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Pearl Doxsey, July 2, 2018:

Many refute that Michael the archangel is an identity of Jesus Christ, in his capacity as protector of the saints (Dan.12:1;John17:126:3918:9Rev.19:12) and defender of God's supremacy in the face of global idolatry (Rev.13:8,4
(The name "Michael" means, "Who is like God?").
Those who refute that role of the resurrected Jesus Christ, point to the fact that Jesus could not be a mere angel, even if being, an arch - angel. 
Those who make such an assertion, apparently do not know the meaning of the Greek word, angelos. It simply means "messenger" (John12:497:16). 
The Greek meaning of "arch", is defined as the original prototype, with no equal. To be the "archangel", is to be supreme among God's messengers. 
When Armageddon arrives, Jesus takes on an identity of a warrior (Rev.19:11,1417:1412:7) (Rev.3:12Jer.31:33Heb.10:16;Ex.34:14Deut.11:18Rev.7:313:7,8,16,4). The name "Michael" ("Who is like God?"), perfectly describes his battle tactic and purpose, and indicates the target of his warfare that needs to be neutralized by the strategy reflected in that victorious name (Isa.40:25,1846:5) (Rev.13:14).

Others may refute this named role of Jesus, based upon Michael being called "the great prince" (Dan.12:1) and "one of the chief princes" (Dan.10:12-14). Those are the topics that the link below, addresses.
The article on the chief princes was broken down into three parts/questions. Previously, only part one was finished. This post serves as notice, that part two is now ready.

June 6, 2015:


"does the Bible shed light on how many Chief Princes are there and who they are as stated in Daniel 10:13 Michael, one of the chief princes"


Yes, the Bible sheds light on how many Chief Princes there are,
who these chief princes are, and who all the princes are, among whom there are chief princes.
Accordingly, I will answer your question in three parts.
1. Who are all the "princes"?
2. Who are the "chief princes" among all these princes?
3. Who is The "Great Prince" ("arch-angel") mentioned at Dan.12:1?
    (Jude1:9Dan.10:218:25Acts 3:15)
    (Jude1:9Job 1:8-11Zech.3:1-2Rev.12:10 --
                  "Moses" -Deut.18:15,18Heb.3:5Matt.16:2817:1-3,52Pet.1:18Rev.14:1)
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

1. Who are the Bible's princes?

I will limit my reply to the princes of God's covenant woman, and not include the princes of Satan's covenant of death

The princes under the Great "guardian" Prince/Rescuer, (Dan.12:1Isa.49:24-25Matt.12:29Rev.20:1-2Luke10:19), who is Christ,
are the kings under the great king (Rev.19:161:53:215:9,10Eph.2:61:22Col.1:13).

They are also considered by God, Christ's sons, because by means of Christ, they receive spirit life (John10:1020:226:635:21;17:2Rom.8:9,10,11,131John4:9,135:11-122:25John3:6,15,366:47,48,51,57,6310:28Heb.5:9). "But", you may protest, "don't we all become 'sons of God'?". Yes. But there is more to it.---

Within the Bible, forefathers are multiple. This tradition is a cultural difference from most modern day societies. 
Please let me explain...
Within the Bible, living faithful can have more than one father... both God and Christ (Isa.9:6).  Christ received his life from God first, before he can pass that incorruptible seed to those after him (1Pet.1:23Luke8:11John12:496:63James1:21).
"Grandfather" is not in the Bible's language. This is why Abraham, David, Jacob, etc., are considered "fathers" of many subsequent generations. 
All the generations of their descendants, have all of these as "fathers"
(Zech.1:2,4-6Acts3:137:19John8:39Ex.3:6Luke1:32Matt.1:1), regardless of how many generations may come and go in between.

