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Jehovah's Witnesses Hierarchical View of Everyone

Jack Ryan

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In case any of you were wondering where you "ranked" in the eyes of JW's worldwide.... this is what has been observed as general guidelines from people that have actually lived as a JW in the last few decades:

Let's start at the very top classes here on earth of actual PEOPLE or GROUPS:


"Faithful and Discreet Slave" - Now only the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses below - Removed

Anointed Ones - Removed

The Governing Body

Watchtower Attorneys (Brothers who are Attorneys or Doctors) (They get invited to live at Bethel at the expense of "the flock")

Committee Members

"Bethel Elders"

District Overseers - Gone....

Circuit Overseers (wives are slightly exalted)   

Bethelites are in this general area depending on age and job description.... (Bethelite women? That was invented decades ago for them to have wives at Bethel.....then somewhere along the line they allowed some "holier than thou" single sisters in Bethel if they were RN's.... they didn't stay single long though due to a pillow shortage at Bethel one year.)  But this oddity has shown up in recent years. Most JW's don't know how to deal with a single female bethelite since she is obviously trying to climb this ranking list.

Missionaries (Gilead Graduates) (wives are exalted)

Pioneer Elders (no bonus more than the elder's wife bonus)

RBC Elder (Now LDC member) (no bonus for wife....she never sees husband LOL)

Elders (and ranks among them)  Presiding Overseer..... Gone


Watchtower Study Conductor (this title USED to mean something)

Theocratic Ministry School Overseer (this old title used to mean something)

Service Overseer (used to be the "pioneer elder above" often enough)

Non-Pioneer Elder

Pioneer Ministerial Servants

Ministerial Servants


Unbaptized Male Publishers

Regular Pioneer Sisters

Auxiliary Pioneer Sisters

Sisters (married)

Regular Pioneer single sister

Auxiliary Pioneer single sister

Single sisters

Sisters who speak

Sisters who try to teach

Sisters who are educated with a career

Unbaptized Female Publishers

JW Children

Non-JW Children of JW's

-------- Armageddon Survival Line -------- (if you are near this line your survival at Armageddon is in the "gray area")

Billions of innocent babies.... (well not innocent... they are baby vipers who should be killed along with the other heathens)

Worldly children...


People with tattoos


Male Homosexuals


Soldiers (Veterans)

Buddhist monks

Catholic Priests

The Pope



Younger disfellowshipped people (crime was "immorality" which can be understood by most since they all masturbate and feel guilty afterward)

Disfellowshipped (former brothers and sisters)

Apostates who don't like the JW ranking system.

Olin Moyle

Ray Franz




Did I miss someone or a rank? ?


@TrueTomHarley They should try being inclusive ...no need to track or keep records on people.

Instead they have setup an "exclusive" system with ranks even amongst themselves.

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I forgot to include JW Celebrities.... Where should I place them? Hmmm  

Your posting was July 10.  I just discovered it today, August 26, 2018 ... so the reason I have not 'weighed in" is mere ignorance that this post existed. There is no question that there is a cle

Now that Barnum and Bailey has folded its tents, you may get less and less of these. I found this on https://www.drsoda.com/baancrb.html Barnum's Animal Crackers (Bag)***DISCONTINUED*** So,

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@Gone Away This is how the masses of JW's are taught to view everyone by their everyday actions and implied meaning in the teachings. It has gotten softer and more unspoken in the last 2 decades but they are all still there.

Notice @JW Insider or @James Thomas Rook Jr. hasn't called me out on any of these? Not even the holier than though mightiest @AllenSmith wherever he is has taken this list on.

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13 minutes ago, Jack Ryan said:

Notice @JW Insider or @James Thomas Rook Jr. hasn't called me out on any of these? Not even the holier than though mightiest @AllenSmith wherever he is has taken this list on.

Your posting was July 10.  I just discovered it today, August 26, 2018 ... so the reason I have not 'weighed in" is mere ignorance that this post existed.

There is no question that there is a clear "pecking order" in the WT hierarchy, but without analysis ( first, I would have to care ...) it seems your ordered list conveys the general idea.

However, any time two or more people get together, a pecking order evolves.  It's true with barnyard chickens, and it is true with people.

That's just the way things are.

It cannot be undone.

Even in a box of Animal Crackers with Lions and Giraffes, the Giraffes often get their necks broken.

MY policy is " ... eat 'em all ... let God sort 'em out".

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18 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Even in a box of Animal Crackers with Lions and Giraffes, the Giraffes often get their necks broken.

MY policy is " ... eat 'em all ... let God sort 'em out".

Now that Barnum and Bailey has folded its tents, you may get less and less of these. I found this on https://www.drsoda.com/baancrb.html

Barnum's Animal Crackers (Bag)***DISCONTINUED***

So, who knows, a little self-control and an unshaken box with pristine, unbroken giraffe necks might someday yield $50 on eBay. I thought I'd sell my basement full of Hostess Twinkies on eBay when they were to be discontinued in May 2013. But since a new company bought them out of bankruptcy and resurrected them in July 2013, I guess I'll just have to use them for insulation, or maybe to stuff into pillows or something.

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2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

So, who knows, a little self-control and an unshaken box with pristine, unbroken giraffe necks might someday yield $50 on eBay. I thought I'd sell my basement full of Hostess Twinkies on eBay when they were to be discontinued in May 2013. But since a new company bought them out of bankruptcy and resurrected them in July 2013, I guess I'll just have to use them for insulation, or maybe to stuff into pillows or something.

It may be apocryphal, but I understand Hostess Twinkies are good for 300 years.

You COULD sit on them, and see if any of them hatch!

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*** w67 2/1 pp. 80-83 pars. 4-12 Servants of God Full Time ***

 11 There are many who, after honestly appraising their personal circumstances, do not find that they can be regular pioneer ministers, devoting one hundred hours each month to the field ministry. But this does not necessarily mean that they love God less. If their being ministers of God truly affects all their activities in life, they, too, are full-time ministers. When faced with pressures from the unbelieving world, they are just as firm for what is right as are their brothers and sisters who are able to devote more time to the field ministry. Their hearts are in Jehovah’s service, and they have a zealous share in it every month. They, too, are grateful to God that he has counted them worthy by permitting them to have a share in the ministry, and they ‘buy out the opportune time’ from other pursuits to seek first God’s kingdom.


See 1 Corinthians 10: 31; Matthew 23:8  -suggested scripture references - mine

Italics mine

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