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Is Jesus ‘a Mighty God’ or ‘Jehovah God’?


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Isaiah 9:6 - Is Jesus ‘a Mighty God’ or ‘Jehovah God’?

‘His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God (410), the Everlasting
Father, the Prince of Peace’.

Watchtower teaching: JWs concede that Jesus is a ‘mighty God’, but they are adamant that
He is not Almighty God as Jehovah is. They think that Christ is one of lesser gods.

Bible teaching: The Bible shows that both Jesus and Jehovah are called ‘Mighty God’.

Jehovah is called ‘Mighty God’ in:

a) ‘The remnant of Israel . . . shall stay upon Jehovah, the remnant of Jacob shall return . .
unto the mighty God (410)’. (Isaiah 10:20,21).
b) ‘the Great, the Mighty God (410), Jehovah of hosts, is his name’. (Jeremiah 32:18).
Because Jehovah and Jesus are both called ‘Mighty God’, this proves Christ’s equality with
God the Father.

Ask: Since Jehovah is called ‘Mighty God’ (Isaiah 10:21) just as Jesus is called ‘Mighty
God’ (Isaiah 9:6), doesn’t this mean that the Watchtower is wrong in saying that ‘Mighty
God’ means a lesser deity?

Ask: If both Jesus and Jehovah are ‘Mighty God’, then what does this tell you about Jesus’
divine nature?

Ask: If both Jesus and Jehovah are equally ‘Mighty God’, then isn’t this two members of
the Trinity?

Note: There is only one Mighty God in heaven:
a) ‘I am the first and I am the last; beside me there is no God (430)’. (Isaiah 44:6b)
b) ‘Is there a God (433) besides Me? Yea, there is no God; I know not any’.(Isaiah 44:8b).
c) ‘I am the Lord (YHWH), and there is none else,there is no God beside me’(Isaiah 45:5a)

The NWT translates John 1:1 as ‘the word was a god’.

Isaiah 44:8b shows this to be false by denying the existence of ‘a god’ other than Jehovah.

The phrase ‘Mighty God’ is ‘Elohim’ in Hebrew, meaning ‘Fullness of power’, portraying
Christ as the ‘powerful Governor of the universe’.

Notice that ‘Elohim (430)’ is also used to describe Jehovah God as:
i) ‘The God (430) of the whole earth’. (Isaiah 54:5)
ii) ‘The God (430) of all flesh’. (Jeremiah 32:27)
iii) ‘I prayed to the God (430) of heaven’. (Nehemiah 2:4)
iv) ‘For the Lord (YHWH) your God (430) is God (430) of gods....a great God.’(Deut 10:17)

In Isaiah 40:3 Jesus is called both Jehovah (3068) and Elohim (430) in the same verse:
‘Prepare ye the way of the Jehovah, make straight in the desert a highway for our God (430)’.

Mark 1:3 and John 1:23 apply Jehovah here to Jesus.

Question: What is meant by calling Jesus ‘Everlasting Father’?

Since Jesus is not the Father, why does Isaiah call Jesus ‘Everlasting Father’?

Answer: Jesus considers the Father as someone other than Himself over 200 times in the NT.

‘Everlasting Father’ in Isaiah 9:6 means ‘Father of eternity’.

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