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A new radio program entitled, "Healing River" (Rev 22:1,2)  begins today at 1:00 EST with each broadcast stored at SoundCloud.  

"There is much healing needed after one is spiritually abused by the WT Beast and its' false prophet. Let us pray that as many as possible derive benefit from God's truths, as the program explores the scriptures, and how they can provide us the guidance and healing we now need, today.
To tie into the program, the number to call is; (712) 432-8710. The pin # is 9925.
Sunday, at
The program will run on the second Sunday of each month, at 1 pm."

Pearl Doxsey


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A new radio program entitled, "Healing River" (Rev 22:1,2)  begins today at 1:00 EST with each broadcast stored at SoundCloud.   "There is much healing needed after one is spiritually abused by t

SM – my point is, I don’t really care what the Watchtower may or may not have “bunkered” away.  The bigger evil is played out in the “heavenly” realm and affects the motivation of its leaders. Yet, an

Yes, and it has been going on for years now, the fact that Rick Fearon has been mentioned only adds more fuel to the fire due to how everyone views Fearon, in addition to those who support and or allu

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Guest Nicole
On 7/8/2018 at 7:50 AM, Witness said:

"There is much healing needed after one is spiritually abused by the WT Beast and its' false prophet. Let us pray that as many as possible derive benefit from God's truths, as the program explores the scriptures, and how they can provide us the guidance and healing we now need, today.


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This guy, Rick Fearon, is the same guy who said Jehovah's Witnesses have a bunker under their churches that houses Assault Rifles, Firearms, explosives, and handguns, for he has some believing that JWs will literally go all guns blazin' in the last days and or against those who do not agree with them. In addition to poisons so that they use to kill their members. This is the same man who posed claim to wedding rings referencing the sex organs of both male and female, in short, a sexuality form of paganism and the like.

I have seen these claims of his refuted and Rick Fearon is only attacking JWs to gain money and to get some converts, for he was exposed by disgruntled JWs, as well as those who hate both JWs and ExJws combined aka the Anti-JWs, so to use this man's information as a support, only destroys your credibility further, out of all people, you use this Fearon guy? That is both shameful and embarrassing.

And no, JWs do not have vials of acid or machetes stashed in their charts. Fearon is as blasphemous as his own teachings and money grabbing schemes, and going with what even the hateful few have said, this man will take his hate to the grave with him. He is just as bad ass the people who promote Islamic Hatred, mainly the man who caused the whole school Quran hate situation some years ago.

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11 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

This guy, Rick Fearon, is the same guy who said Jehovah's Witnesses have a bunker under their churches that houses Assault Rifles, Firearms, explosives, and handguns, for he has some believing that JWs will literally go all guns blazin' in the last days and or against those who do not agree with them. In addition to poisons so that they use to kill their members. This is the same man who posed claim to wedding rings referencing the sex organs of both male and female, in short, a sexuality form of paganism and the like.

I have seen these claims of his refuted and Rick Fearon is only attacking JWs to gain money and to get some converts, for he was exposed by disgruntled JWs, as well as those who hate both JWs and ExJws combined aka the Anti-JWs, so to use this man's information as a support, only destroys your credibility further, out of all people, you use this Fearon guy? That is both shameful and embarrassing.

And no, JWs do not have vials of acid or machetes stashed in their charts. Fearon is as blasphemous as his own teachings and money grabbing schemes, and going with what even the hateful few have said, this man will take his hate to the grave with him. He is just as bad ass the people who promote Islamic Hatred, mainly the man who caused the whole school Quran hate situation some years ago.

Rick Fearon has several programs from various independent speakers. He presents a mixed bag of opinions.   Whether he adheres to each one’s beliefs, I could not say.  Pearl Doxsey called into one program that asked the question why individuals left the Watchtower.   She was invited to return with her own program.  Perhaps Rick recognized words of Truth.  Perhaps he was ready for the “healing river”. 

Jesus was judged negatively for his association with tax collectors and sinners as he brought “living water” to their thirsty hearts, and the “bread of life” to nourish their famished spiritual state; those whom Jesus sends, appear to be receiving the same condemnation by you. Matt 9:10-13; Mal 4:5,6; John 7:37,37; Matt 4:4;17:11; Rev 11:3,4   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+9%3A10-13%3B+Mal+4%3A5%2C6%3B+John+7%3A37%2C37%3B+Matt+4%3A4%3B17%3A11%3B+Rev+11%3A3%2C4&version=NKJV

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Guest Nicole
2 hours ago, Witness said:

those whom Jesus sends, appear to be receiving the same condemnation by you.