Accordingly, we should not limit the spiritual lineage of those born of spirit, to either God or Christ as "father". Such ones are "sons" of both. Yet some are born of God's spirit directly (Rom.8:16Heb.2:11), and others, through Christ and his bride (1Cor.15:45Gal.4:26Rev.22:17). 
You may have noticed that within the scriptures, our spiritual fathers are the ones whom we imitate (John8:39,44Eph.5:1;1Pet.1:16Matt.5:44,45,48).  We can therefore, also be sons of Christ (1Pet.2:21) and of the sealed faithful (1Cor.11:1;4:15,14,16,171John2:13,14Philemon 1:10Luke1:17Phil.2:223:171Thess.2:111:6) (Mal.4:5-6). 

Hopefully, all these previous scriptures have helped to establish within your understanding, that whoever we imitate and do the will of, becomes our spiritual father (Eph.5:1Matt.12:507:211John2:17Rom.8:14) -- (Eph.2:2John8:44). 
If you do grasp that imitating Christ (1Cor.11:11Pet.2:21) can make us his son, it will then be easier to grasp who the "princes" are. 

First, lets look at Ps.45:16, which speaks of the dominion of Christ.

"In place of your fathers will be your sons;
You shall make them princes in all the earth."

In place of Christ's kingly forefathers (Luke1:32Isa.9:7Matt.12:42), will come his spiritual sons (Heb.2:1-9,14,13,16Isa.8:18;John10:28,296:37-3917:21Pet.1:5Matt.18:319:14), with whom he shares his kingdom (Ps.132:12110:2Rev.3:2114:1;Jer.17:25Eze.37:2534:24) (Heb.2:5,16Rom.4:13Gal.3:29Gen.28:13,1413:14,15).
They become co-kings (2Tim.2:12Rev.5:9,1020:6) and co-princes (Isa.10:89:6Acts3:155:31Isa.32:1,2).
As heirs of the earth, these will heal creation (Rom.8:19Rev.22:1,221:2-5Jer.17:7,8Matt.7:20Eze.36:8), and also provide a "fatherly" example, that leads to life (1Cor.4:15-17Phil.3:174:92Thess.3:91Thess.1:62Tim.3:14,15Heb.13:71Pet.5:3).
From the foregoing reply to the first question...
"Who are all the princes?";
I hope you now perceive, that all those redeemed from death by Christ (Rev.5:9,101Cor.15:54-55Acts20:28) which "church" is the chosen saints of God's household (1Tim.3:151Cor.14:331Pet.2:10,9), are given fatherly life by Christ's blood...
       (through the new mother covenant of promise/sealed Bride
...These are his "sons", referred to as "princes" at Psalm 45:16.
As such, they become "heirs of the earth" 
and are, 
"all the princes".

