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Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?

Jack Ryan

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@Jack Ryan might have a lot of issues, or these might not even be his own issues. At any rate, this particular question is a good one, in my opinion. (And @Gone Away it doesn't really matter if h

Well there is this one, from 2/1/1983 My son pointed out the picture of Zeus in the woman’s skirt when he was just 10 years old.  It was later that I saw the angelÂ’s right twisted leg and “ho

I agree, and I also agree that a few of the poster's other comments have given me the impression that JWs are being selectively chosen as if they are uniquely afflicted with certain problems. But for

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Hey, did anyone here borrow my book "Great Meanie Snakes of the World"?

For the record (perhaps even one of Guiness' records) I personally caught about 300 snakes from the time I was about 8 to the time I was about 12. When I was 8 I even brought one to the Kingdom Hall, sort of. I actually had to bring it only to the parking lot to show one of my friends, and then I let it go. (The Hall was on city property, but there was an old abandoned sawmill behind it, and no houses for a couple miles in that direction.) I still got in a lot of trouble.

I was only bitten a very few times unexpectedly, once by a fox snake and once or twice by a northern water snake. In catching snakes I expected to be bitten so that doesn't count. Never even tried to catch a venomous one, although water moccasins and copperheads were fairly common. I never saw a rattlesnake except from a good distance. My goal was to catch and release about one of every major species from my "Golden Nature Book" checklist. A really big snake is grabbed with a special stick, but most snakes could be grabbed by hand just behind the head/neck. Such great memories!

I visited my sister a couple months ago out at my parents' house in California and we found a 9 to 10 foot gopher snake on the property. He was just out getting a tan so we even got a nice picture of him. My sister remembered that I once (in Missouri) brought home a medium sized green snake (called a "rough green") that I caught and wanted to bring up to the roof of our house where I had a little terrarium for small snakes. She remembers our mother calling out "Don't you bring that snake to the roof!!" while we were still quite a ways from the house. There was no way that our mother could hear us or see us, or know that we had a snake. For years, my sister thought that mothers were psychic.

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6 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

For the record (perhaps even one of Guiness' records) I personally caught about 300 snakes from the time I was about 8 to the time I was about 12. When I was 8 I even brought one to the Kingdom Hall, sort of. I actually had to bring it only to the parking lot to show one of my friends, and then I let it go. (The Hall was on city property, but there was an old abandoned sawmill behind it, and no houses for a couple miles in that direction.) I still got in a lot of trouble.

I was only bitten a very few times unexpectedly, once by a fox snake and once or twice by a northern water snake. In catching snakes I expected to be bitten so that doesn't count. Never even tried to catch a venomous one, although water moccasins and copperheads were fairly common. I never saw a rattlesnake except from a good distance. My goal was to catch and release about one of every major species from my "Golden Nature Book" checklist. A really big snake is grabbed with a special stick, but most snakes could be grabbed by hand just behind the head/neck. Such great memories!

I visited my sister a couple months ago out at my parents' house in California and we found a 9 to 10 foot gopher snake on the property. He was just out getting a tan so we even got a nice picture of him. My sister remembered that I once (in Missouri) brought home a medium sized green snake (called a "rough green") that I caught and wanted to bring up to the roof of our house where I had a little terrarium for small snakes. She remembers our mother calling out "Don't you bring that snake to the roof!!" while we were still quite a ways from the house. There was no way that our mother could hear us or see us, or know that we had a snake. For years, my sister thought that mothers were psychic.

You must have cried when they told you that those Mark verses are phony.

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I will agree with JW Insider that Jack Ryan's question is a good question... and go further to state that in my not so humble opinion it is neither blasphemous, inappropriate, or other wise "bad".

I am going to propose something in this post that may be controversial, and you may not "like" it, but if so, please provide hard facts to counter my following supposition.

I have noticed that when some disaster or crime or other "bad thing" happens, the survivors thank God for saving their lives .... when perhaps, in a plane crash, 274 others died, etc. 

