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WT: Damaris rejects a scholarship and chooses to work in a bank instead because she PLANNED to become a pioneer. If she planned to pioneer, why did she even apply for university in the first place?

Jack Ryan

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3 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

I know of at least 100 people of different religious background that have completed college, and they are stuck in a minimum wage job............to pay the student loans ................................

About minimum wage and high education. That is problem of "market" and need for this or that profile of workers, where you live - in what part of world, how is economy in your country etc, etc. So, accepting advice - go to be doctor or go to be blacksmith depends, in my opinion, on various factors (individual, social and so), and as such it is not good for person to make conclusion on basis of his "religious insight" about answer; when will end come? So why to be doctor, in NW doctor will be without job :)))) 

If you choose wrong, and finally end as professor or plumber, do not blame  god or  devil for that, blame yourself, or  your advisers if you need to blame others. Blame greedy people, bad circumstances, wrong day of your birthday, wrong country where you live, tornado or flood, ....and remember that you read in Bible, " All share a common destiny—the righteous and the wicked, the good and the bad,[a] the clean and the unclean, those who offer sacrifices and those who do not." -- "So I took all this to heart and concluded that the righteous and the wise, as well as their deeds, are in God’s hands. Man does not know what lies ahead,whether love or hate"

"Their deeds, are in God’s hands" this is not light statement, but one of interpretation could be that your god will, wish, plan  for you is to be doctor and not window cleaner with half time job and other part in pioneer service with wt magazine. Can that be possible? Yes, if you believe in meaning of Ecl verse and statement that human are clay and god is potter, who shape you as he wish (or in harmony with facts, who you are at this moment, your deep state of heart, mind and other unknown facts that reveal who you really are)  :)))  

Do not seriously accept all here said from me, I just gave to myself some freedom to interpret mix of bible, wt, worldly  and personal "insight".

About costs for study. It depends where you live. So, in some country it is not so difficult to pay some costs for high education. Again, perhaps you and your friends living in wrong country. :))) Need for this or that profile of workers are problematic and many jobs that not required more years in school are empty because young people are not interested to work simple jobs or skill jobs, but reasons for that are many and  people can see why, so here is no need to talk about that. 

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It also helps a GREAT deal in getting a job, if you are willing to work at poverty wages. There comes a time in many peoples' lives when it is necessary to survive. Been there ... done that.

Surely a university didn’t randomly approach her and give her a scholarship? ? This week's WT-study: The Watchtower - April 2018 - "Young People, Are You Focused on Spiritual Goals?"

If you are the smartest person in a room .... you are in the wrong room.

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7 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

I know of at least 100 people of different religious background that have completed college, and they are stuck in a minimum wage job.

You need to associate with a smarter group of people.

If your master's degree is in French Literature .... you have shot yourself in the foot, and paid for the bullet.

What will that qualify you to do? Nothing that I can think of off hand.

If you are in a room full of 100 college graduates, and 50% have what is my opinion, a generally useless degree, that shows the 50% is completely divorced from reality.

So, you have 50 people left, while the others are stewing in their own expensive fantasy world.

Then there are perhaps 40 people who are not willing to relocate as needed to where the jobs are, so they have tied their own hands behind them.

Risk taking and bold action is often a crucial job requirement.

So you have ten people left out of the original hundred, and 5 have no idea how to write a good resume, interview well, or are just hateful, mean, belligerent, or ugly people with no people skills whatsoever.

That leaves 5 people.

Then you have the last 5 people that perhaps studied Petroleum Engineering, Nursing, Hotel Management, or any number of valuable subjects, but reality is that they tested well, but in the workaday world, they couldn't find a door with a map. 

Or perhaps they have even an advanced degree in some valuable subject, and have let the sounds of their own wheels make them crazy, and are bat crap crazy, .... and decide after a $70,000 education,  to sell daisies, or make really cool table candles ... man.

I have a cousin who went to college for 9 years, and is as useless as teats on a bull, because he is just plain clueless. He goes around in a Star Wars robe and a a fake light saber.

Infinite Variety.



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I appreciate your honest reply, but the fact of the matter is this:

You have your opinions on how the Universe and the "Real World" operates ... and I have mine.

The Universe does not care about either of our opinions ... only what the facts really are.


3 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Therefore, you just made a strong argument that higher education doesn’t control one's destiny.

I never said it did.

Ever see the movie "Dr. Zhivago"?  An older movie well worth the effort to find and see, starring Omar Sharif, and Sir Alex Guiness (Obi-wan Kanobe) .  Dr. Zhivago is in Siberia or somewhere in the winter during the Russian Revolution of 1918, and he is freezing .. so he leaves his "girlfriend's" apartment and starts destroying someone's fence for firewood to take back.   His Brother is a policeman spying on him, and see's this, but lets him get away with it.

