well, wonderful prophesy.  When will this prophesy be fulfilled? 

 ***It’s been already fulfilled in Jehovah’s people***

So, we are part of the fulfillment of this prophecy.”

Which part of prophecy?

“When they say, “Peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”  1 Thess 5:3

“because when this will be fulfilled it could be some catching announcement, or it could be a series of such announcements about peace and security – it must be something special because they always in the past been talking about peace and security, but we expect something special to be ***announced*** and then (?) the Watchtower expressed that this reflects the wrong assumption of the people…”

JWs, to assume that the law will go out of Zion through an organization waist-deep in lawsuits, and an elder rule having power to judge another as spiritually “dead”, is sheer blindness to God’s righteous decrees.

Personally, I felt Loesch seemed quite uncomfortable at times when giving this talk. For a polished speaker, there must be some underlying reason for his attempt not to choke on his own words.  Perhaps he was lying.  




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2 hours ago, Equivocation said:

Well the UN can not be trusted. Have you seen what their loyal NGO who applies their goals are doing in Africa?

I really don't know, but speaking of NGO, here is some food for thought.



Jehovah’s Witnesses should not be naïve to the fact that the Watchtower Society acquired a measure of political stature with the United Nations after becoming an associate NGO. Ostensibly, the purpose was to muster support in behalf of Jehovah’s Witnesses facing difficult situations in various countries throughout the world. And evidently partnering with the UN has not gone unrewarded, which is betrayed in small ways by the organization itself, such as the following brief report that appeared in the July 22, 2001, Awake!

“One newspaper in Congo (Kinshasa) praised the humanitarian work of Jehovah’s Witnesses as “practical rather than formal.” Officials of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) have likewise expressed their support. One UNHCR official in the Democratic Republic of Congo was so pleased with the orderliness of the relief efforts carried out by the Witnesses that she put her vehicle at the disposal of the volunteers.”

To what extent has the Watchtower received help directly from the United Nations? It is hard to say. However, it turns out that it was much more than the use of a vehicle on one occasion. In trying to get to the bottom of the Watchtower’s dealings with the UN, this researcher has discovered that the Watchtower has spawned nearly a dozen subsidiary NGOs in various European nations. For instance, prior to the Watchtower gaining associate NGO status in 1992, in 1990, an NGO called Aidafrique was set up in France. What was its intended purpose? The Zambia Daily Mail of June 17, 1999, under the heading: “French NGO officials, jet in to help Congo DR refugees,” reported the following:

“Two officials from the Aid Afrique are expected in the country today to provide additional humanitarian support to thousands of refugees who have fled trouble-torn Congo DR… The relief supplies are being provided by congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Belgium, France, and Switzerland. Aid Afrique is a European-based international humanitarian organization founded in France in 1990 with the objective of bringing relief to critical areas of Africa. Through the UNHCR efforts in Tanzania, the organization last year distributed over 20 tonnes of food and medicine to refugees in the Kigoma region. In 1997, Aid Afrique spent US$820,000 in humanitarian aid to the former Zaire.”

The Zambian news reveals that it was only through their cooperation with UNHCR that the Aidafrique NGO was able to accomplish its humanitarian objectives. But if the secular media in Africa openly reports on Aidafrique’s cooperative ventures with various agencies of the United Nations, why is not the Watchtower more forthright in informing Jehovah’s Witnesses about their accomplishments? If the Watchtower’s relationship with the United Nations is such an honorable arrangement, why not publicize it—as they have so many other UN-sponsored programs? Most likely the reason subsidiary NGOs like Aidafrique were set up in the first place was in order to keep the more familiar Watchtower brand name in the background and off the front page.

Interestingly, a few years ago Jehovah’s Witnesses in France independently published a brochure entitled “A Mission to Africa.” In it, they explained in detail the activities of the Aidafrique NGO. On pages 9-10, the revealing comment was made:

“Our activity was often hindered by difficulties particular to the region. Distances are vast and lines of communication almost nonexistent. The best form of travel, if not the only one, is the airplane. Often we used the H.C.R.’s (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) planes. Administrative formalities also held us up”

Certainly, no one is questioning the motives of Jehovah’s Witnesses in seeking to render lifesaving emergency aid to the long-suffering brothers in Africa. It was the right and Christian thing to do. But the question is—at what price? Is it worth cutting a deal with the Devil to save a soul? Jehovah’s Witnesses in Malawi did not think so. They were not even willing to buy a 25-cent political ID card, even though they're not doing so unleashed a horrific pogrom against them.



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6 hours ago, Equivocation said:

Well the UN can not be trusted. Have you seen what their loyal NGO who applies their goals are doing in Africa?

Indeed, mainly with the coming of their agenda, what took place in California regarding the fires and onward.

As for Africa, with what went down in the months that came to pass was regarding migrants, moving them into European countries whereas NGO were teaching the migrants to lie.

I can go far in depth on this but that will be like 2 pages, coupled with a transcript of legitimate information regarding this.

The NGOs in question, who are doing the bidding of the UN are the ones who are sponsored by them.

It is not just Africa alone per-say, but also the Greek Islands whereas NGO partake in legal aid, coaching, etc and told where they would go in the EU or Athens, so forth. They are aided by officials of the government in question of where this has been taking place, moreover, this has gone about regarding 15,000 people already and more; essential industrialized legal aid, so to speak, even Universities such as Cambridge, Denver and Oxford are involved, linked with the international Bar association.