What were the OTHER people, chopped liver?

Bad analogy, because in that case, some were.

Nevertheless, it is my supposition that Jehovah God does NOT single out individuals for divine protection.  I may be completely wrong, as I have escaped death, and crippling injury more than many dozens of times, when much better people than I am in many or every way have died early deaths, and I am heavily inclined to believe that PERHAPS Jehovah God is keeping me alive for some unknown, inexplicable reason.

Based on what I know is ACTUALLY real ... it's probably only an emotional indulgence.

That is why when I pray, I thank Jehovah for my life ... the fact that "I" was ever born, and for the chance and circumstances that I have enjoyed at this time, and in this place. ... but I do not "give him credit" for it.

To do that would, IMNSHO would mean that he has it "in" for many others, and deliberately makes their lives miserable ....  short .....  or both.

So here is my supposition that I hope someone has hard evidence, to disprove, to wit:

In modern times, Jehovah God has not in any way interfered with the will of the Nations, or of any individual person, and has not changed in any way the normal outworking of any person, place or thing.

Chance and circumstance DO befall us all ... and completely, and without any interference from God whatsoever.


There are no actual real-life exceptions ... based on fact.

The ONLY possible exception, based on probability observed from actual factual information, in my mind, was Jehovah God protecting Sgt. Alvin C. York, an American soldier in World War I.  But that is only a guess, based on my understanding of impossible things that actually do happen, and the depth  of Alvin C. York's true righteous inclinations in his early years. 

You would have to read several biographies to understand that.

Based on what I know is ACTUALLY real ... it's probably only ANOTHER emotional indulgence.

I hope that someone here has a verifiable actual fact to disprove my theory ... but in the absence of actual hard, verifiable data, I will go with what I at this point in time, firmly believe to be true, based on everything I know, have read,  and 71 years of life experiences.

We are on our own ....

.... be CAREFUL out there !!



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A man is on a tree covered island in the middle of the river ... and the water is getting higher and higher.

He prays to God for help.

Rescue Squad shoots a rope over to him, with a life jacket attached and he disconnects it and lets it go, proclaiming "I have faith that GOD will save me"

The water is higher, and he is in a tree.

Police power boat crew tries to save him but he waves them off proclaiming "I have faith that GOD will save me!"

Coast Guard helicopter drops a line with harness to him and he throws it away, proclaiming " I have faith that GOD will save me !!!!"

Just before he drowns he  screams "OH GOD, WHY DID YOU NOT SAVE ME?"

God replies: " I sent the Rescue Squad, the Police and the Coast Guard ..."


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6 hours ago, Gone Away said:

Valid point. They might also find the following hard to defend:

  • The first report of a death from a serpent bite occurred in 1922 at the Church of God Evangel.
  • In 1955, George Went Hensley, the founder of modern snake handling in the Appalachian Mountains, died after being bitten by a rattlesnake during a service in Altha, Florida.
  • In 1961, Columbia Chafin Hagerman died after being bitten by a timber rattlesnake during a service at the Church of the Lord Jesus, Jolo, West Virginia.
  • In 1967, Jean Saylor, wife of a snake-handling preacher, died after being bitten by a rattlesnake in Bell County, Kentucky.
  • In 1982, Rev John Holbrook died after being bitten by a rattlesnake during a service at the Lord Jesus Church in Jesus' Name in Mullensville, West Virginia.
  • In 1983, Mack Ray Wolford died after being bitten by a timber rattlesnake during a service at the Lord Jesus Temple in Mile Branch, near Iaeger, West Virginia.
  • In 1995, Melinda Brown from Parrottsville, Tennessee died after being bitten by a timber rattlesnake during a service at the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name in Middlesboro, Kentucky.
  • In 1995, Kale Saylor (husband of Jean), a Pentecostal preacher, died after being bitten by a rattlesnake during a service at a church in Crockett, Kentucky.
  • In 1997, Daril Colins died after being bitten by a snake during a service in Bell County, Kentucky.[60]
  • In 1998, John Wayne "Punkin" Brown (husband of Melinda), a snake-handling evangelist, died after being bitten by a timber rattlesnake during a service at the Rock House Holiness Church in rural northeastern Alabama.
  • In 2004, Dwayne Long, a Pentecostal pastor, died after being bitten by a rattlesnake during a service in Jonesville, Virgininia.
  • In 2006, Linda Long died after being bitten by a timber rattlesnake during a service at East London Holiness Church, London, Kentucky.
  • In 2012, Mark Randall "Mack" Wolford (son of Mack), a Pentecostal pastor, died after being bitten by a timber rattlesnake while officiating at an outdoor service at Panther Wildlife Management Area, West Virginia.
  • In 2014, Jamie Coots died after being bitten by a timber rattlesnake during a service at the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name in Middlesboro, Kentucky Coots starred in the TV series Snake Salvation and his death was widely reported.
  • In 2015, John Brock died after being bitten by a rattlesnake during a service at Mossie Simpson Pentecostal Church in Jenson, Kentucky.