That is what you are exactly  doing Sir/Madam/LGTBIQ (I respect this community)  or whatever you feel you are when calling an organization 


On 7/10/2018 at 6:06 PM, Nicole said:

WT Beast?

When that is not its name. What kind of christian or healer is that with that kind of language filled of hatred? Poor patient who goes and looks for help associating with these mediocre level of healers.

As I have said this is not my mother language but always get amazed how people are not able to prepare a good written report, post in English or Spanish despite studying at universities

And since your post is not professional, I will leave you with the closest image that comes to my mind when I read about your "healer"


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@Witness Then do you support Rick's stance on Jehovah's Witnesses having weapon bunkers in the basement of their churches? I still have quotes from the biggest disgruntled JWs as well as the Anti-JW camp who hates ExJws and Jws on their say about Fearon.

How you do comply with Rick Fearon's connection with this person, Byron Brown?: http://www.buffalospree.com/buffalospreemagazine//archives/2006_04/0406byronbrown.html

Put it would seem, money talks when you have to attack a religious minority.



As for Pearl Doxsey, I am aware of this person as well, everything she says is against Jehovah's Witnesses belief and or teachings, but some of what she has address sparks a bit of hypocrisy also, for anyone can look into the teachings of early Christians and or the early Church to see the information for themselves. An example would be what she had to say on Michael the Archangel, since this is the topic of interest as of late here, she clearly speaks against the JWs on this belief, but does not shed any information on the fact that early Christians had the believe that Jesus was indeed Michael, moreover, no mention of a majority of Christians outside of the Watchtower who hold this view, namely to the fact that Jesus himself is a Warrior of God, the Promised Seed who was indeed the one to have thrown Satan out of Heaven, not to mention her clear acceptance of the practices of mainstream Christendom. The information you tend to put out, majority of it originates from her interpretation of the scriptures, as well as anything that is to attack JWs on specific beliefs, yet show a complete unawareness of those outside of mainstream Christendom who shed a similar and or if not, equal belief. Other than that, she is no different from David Wood, from Jay Smith and a list of other people who are not just part of the mainstream or have a man made understanding of scriptures in a majority of what they say, but part of those who do not shy away from alluding to targeting religious groups based on a a doctrine that did not originate with them. Other than that, it is no surprise because some of the things you posted from her, I believe I corrected you before, namely in regards to your confusion on Heavenly Jerusalem and Earthy Jerusalem.

All that being said, we are focused on Rick Fearon, disliked by current JWs, former JWs, and Anti-Christians, as well as not liked by the Non-religious, namely those who found out that this Johnny person of his was indeed a fake.

Now, for people leaving the Watchtower, that is their choice to make, no one is forcing someone to leave a faith or not, it's no different from others leaving a specific faith either of Christendom, of Islam and or of Judaism. People choose a faith of their liking because they believe it is the truth, for some faiths tend to be close to the truth than others, mainly within Christendom outside of the mainstream practices of this world's so called Christians. Pearl cannot speak for JWs in areas that is unknown to us, for she only speaks on those current EXJws who have left the Watchtower, you would not catch her speaking about JWs in a country like Egypt, or perhaps those in the Middle East who are JWs, granted in areas like that rarely do they leave their faith for their faith and community is like a tribe to them.

And yes, this is known of Jesus in regards of the Living Water and why he himself is alluded to be the water as well (and can say the same as much for him being the bread, for this has been addressed yesterday), but making this quote has nothing to do with what you have said and or what is being addressed. Also next time, perhaps post the verse itself instead of a link to that verse, it is annoying

If a man comes to speak against JWs and says they hold gun bunkers in their churches and are using them to kill those who do not believe them and or using said weapons to kill others in the last days, how is using Jesus' example in the right here? Let alone the remarks of those who listen to Rick Fearon make argument that wedding rings symbolizes a sexual pagan practice when in reality it does not?

Mind you, A Greek Bible reading Christians refuted 3 disgruntled JWs who bring up Rick Fearon, as well as bringing up information from even EXJWs who made the claim they and everyone else do not support Rick Fearon on the other side of the spectrum Anti-JWs wish death upon this blind man,, how do you make the argument if you support such a man who is clearly in the attack of JWs to gain more converts as well as a financial gain? You are aware of Rick's practices, right?


