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Anglican bishop: It is a Christian duty to give blood, organs


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CANTERBURY, England — Christians should regard blood and organ donations as their Christian duty, says a motion before the General Synod, the governing body of the Church of England.

The synod is set to consider a proposal to define organ donation as central to Christian giving.

The motion cites the bishop of Carlisle, James Newcome, who told delegates to the three-day meeting: “We believe that everything we have, including our bodies, and our possessions, comes from God, and following in the footsteps of Jesus we are called to make a sacrificial offering of what already belongs to him for the benefit of others.”

That sacrificial offering, he added, may include time and treasure. But it applies “just as much to the blood that flows in our veins and the organs that are such an intrinsic part of our bodies.”

Newcome explained that Christians and their families need reassurance that there are no theological problems with giving blood or tissue before or after death.


Some religious groups, particularly Jehovah’s Witnesses, believe it is wrong to give blood or organs.

In 2014-15, there was a 3 percent drop in the number of organ donors across Britain for the first time in 11 years.

A report from England’s National Health Service Blood and Transplant warned that people waiting for transplants would continue to die unless there was a revolution in people’s attitudes.

The NHS estimates that 1,200 people missed out on potentially lifesaving transplants in 2010 because families did not accept their loved one’s wishes.


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Clearly, this is the Anglican Church's desperate fear of man attempt to acquiesce to the Wild Beast and to accomodate their layman to deliberately disobey Jehovah's sacred decree regarding blood. How shameful this disgusting Babylon Harlot continues to connive her way around God's sacred law to win favors with Kings and Queens as she sits on many waters; intoxicating the masses with her putrid drunkeness (Revelation 17:1, 2. NWT). The Anglican Church obviously do not hold sacred the scriptures; nor do they uphold the scriptures as primary. Rather, their way of thinking appears to be more sacred than Jehovah! Obviously, they want to encourage their parishioners to lack faith in the Resurrection hope so transparently outlined for us in John 5: 28, and Revelation 21:3,4. Most importantly, they - as a body - fail to follow the pattern set forth by the early governing body of the First Century Christians.

Ruling on the Law Covenant and the principle of the Law under the direction of the Holy Spirit, the First Century Governing Body advocated four important mandates: "For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things: to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!" (Acts 15:28 NWT). Jehovah God is teaching us to benefit ourselves, and obedience is far more important to Him than sacrifices (Isaiah 48:17, 18; 1 Samuel 15:22 NWT).

Thankfully, we live by faith and not by sight; we believe Jehovah keeps His Word and will ensure that, should we die for obeying His sacred decree regarding blood, He will remember us and will bring us back to life in the New World. After all, King Jesus demonstrated what he will do during his thousand year reign. He is the Resurrection and the Life and he will raise up the dead just as he did Lazarus, the Widow's son, and the young Maiden (John 11:25-44; Luke 7:11-17; 8:49-56). Did Jesus use blood to restore the lives of these individuals? Did he evoke potents or mixed potions to do so? No. He simply prayed to his Father and commanded that they rise; and immediately, they did so. 

The Anglican Church will soon succumb to the wrath of King Jesus as he sets forth to vindicate his Father's Name and cleanse the earth of all wickedness; which include the cowards. That time is coming and coming right soon (Revelation 19:1,2 NWT). 


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