2. Who are the "chief princes" among all these princes?

Based upon the facts established above, we can re-word this question as, "Who are the "chief saints/sons of God" among all the saints/anointed chosen and holy ones?". Does such a position, exist? Please consider:
Luke 12:42John 21:17
Although all members of the "one body" bride of Christ (Eph.5:31-321Cor.6:17) are needed by all other members (1Cor.12:21,25;4:7); each has their own assignment (1Cor.12:14,4-7,18,11,20Eph.4:8,11-12). 
Some are given more responsibility (Luke 12:42Mark 13:34Matt.25:14-15James 3:11Cor.12:24,26Luke 14:8,10-11), as "chief princes". How does the Bible describe the position held by those appointed as such?
One of the symbols used to describe the body of Christ, is as God's Temple (Rom.12:51Cor.3:161Pet.2:5,9-10Col.1:13).
Jesus, is described as the cornerstone of that Temple (1Pet.2:6-8Matt.7:24-25). If we build our faith upon the teachings of that cornerstone, we will not be put to shame but all we teach, will be proven true (Rom.10:113:4John7:16-18). Can you perceive how the symbolic "chief" cornerstone of our faith (remember, "chief princes"?), is the first symbolic foundation to our worship in spirit and truth? 
If so, then we are starting to build the Temple of God, within your perception. If the "chief cornerstone" is the "great prince"/"chief prince" (Dan.12:1)... What about the other "chief princes" (Dan.10:13)? Does the Bible describe the rest of God's symbolic Temple, as having other foundation stones, upon which our faith needs to be chiefly built upon?
Please consider Eph.2:20-223:5Rev.21:141:20Dan.12:3-4Phil.2:152Cor.11:4Gal.1:8-9Luke12:421Pet.5:2;Heb.13:171Cor.4:15)
1Cor.12:28 and Eph.2:20, clarify the arrangement of authority ("chiefs") within the congregation, appointed by God and Christ. The apostles are our foundation stones, along with Jesus the cornerstone, of the truth
---No one can remain in union with the cornerstone and head of the body, if they leave the teachings of the apostles, whom he appointed as fatherly heads to the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel (Matt.3:9Gal.3:29,26Rom.2:28-29Rev.7:721:11-12,14). 
---No one can remain in union with the unfolding direction of holy spirit, if they leave the declarations and warnings of the genuine and faithful prophets, whose foundation is the right hand of Jesus (Rev.1:2022:6Amos 3:72Pet.1:211Cor.14:32-33;Rev.11:3-5Jer.23:29Zech.4:11-14,6Hosea 6:5Rev.22:6Mal.3:1-3Rev.11:3). Those "stars" provide the light of spirit to each of their assigned "lampstands" (Rev.1:20), which lampstands hold up, and work to make visible (Matt.5:14-15Eph.2:19;Gal.6:10), the prophet/"star" whom they support (Heb.6:10).
We have learned that the symbolic foundation to the Temple of God's spirit (1Cor.3:16), is the truth of the apostles and the spirit of the prophets (Eph.2:203:5). They are both necessary if a disciple is to lay a foundation of faith and worship, upon spirit and truth (John4:24). The apostles and prophets who produce spiritual food sourced in the spirit and truth from Christ (John15:4-5,8,16;Rev.22:1-2), are the "chief princes"/foundation stones. They are aligned with the cornerstone, and provide a basis upon which the living stones of the Temple of God, rest.

3. Who is The "Great Prince" ("arch-angel") mentioned at Dan.12:1?
Dan.12:1 reads; “At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered."

[Before I go into Part 3: The Great Prince; I would like to offer additional information on other points made by Dan.12:1
First, the unprecedented "time of distress". Here is a link to start off the information about the Great Tribulation (Matt.24:21)

Second, the Book of the Lamb, within which the names of the delivered, are written (Rev.13:821:273:517:820:15,12)




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Pearl Doxsey, July 2, 2018: Many refute that Michael the archangel is an identity of Jesus Christ, in his capacity as protector of the saints (Dan.12:1;John17:12; 6:39; 18:9; Rev.19:12) and defen

IS JESUS ‘MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL’? Watchtower Teaching WT claims that Daniel 10:13,21; 12:1; and I Thess 4:16 teach that: 1) Jesus existed as Michael the archangel before his birth to Mary

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Watchtower Teaching WT claims that Daniel 10:13,21; 12:1; and I Thess 4:16 teach that:

1) Jesus existed as Michael the archangel before his birth to Mary; then
2) Jesus gave up his spirit existence as an angel when he entered Mary’s womb to become a
3) At the resurrection he was recreated as Michael the archangel.

They describe Christ’s progressive existence as angel, then human, then angel.

‘Michael, one of the chief princes’ (Daniel 10:13). ‘Michael your prince’ (Daniel 10:21).

‘Michael the great prince’ (Daniel 12:1). JWs think that Jesus must be Michael because of

Michael’s authority over other angels as a chief prince.
The WT teaches that Jesus Christ was Michael the archangel, who was born as a human, died
and was raised up as an archangel again. They refer to Jesus Christ as Michael the archangel.
(Watchtower, 15 Feb, 1979, p.31).

Bible Teaching:
1) Michael is ‘one of the chief princes’ (10:21), but Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son in
John 3:16. ‘Begotten’ in Greek is ‘monogenes’ meaning uniqueone of a kind. Michael
being ‘one of the chief princes’ means that he is just one among a group of chief angels.

Ask: Where is Jesus called a ‘chief Prince’ in the Bible?

Ask: Where is Jesus clearly mentioned in Daniel 10:13?