As for the verses you never seen to post directly, only by link, I did the work for you:

  • Matthew 9:10-13 -Jesus Calls Matthew - (10) And as Jesus reclined at table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and were reclining with Jesus and his disciples. (11) And when the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” (12) But when he heard it, he said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. (13) Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.Â’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”


  • Malachi 4:5 - The Great Day of the Lord - “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.


  • Malachi 4:6 - The Great Day of the Lord - And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.”


  • John 7:37 - Rivers of Living Water  - On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.


  • Matthew 4:4 - The Temptation of Jesus -  But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”


  • Matthew 17:11 - The Transfiguration - He answered, “Elijah does come, and he will restore all things.


  • Revelation 11:3 - The Two Witnesses - And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.”


  • Revelation 11:4 - The Two Witnesses - These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth.

You also missed John 4:14, 6:35 and 7:2, and the clearly connecting of verses that do not connect with each other, as you have done before, is evident and seen here, why continue to make this mistake? If one has to make a specific point about Jesus being the water and or the bread, they seek out the verses as well as the cross-references that do connect to make this point, thus making an example of such a passage, it is not difficult.Lastly this day that is mentioned in John 7:37 is in regards to the 7th day of the Festival of Tabernacles (or Booths) on Tishri 21, for it was called The Great Day of The Festival, of which is seen in the passage that contains the Shema command/Law, Deuteronomy 16:13 (13-15)

The Feast of Booths

(13) “You shall keep the Feast of Booths seven days, when you have gathered in the produce from your threshing floor and your winepress. (14) You shall rejoice in your feast, you and your son and your daughter, your male servant and your female servant, the Levite, the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow who are within your towns. (15) For seven days you shall keep the feast to the Lord your God at the place that the Lord will choose, because the Lord your God will bless you in all your produce and in all the work of your hands, so that you will be altogether joyful.

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@Nicole There will always be those who make websites and or other things to speak against a faith, Rick Fearon and Pearl are no different from Jay and David. The goal of the mainstream is to reap converts and nothing more for their cause, even if it means to exploit and or attack those of a religious minority. JWs are Restorationist, a group,  a religious minority. They are even more of a target because rarely do JWs tend to fight back, in the realm of debate a well known Trinitarian got his just deserts when attacking JWs on the daily only to be made a fool of when a JW debated him.

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On 7/12/2018 at 10:31 AM, Space Merchant said:

As for Pearl Doxsey, I am aware of this person as well, everything she says is against Jehovah's Witnesses belief and or teachings, but some of what she has address sparks a bit of hypocrisy also, for anyone can look into the teachings of early Christians and or the early Church to see the information for themselves. An example would be what she had to say on Michael the Archangel, since this is the topic of interest as of late here, she clearly speaks against the JWs on this belief, but does not shed any information on the fact that early Christians had the believe that Jesus was indeed Michael,

She DOES teach that Michael is Jesus.  Apparently, you really have no idea what she teaches.  

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On 7/12/2018 at 10:31 AM, Space Merchant said:

Then do you support Rick's stance on Jehovah's Witnesses having weapon bunkers in the basement of their churches?

Here we go again.  I didn’t say that, did I!   

Regarding stockpiling weapons and a bunker, I haven’t investigated the possibility, but it leaves one thinking.  Since the Watchtower has and holds shares in military companies/corporations…

Raytheon Company

Lockheed Martin

Armor Holdings

United Technologies Corp

Northrup Grumman Corp


BAF Systems Inc

and more…

it wouldn’t be such a far-fetched idea, now would it.

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On 7/12/2018 at 9:23 AM, Nicole said:

When that is not its name. What kind of christian or healer is that with that kind of language filled of hatred?

I’ll address your term “hatred”, hopefully keeping in mind the language difference between us.   Within the anointed priesthood (1 Pet 2:5,9), which is the authentic Body of Christ, each member should have care, concern and genuine love for the other.  1 Cor 12:12-26; Rom 12:5; Eph 5:29

They are the chosen genuine “Witnesses” of God, which does not to include every JW.  Isa 43:10,12; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22   Perhaps you may have anointed ones in your congregation. Hopefully, you can recognize that their only Head whom they must obey, is Christ, our High Priest, who has been granted supremacy over his priesthood. Col 1:18; Heb 3:1  Those priests who are faithful, will serve only the Father and Christ. Rev 1:4-6;20:6  Do you agree?  Whatever they are to accomplish as a Witness of Christ, even now, should come directly from their heart – not a magazine produced by 8 men and a writing staff, since they are God’s messengers, and not the messengers of men.  1 John 2:20,21;  Mal 2:7; John1:51; Gen.28:10-14,17; Eph.2:19

The “faithful and discreet slave” appointed as “house steward” is a position within the Body of Christ, and who is to manage/administer/guide all the spiritual food to be produced by the other members of the Body under one Spirit with Christ, and distribute it among them and to all the sheep. Matt 24:45; Luke 12:42; 1 Cor 6:17; 12:7-11,27,28

These two spiritual facts do not exist in the organization.

