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I Corinthians 8:6 - ‘One God the Father . . .’


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I Corinthians 8:6 - ‘One God the Father . . .’


‘But to us there is but one God, the Father . . . and one Lord Jesus Christ . . .’

Watchtower teaching: JWs argue that, since there is ‘one God’ (Jehovah) who is distinct from ‘one Lord’ (Jesus Christ), then Jesus cannot be God.

Biblical reasoning: If this WT reasoning is correct, then the same logic leads us to conclude that the Father is not Lord.

Note: If the reference to the Father being the ‘one God’ proves that Jesus is not God, then by the same logic we must conclude that the reference to Jesus Christ as the ‘one Lord’ means that the Father is not Lord

No JW will concede that the Father is not Lord.

You cannot interpret the first part of the verse one way, and the second part of the verse another way. The faulty logic of JWs here is their assumption that the use of a title for one person (the Father) in one context, automatically rules out its application to another person (Jesus Christ) in another context. JWs should consult what all Scripture says about the Father and about Jesus Christ.

1. The Father is called Lord in Matthew 11:25: ‘I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth’.

2. Jesus Christ is called God in John 20:28: ‘My Lord and my God’, and in Hebrews 1:8: ‘Unto the Son he saith: Thy throne O God . . .’ etc.

Hence ‘God’ and ‘Lord’ are used interchangeably of the Father and the Son.


Question: ‘Can you see that, since Jesus as one Lord does not mean that the Father is not Lord, then by the same logic, the Father as ‘one God’ does not mean that Jesus is not God?’

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