Ask: Isn’t Jesus as ‘King of kings and Lord of lords’ (Revelation 19:16) much higher in
authority than one of a group of chief princes?

2) Ask: ‘To which of the angels did God ever say ‘thou art my son’?’ (Hebrews 1:5)

3) The Bible mentions Michael the archangel five times as:

1. ‘Michael, one of the chief princes’ (Daniel 10:13)

2, ‘Michael, your prince’ (Daniel 10:21)

3. ‘Michael, the great prince’ (Daniel 12:1)

4. ‘Michael the archangel . . . durst not bring against him (the devil) a railing accusation, but said The Lord rebuke thee’ (Jude 9)

5. ‘Michael and his angels fought against the dragon’ (Revelation 12:7)

Ask: Which of these verses state that Michael is Jesus Christ? None of them.

4) The WT claims support from I Thessalonians 4:16 ‘the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call,with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet’(NWT)

Ask: If using an archangel’s voice makes Jesus an archangel, then having God’s trumpet makes Jesus to be God.

Note: I Thessalonians 4:16 doesn’t explicitly say that Jesus Himself speaks with the voice of the archangel. When Jesus comes from heaven to rapture the church from earth, He will be accompanied by Michael the archangel. It is the archangel’s voice that shouts, not Jesus’ voice. Jesus doesn’t shout, but Michael does shout. This is like what happens at the end of the seven year tribulation, when Jesus returns ‘from heaven with his mighty angels’ (II Thessalonians 1:7).

If angels accompany Christ at the end of the 7 year tribulation, then clearly Michael will accompany Christ at the rapture before the 7 year tribulation, so Michael cannot be Jesus.

5) In Jude 9, Michael did not have the authority to rebuke Satan, but Jesus did have the authority as follows: Jesus said ‘Get thee hence, Satan’ (Matthew 4:10) and ‘Get thee behind me, Satan’ (Mark 8:33)

Michael said to Satan,‘The Lord rebuke thee’, proving that the only one with the authority to rebuke Satan is God. So, Matt. 4:10 proves that Jesus Christ is the Lord God.

Ask: Since Michael could not rebuke Satan in his own authority, but Jesus could and did rebuke Satan, doesn’t that mean that Michael and Jesus are different persons?

6) All the angels (Michael included) are commanded to worship Christ. (Hebrews 1:6)

7) The writer of Hebrews asks several questions about angels and Jesus Christ, which prove them to be different persons:
i) ‘Unto which of the angels said he at any time, thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee?’ (Hebrews 1:5)
ii) ‘To which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?’ (Hebrews 1:13)
iii) ‘Unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come (millennium)’ (Hebrews 1:13).
iv) ‘For verily, he took not on him the nature of angels’ (Hebrews 2:16)
v) Does Michael sustain all things by the word of his power? (See Hebrews 1:3). No!
vi) Is it right to honour Michael the archangel just as you honour the Father? (John 5:23)

? Ask: Do good angels refuse worship? (Certainly). When John fell down to worship the angel, the angel rebuked him, saying ‘See thou do it not ....worship God’. (Rev 22:8,9).

The Father commands all the angels (Michael included) to worship Christ. (Heb 1:6).

The ‘proskuneo’ worship that angels refuse to accept but say to give to God, the Father commands thissame ‘proskuneo’ worship to be given to the Son. Hence the Son cannot be an angel, but must be God. True Bible students soon discover that Jesus is no mere angel, but God. This lesson must be learnt so they may ‘honour the Son just as they honour the Father’. (John 5:23 NWT).

9) Jesus Christ is unchangeable: ‘Jesus Christ the same, yesterday and today and forever’. (Hebrews 13:8). The WT view of Jesus is that He was Michael who changed to become a man, and who at his resurrection changed back to Michael the archangel.

The Watchtower Jesus is changeable. They have a false and different Jesus.

10) Jesus Christ created all the angels, including the thrones and principalities of which Michael is a chief prince of a principality. ‘For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers’. (Colossians 1:16).

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