1.      The governing body has clearly pointed out that the rest of the anointed priesthood must obey them; yet, we are not to change the scriptures to make the “steward’s” appointment “fit” the desires of men.  The “faithful steward” should not expect obedience to themselves. Luke 22:24-27; 1 Tim 5:8

2.     The governing body, as “house steward” has decidedly twisted the term “steward” (looking up its definition is helpful) to be an all-consuming role handled only by themselves, resulting in a narrow stream of “spiritual” food lacking Holy Spirit. Amos 8:11  Progressive literal proof of this is Wt’s struggle to maintain any output of “new” spiritual food in magazine form. Not only is the organization apparently in need financially, but also famished spiritually.

This haughty act to rule over one’s brothers has resulted in the individual governing body members detaching themselves from Christ, (in order to usurp his authority as Head). It also has caused the anointed “branches” of the ”vine”, to lay dormant.    John 15:1,4-6; Col 2:19

Jesus gave us two possible scenarios; one of a faithful slave as house steward, as well as a “wicked slave”.  The wicked slave - symbolically, emotionally, spiritually -“beats” his fellow anointed slaves into submission, with threats of “disfellowshipping” by its “confirmed drunkards” – the elder body who drinks down the decrees of the wicked slave.  Matt 24:48-51; Titus 1:7

This ‘parable’ Jesus presented to his disciples, has been fulfilled, and carries over with greater enhanced understanding in the symbolic book of Revelation.  The Wild Beast of Rev 13:1 is the organization; a collective authoritative “rule” of elders, over God’s chosen anointed ones. Rev 13:6,7 This Beast slanders the anointed priesthood.  If an anointed one chooses to serve Christ only as their Head according to God’s Word and not submit themselves to a false “priesthood”/elder body, this is the basis for a spiritual “killing” – disfellowshipping – decreed and approved by the governing body/false prophet of Revelation. John 16:2; Rev 13:15; Rev 11:3,4,7

You think that calling the “spirit-directed organization”, “the Beast”, is “hatred”.  Can you see that there is no love among your governing body for their fellow anointed slaves?  1 John 3:10-12  This is a hidden abuse; and like child abuse, unless someone speaks up it will continue to go unnoticed.  Jesus has made sure it has come to our attention – John 15:26; Matt 17:11;Rev 1:1;2:7;11:1-3; Zech 4:12-14  He sends his messengers – other anointed priests – to reveal not only the priesthood’s lack of obedience to their one Master, but the true definition of who are the Beasts of Revelation; one being the “man of lawlessness” - the Wild Beast from the Sea.  Mal 3:1-7; Rev 13:1,18,11  Their existence was spearheaded by Satan who has won over fallen anointed priests, to carry out his plan of deceit and last effort to destroy  God’s holy people.  Rev 13:1,2,11,14-17; 2 Thess 2:3,4,9-12; Gen 3:15

The anointed ones are the dwelling of God’s Holy Spirit. They are referred in the scriptures as God’s Temple.  1 Cor 3:16,17; 2 Cor 6:16; Eph 2:21,22 When anyone steps into this “Temple” unauthorized by God, it is an “abomination”, a “disgusting thing”. Matt 24:15; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1-3 

God’s commands have been broken by the organization.

The scriptures explaining the anointed Body should help you discern this on your own.  You can find information on who they are on the jw website. (the IT book will define them as the temple)  On the other hand, you will also find that they are told to remain apart, and submit to the elder rule – an absolute lie created for the convenience of dominating God’s anointed people; which, according to scripture is the removal of the “daily sacrifices”/teachings/sacrifices of praise, no longer offered by the anointed priests.  Dan 8:11-12; 11:31; 12:11

YOU, also, are dominated by a false priesthood who judges the spiritual standing of any JW who may question not only their authority but the governing body’s false teachings.  Acts 5:29; 2 Cor 11:20