But yes, only being breif here but for now, this is but a cookie out of the jar for you.


This information you would not be able to find on normal media granted that this was available months ago until it was being shot down by various MSM sources. This is why it is good to save what little information you can before it is wiped out totally.


@Witness This has already been debunked, any NGO that is associated with the UN will have met the criteria, they would also have an ECOSCO and or an equivalent as a sponsor.

The fact you are ignorant of this information proves that your claim that is like snow has touched flames before it can go on any further, and I say this because as someone who has watched the UN for nearly a decade, know who among the NGOs is for and or not for the UN, and so forth.


Do the research.

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11 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

 This has already been debunked, any NGO that is associated with the UN will have met the criteria, they would also have an ECOSCO and or an equivalent as a sponsor.

How and where was this information from @Witness debunked? I thought that some of the claims had been exaggerated, but this was just my opinion. I also saw an attempt to debunk these claims that was little more than a collection of opinions.

11 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I say this because as someone who has watched the UN for nearly a decade, know who among the NGOs is for and or not for the UN, and so forth.              Do the research.

I assume then that you have the research?

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11 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

The fact you are ignorant of this information proves that your claim that is like snow has touched flames before it can go on any further, and I say this because as someone who has watched the UN for nearly a decade, know who among the NGOs is for and or not for the UN, and so forth.


You are so right, SM, I am “ignorant” of UN’s worldly dealings, since I try earnestly to be “no part of the world”.  If it has been debunked, perhaps YOU can share this with @Equivocation as ‘food for thought’.

In the meantime, some things are just so blatant, they can’t be “debunked”.   This is for Equivocation to explore Watchtower’s worldly ties in Europe, even after it was revealed the organization had been a member of the NGO in the US for nine years. 

 It begins around 8:48



Here’s just one example of their involvement, reaching out to the UN instead of God for support.  There are many more.   In fact, Watchtower’s historic court battles are always fought on the worldly front.  If a case is won, they say God is responsible for their victory.  However, Russia steps in and wipes out their material holdings, and JWs begin fleeing the country.  The case presented by JW’s lawyers just didn’t save them, much to their surprise.  Where was God’s helping hand during that time?  To mitigate the conundrum, Russia is now prophetically proclaimed  by the GB as the “King of the north”.  Ah, that remedies their problem of dealing with mass hysteria.  Apparently, God will step in soon and save the Watchtower idol.


"This is what the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel says:

I am the Lord your God,
who teaches you for your benefit,
who leads you in the way you should go.
18 If only you had paid attention to my commands.
Then your peace would have been like a river,
and your righteousness like the waves of the sea.
19 Your descendants would have been as countless as the sand,
and the offspring of your body like its grains;
their name would not be cut off
or eliminated from my presence."  Isa 48:17-19

Membership is dropping, simply because the Watchtower is bolstering a lie and people don't want to hear it.


Another example.


Statement by the European Association of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses – Tajikistan    13 September 2017

                            Only registered representatives of participating States, Partners for Co-operation, OSCE Institutions, NGOs, think tanks or others can submit documents to the ODIHR Documents Distribution System for distribution during the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting. ODIHR bears no responsibility for the content of such documents received for distribution, and circulates them without altering their content. The distribution by the ODIHR Documents Distribution System of documents received does not imply any endorsement by ODIHR and is without prejudice to OSCE decisions, as set out in documents agreed by OSCE participating States.


There is one thing that I know that you don’t know, SM.  I can recognize Watchtower’s deception.  You are ignorant of its power.



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On 12/16/2018 at 11:35 AM, JW Insider said:

How and where was this information from @Witness debunked? I thought that some of the claims had been exaggerated, but this was just my opinion. I also saw an attempt to debunk these claims that was little more than a collection of opinions.

I assume then that you have the research?Some of the claims have been brought up before regarding OSCE and the claims of the faith community being in total subjection to UN agendas and affairs, even going as far as some making claims that the faith community in question has some crazy thing to gain out of the UN, as is their other counterparts who have long since sold themselves by upping their status and affiliation.

Because it is. An NGO, all who register can take up a DPI status, mainly if it is to gain access to something and or some resource, moreover, DPI NGOs are suppose to have representatives to represent said NGO in some instances, i.e. OSCE whereas in this case, the whole OSCE isn't some meet up for pushing the UN agenda, in religious cases, it is in regards to religious rights if a faith and or community is a target of persecution and or anti-semitic and or discriminative situations. An NGO can have a role and or say in United Nation affairs, even decision making of things if they have an affiliation other than a DPI, sometimes, some NGOs have both. An example would be ECOSOC whereas that status lands you in the spotlight of the United Nations whereas your actions actually means something. Most NGOs with this status tends to take up human rights work and so forth sponsored ECOSOC NGOs tend to also have partnerships, as well as extensive programs that increases their efforts and or actions which correlates to United Nations goals and or agendas.

Everyone has attempted and such ones and there are some out there with legitimate information should they dwell on the world of NGOs and their history, mainly with the changes that took place in the 90s and onward.

That being said, I find it hard to believe people can be one-sided and also believe that you community is for and supportive at the time for an agenda that those knowing of what it entails has a disdain for.

I have, and I mention bits of it before regarding NGO status, and have talked about OSCE before, but as always, such things are usually brought up mid-discussion.

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