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Did you know that Adonai (Lord) used of Jesus in Psalm 110:1 is also used of the Father in Exodus 23:17, Deuteronomy 10:17, Joshua 3:11?


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Dont answer a question with a question.   Did you read the post?

Did you know that Adonai (Lord) used of Jesus in Psalm 110:1 is also used of the Father in Exodus 23:17, Deuteronomy 10:17, Joshua 3:11?  And Abraham: Genesis 18:12; Esau: Genesis 32:4; Joseph: G

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Did you know that Adonai (Lord) used of Jesus in Psalm 110:1 is also used of the Father in Exodus 23:17, Deuteronomy 10:17, Joshua 3:11?

 And Abraham: Genesis 18:12; Esau: Genesis 32:4; Joseph: Genesis 42:10; Boaz: Ruth 2:13 Saul: 1Samuel 4:28 An angel: Daniel 10:16 and many more. As Paul said, there are "many lords" .

Good job "the LORD" who said to "my lord" has given His name in scripture so we do not have to rely on just the capitals. Although, like the scribes, (as shown below Is. 3:16) many still  have problems deciding on this matter don't they?

Dead Sea Scroll Is 3-16.jpg

Anyway,  the Catholic Living Bible seems to have got it right...this time:

Catholic Living Bible.jpg

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On 7/6/2018 at 1:31 AM, Jesus.defender said:

Psalm 110:1 ‘The Lord (Jehovah) said to my Lord (Adonai) sit thou . . .’ (p.869).

I wondered what the "p. 869" referred to, so I looked it up. These questions are from "The Answers Book" by Keith Piper. The portion discussing the JWs is available on Scribd and at least one other site. There it is introduced with the following wording: 

  • The Answers Book, by Keith Piper is a wonderful & effective resource to equip Christians to build up their faith & fulfill the great commission. The contents of this book fall into these main categories: *General Proofs *General Bible Studies *Soul Winning *Church Issues *Second Coming of Jesus Christ *Discipleship *Christian Living *False Doctrines Refuted *False Religions *146 Important Sermons This book is also a great resource for anyone who has HONEST questions about the Christian faith in general, but it also explains why many Christians are also Baptist & Independent. Salvation is NOT in a church or denomination. Independent Baptists do NOT say that they alone are true Christians or that salvation is in their church. "There is no king saved by the multitude of an host: a mighty man is not delivered by much strength." -Psalm 33:16. There are NO DENOMINATIONS IN HEAVEN. Salvation is in JESUS CHRIST ALONE not a church. "Jesus saith, unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." -John 14:6. Thus we are firstly Christians then Fundamental, Baptist & Independent. To Order a hard cover copy of "The Answers Book" for the cost of $25.00 . . . 

The section #117 starting on about page 822 runs thru page 948 and is called: 117. JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES, the TRINITY and THE WATCHTOWER.

The book asks the person the asking the question to ask the following:

  • Ask: Did you know that ‘Adonai’ (Lord) used of Jesus Christ in Psalm 110:1 is also used of the Father in Exodus 23:17; Deuteronomy 10:17; Joshua 3:11?
  • Ask: Can you see that Jesus’ statement to the Pharisees in Matthew 22:42-45 was that the Messiah (Christ) would be David’s son as well as David’s God (Adonai)?
  • Question: Does ‘Adonai’ mean Jehovah God?
  • Answer: Yes, for these reasons:
  • 1) It is linked together with ‘YHWH’ (Exodus 23:17).
  • 2) Jehovah calls himself ‘Adonai’ in Isaiah 8:7, ‘The LORD (YHWH) spake also unto me again saying:. . . Now therefore behold the Lord (Adonai) bringeth up ...’
  • 3) (Gesenius’ Hebrew Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament, p. 12)
  • 4) WE Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of OT and NT Words, p.140 states that ‘Adonai’ applies to God:
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On 7/8/2018 at 7:39 PM, Gone Away said:

Are you sugessting that ‘The Lord (Jehovah) said to my Lord (Jehovah) sit thou....'

This is exactly what the resource (from whence the question comes) is claiming:


  • 13. Psalm 110:1 ‘The Lord (YHWH3068) said to my Lord (Adonai136) sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.’ Watchtower teaching: JWs say that since Jehovah is speaking in this verse and since the ‘Lord’ is a distinct person from Jehovah, then Jesus must not be Jehovah God Almighty. In Matthew 22:41-45 Jesus claims that He Himself is the ‘Lord’ referred to by David in this Psalm. They therefore conclude that Jesus is not Jehovah, but the one Jehovah speaks to.
  • . . . The JW claim that Jesus cannot be God because Jehovah spoke to Him, is faulty because we who are from the finite earthly realm cannot assume that God who is of infinite heavenly realms must fit into our earthly logic patterns with which we are familiar. God’s ways are greatly above our ways. For example, in Genesis 18:1-3 Abraham addressed the three visitors as ‘Jehovah’. The two who left to visit Sodom, Lot called them ‘Jehovah’ (19:18), yet the one who remained, Abraham continued to address Him as ‘Jehovah’ (18:22,26,27,30,31,32,33). Note: JWs often mockingly ask the question when Jesus prays to Father: ‘Does God talk to Himself?’ Yes He does, as in Genesis 18:17-19 where God asks Himself a question: ‘And Jehovah said, Am I keeping covered from Abraham what I am doing?’ Later in v. 22 Jehovah separates. Hence the Father can talk to the Son, with the Son still being 100% God. Ask: If you reject the Trinity because you can’t understand it, then how do you explain how a brown cow by eating green grass gives white milk?
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On 7/13/2018 at 8:35 PM, Gone Away said:

Did you know that Adonai (Lord) used of Jesus in Psalm 110:1 is also used of the Father in Exodus 23:17, Deuteronomy 10:17, Joshua 3:11?

 And Abraham: Genesis 18:12; Esau: Genesis 32:4; Joseph: Genesis 42:10; Boaz: Ruth 2:13 Saul: 1Samuel 4:28 An angel: Daniel 10:16 and many more. As Paul said, there are "many lords" .

Good job "the LORD" who said to "my lord" has given His name in scripture so we do not have to rely on just the capitals. Although, like the scribes, (as shown below Is. 3:16) many still  have problems deciding on this matter don't they?

Dead Sea Scroll Is 3-16.jpg

Anyway,  the Catholic Living Bible seems to have got it right...this time:

Catholic Living Bible.jpg

What source did they use?

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