Under the direction of the governing body (who is the “false prophet of Revelation 13:11) the “man of lawlessness”/elder body has “trampled”, or “stands/sits" in God’s Temple.  2 Thess 2:3,4   You are purposefully not taught by the Watchtower, the distinction between the “holy and the common”, which is a serious transgression of God’s decrees, concerning His Temple.   He didn’t take this lightly in the past, and at this time of Revelation’s fulfillment, He certainly doesn’t do so, now.  Ezek 44:6-9; 22:23-29 If God has chosen a people to declare and praise His name, and teach His laws fulfilled in Christ, should they be under any other dominion and rule, but that of God and Christ?  Deut 17:8-13; Heb 8:5; Num 18:7; Heb 10:16


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On 7/12/2018 at 9:23 AM, Nicole said:

mediocre level of healers.

It appears that you may feel it is impossible for an anointed woman to bear “fine fruit”. (Matt 7:17)

Is it because she’s a woman?  (Gal 3:28) 

Or, because she doesnÂ’t live in a superb compound named in Warwick? (Luke 9:58; Jer 22:13-17)

Or, that she does not share a place at the expansive conference table in Warwick’s “boardroom” with eight men? ( Dan 11:27)

Or, her preaching work is not “organized” by men, but by God? Zech 4:6,11-14;  Rev 11:1-3

Is it because she doesnÂ’t have, at her beckon call, an army of elders to disperse all of the food she produces? (Matt 24:48-51)

During Ezekiel’s time, the number of those “sighing and crying” over the detestable things happening in Jerusalem, were among the minority.  It is no different within spiritual “Jerusalem” today.  If any are obedient to Christ’s words in Matt 7:15-20, and search out the “fine fruit”, which is provided in the humble example found in the recorded Sound Cloud above,  (Matt 23:12) Christ offers healing with “living waters” of Truth through the servant he chooses. John 7:37,38 

"But whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty again. In fact, the water I will give him will become a well of water springing up in him for eternal life." John 4:14

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who receives whomever I send receives Me; and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.”  John 13:20 (Mal 4:5,6)


I am breaking down Matt 7:15-20 using the NWT Study Edition with its remarks:

15 “Be on the watch for the false prophets

 (q:  Mt 24:11; 2Pe 2:1; 1 Jo 4:1 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mt+24%3A11%3B+2Pe+2%3A1%3B+1Jo+4%3A1&version=NKJV)


who come to you in sheepÂ’s covering,

in sheep’s covering: Or “in sheep’s clothing,” that is, disguised in figurative garments and exhibiting sheeplike qualities in order to give the impression of being a harmless member of God’s “flock” of worshippers.

(Do you see where the false prophets are found?  They are members of God’s “flock”, found among the anointed “trees” and their companions. )

(r: Luke 6:26  - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+6%3A26&version=NKJV)

but inside they are ravenous wolves.

ravenous wolves: A metaphor describing those who are extremely covetous and who exploit others for personal gain.

(Not only are the false prophets wearing sheep’s clothing, and part of God’s “flock”, they must be found in the position of power to successfully “exploit” others with their scheme, and to satiate their covetous desires.   Would an “apostate” female  who has left the Watchtower have the ability to exploit JWs for personal gain?  No, but the governing body has that ability, and they have been quite successful doing so.)

(s:  Acts 20:29,30  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+20%3A29%2C30\&version=NKJV)


16  By their fruits you will recognize them.

fruits: Here used figuratively of peopleÂ’s works, their words, or the results of what they do and say.

Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they?

(t:  Parallel account  Luke 6:44  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+6%3A44&version=NKJV)

17  Likewise, every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit.

(u :  Matt 12:33 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+12%3A33&version=NKJV

18  A good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, nor can a rotten tree produce fine fruit.

(v :  Luke 6:43 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+6%3A43&version=NKJV)

19  Every tree not producing fine fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

(w:   Mt 3:10; Lu 13:6; Lu 13:9 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mt+3%3A10%3B+Lu+13%3A6%3B+Lu+13%3A9&version=NKJV)  

20  Really, then, by their fruits you will recognize those men.

(x:  Matt 12:33 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+12%3A33&version=NKJV

Convenient!  The NWT calls these false prophets, men!  Sometimes, Satan reveals more of his plan that we realize.  