The brother muses (paraphrased) "You know ... my brother is a Doctor, and I am just a policeman ... but that does not bother me ... I have killed people much better than me with a small pistol."

OF COURSE chance and circumstance befall us all .... but other things being equal ... the race is not always to the swift ... and the battle is not always to the strong .... but that is the way to bet.

In any horse race you are going to be at a decided disadvantage ... if you are a cow.


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12 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

I believe Mr. Srecko made a point to suggest I live in the wrong country. If living in the United States is the wrong country? I will leave that up to those that live within their own nation. But, there is also a criteria, on how 1000’s want to come to America if their own country is so prosperous.

Please Billy, my expose is not to offend you, your homeland, origin or else. Apologize if you took my explanation this way. :( 

All countries are wrong and wright. Something is better or not. Or people who live in particular country are satisfied with situation and for them their country is right place to live. For his neighbor next door can be opposite. 

All best, greetings from Croatia. Many people left my country for economic reasons. Well, for them something in our country is wrong. I am ok, so have no need to flee in USA or Switzerland :)))  

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9 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

If you are the smartest person in a room .... you are in the wrong room.

??why this forum computer system, rules not allow me to give Haha , Like and Upvote symbols  for one and same comment? This and some previous.

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@Nicole Not all banks, to name a few, ones such as Morgan Stanley and or Barclays, you can go from banker to help desk eventually to project manager for infrastructure/computer migration, and eventually senior project manager, you can secure a position with Dell, HP and the like to get workers via Recruiter and for such ones the cycle repeats itself. Career paths vary for some and each path opens door to opportunity, in the end, what is important is making a living to cloth and put a roof over yourself and anyone of whom you wish to live your life with and have children with, things like that, a help would be friends and relatives.

But yeah, all that life and experience I have in this category, give back things to Caesar and at the end of the day you do what is right and needed in the eyes of God.

One thing for certain, there is a lot of hate and discrimination in the world place, I had quite a lot of that, but never has it stopped be from doing what is needed, this goes for everyone, regardless of who they are, and the examples can be seen, mainly with those who have succumb to homelessness, a community of which I take part in helping when I have the opportunity.

At the end of the day, it is the choice of the individual, one can encourage someone to do something, but it is always up to the individual, regardless of their age, race or sex, to make that choice.

Therefore, I really do not see the freak out over a choice that is not of our own, but of the individual, some people love banker jobs.

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@Space Merchant thanks for your comment and the information, which I already knew the most part.  As I said before: 

"for instance, in some banks in Central America I know you have to get higher education to work in banks unless you work as a cleaning person"

And this apply even if you are going to work only as a teller. You must have a Business Administration, Accounting or similar career degree to work for them

You said:

"Therefore, I really do not see the freak out over a choice that is not of our own, but of the individual, some people love banker jobs"

I agree, specially because refering again to what I said about some banks in Central America  and having a degree,  I can't critizice my colleagues.  ?


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On 7/8/2018 at 3:39 PM, Jack Ryan said:

Surely a university didn’t randomly approach her and give her a scholarship? ?

This week's WT-study:

The Watchtower - April 2018 - "Young People, Are You Focused on Spiritual Goals?"


Watchtower is trying to influence those who might be thinking about a university level education to drop the idea, based on simplistic and anecdotal information

First, lawyers are usually not talking to bank staff - the lawyer's assistant is.

Second, what lawyer ever says: "I'm so unhappy," especially to some random person at a bank.

That doesn't invalidate the reality that just because one person noticed that some of the millions of people who followed the career path are unhappy, does not mean that it is wrong to follow that career path or that anyone who does will be unhappy. Flawed reasoning at its worst. Notice I did not say logic, because there is no logic to their reasoning.

Who said she applied for a scholarship? Teachers always make that suggestion to bright students but the decision belongs to the student and this student declined the offer. 

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On 7/9/2018 at 6:06 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I have gotten jobs where there was NO OPENINGS, but because of my skill sets, they CREATED a job for me.

Me too.

And without any particular college education, just plain old self-taught. 

Using the intellectual freedom gained by pursuing rather mundane employment activities whilst "pioneering", I was able develop skills that later brought sufficient financial reward to care for personal familiy responsibilities, and then eventual financial independence to continue "pioneering" without secular constraints.

Works well for me, but I have to admit: "t'was the Watchtower made me do it, Officer!"

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It also helps a GREAT deal in getting a job, if you are willing to work at poverty wages.

There comes a time in many peoples' lives when it is necessary to survive.

Been there ... done that.

That being said, I have never even heard of a Cardiac Specialist having trouble finding a job.

Being poor is nothing to be ashamed of ... but it has NOTHING to recommend it.

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