TREES:  God’s anointed ones Ps 1:1-6;Zech 4:11-14; Rev 11:4; 22:2

FRUIT:  What comes out of their mouth – their teachings,  which determines whether they are “weeds” (thorns and thistles)…

…or fine trees producing fine fruit.  This sort of fruit, “lasts”.  John 15:16

Jesus’ words warn us of both possibilities. Those that bear rotten fruit that falls from these trees, are the “wolves in sheep’s clothing” – found among the worshipers. 

Sadly, the rotten fruit is accepted and savored, by the majority. Jer 5:31; 23:16 To his own people, concerning the time of the end, Jesus said, “Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.”  Matt 24:11

“There were indeed false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. (among God’s people) They will bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, and will bring swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved ways, and the way of truth will be maligned because of them. 3 They will exploit you in their greed with made-up stories. Their condemnation, pronounced long ago, is not idle, and their destruction does not sleep.” 2 Pet 2:1-3

Notice, false prophets (not Inspired by God’s Holy Spirit and admitted by the GB)  breathing a demonic spirit, as all false prophets do (Rev 16:13,14) and who serve up their version of “truth”, (2 Thess 2:9-12) deny the Master – JESUS – who bought them.  Does the GB deny their Master, Christ?  Yes, in at least two detectable ways.  “Living water” is another term for teachings. Just as the rotten “fruit” by the Watchtower cannot sustain life, neither can any water issuing from the same source .  For those who remain in Christ, they also become the source of fine fruit and living water.  John 15:4,5,16

If the GB fully accepted Christ as their Head, do you believe they would expect their fellow anointed bodily “members” to obey THEM as is the case in the organization?  Of course not.  All anointed would recognize their one true Master and obey only Christ, working side by side in love, and giving honor due the other member.  Yet, this is such a foreign concept under a wicked slave.  Matt 24:48-51; John 15:10

Reason on this. Would Jesus call Watchtower’s “new light” teachings, fine fruit that lasts/ endures?  If a shifty false prophet would discard his own fruit and replace it with a new “rotten” crop of made-up stories, what do you think Jesus would do with it, and the tree it comes from?

“Every tree not producing fine fruit is cut down and thrown in the fire”  Matt 7:19

A false prophet harbors unseen wicked desires, well hidden behind sheep’s clothing and mannerisms. The Beast from the Earth of Rev 13:11 is a lineage of false prophets , who uses a disguised “army”, a false priesthood, to come against the anointed ones…and YOU, with deceptive made-up stories labeled “truth”, yet it is “poisoned” water. Prov 10:11; 2 Thess 2:9-12; Rev 8:10,11; 9:1-6

JWs, please don’t be deceived.  It is truly not a laughing matter.  God has always sent his messengers to expose the sins of His people, while also providing the way to gain back His favor. Amos 3:7; Matt 23:34; Rev 18:4-8; 3:18  At this time of the end, the greatest deception to come against God’s anointed people isn’t “Christendom” or the political field, but the Watchtower Harlot/false prophet and Wild Beast she directs. 





GB false prophets.jpg

Rutherford Millions.png

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6 hours ago, Witness said:

Here we go again.  I didn’t say that, did I!   

Regarding stockpiling weapons and a bunker, I haven’t investigated the possibility, but it leaves one thinking.  Since the Watchtower has and holds shares in military companies/corporations…

Raytheon Company

Lockheed Martin

Armor Holdings

United Technologies Corp

Northrup Grumman Corp


BAF Systems Inc

and more…

it wouldn’t be such a far-fetched idea, now would it.

Clearly I said such in question since you yield support of Rick Fearon and the proof of such even stems from the very community of which you tend to pull the information from. Like I said, they do not stockpile weapons to go on a shooting spree should they choose it. Also if you are going to make mention of things, rather cite the information. Lastly, I recognize Raytheon Company, the reality here is, this has been debunked a decade ago even by JW opponents, I only know this because I began studying Christian minorities in my youth, so I hope what you will bring to the table is accurate.

Other than that, Rick Fearon, according to some JWs, ExJws, Anti-Christians, agnostics and among the non religious, is false in what he says, even by one who is very close to this man. None of them supports Rick, and there is enough reasons as to why this is.

6 hours ago, Witness said:

She DOES teach that Michael is Jesus.  Apparently, you really have no idea what she teaches.  

I do have an idea of what she professes, yet some of what she says contradict one thing for something else, perhaps on purpose or by mistake; and or says otherwise, the same can be said about Heavenly Jerusalem, of which was brought up here to which such has been traced back to her.

Like I said, she sheds no information of early Church and or Christians who hold this belief, unless you are willing to put such information here rather the a question/reply.

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