(Courtesy Wikipedia)

You'd be amazed how some Christians profess the drinking of snake venom/poison/handling of such as well as being bitten by snakes and say that such ones cannot be harmed by it - as you can already tell, there were negative results, and some end up finding out the hard way and it is too late. Another reason why the KJV is in error and majority of revised Bibles make the wise choice not to follow the Textus Receptus.

There were also situations where during a debate, those who are against the mainstream and or KJV-Onlyist, were challenged to accept what their own TR says, if they would drink the poison and or be bitten by a serpent and not be harmed, the reactions are quite funny, but the sad reality is, even to this day, people still adhere to a verse that is uninspired and it is quite shocking. Those who revised their Bibles, even when the KJV took over everything, they never adhere to and or spoke of any of these verses because they know it is wrong.

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

A man is on a tree covered island in the middle of the river ... and the water is getting higher and higher.

He prays to God for help.

Rescue Squad shoots a rope over to him, with a life jacket attached and he disconnects it and lets it go, proclaiming "I have faith that GOD will save me"

The water is higher, and he is in a tree.

Police power boat crew tries to save him but he waves them off proclaiming "I have faith that GOD will save me!"

Coast Guard helicopter drops a line with harness to him and he throws it away, proclaiming " I have faith that GOD will save me !!!!"

Just before he drowns he  screams "OH GOD, WHY DID YOU NOT SAVE ME?"

God replies: " I sent the Rescue Squad, the Police and the Coast Guard ..."


A wise question one would ask is why do bad things happen, such calamity and the like. Questions like this people will ask you regardless of where you are in the world, the city, village, the slums, etc. because the mainstream teaches God takes who he chooses, which is an utter lie, this often leads to people blaming God.

Another thing is people believing that they could heal with their hands and give the Holy Spirit by means of touch for it will come to the individual in a form of a person, which is also absurd.

Other than that, I had a good explanation for something in this regard from a while back, but then the whole Windows 10 thing happen and let's just say the hard drive didn't make it for some of reason. One of the very reasons I have and also recommend, military grade hdds.


As for the other bit about nations, checked any news in the EU and the Middle East lately?

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19 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

In modern times, Jehovah God has not in any way interfered with the will of the Nations, or of any individual person, and has not changed in any way the normal outworking of any person, place or thing.

This a very tempting conclusion and one that is constantly on my desktop. I am reluctant to file it as "agreed" for the simple reason that we just cannot know for sure what Jehovah does or does not do, unless He explicitly tells us. We just have to take His word for it on the basis of what He has revealed in the past. This appears to be one of the fundamental components of what we call "faith".

When the first lie was told, it presented a conclusion that God was actually lying when He stated that Adam and Eve would die if they disobeyed Him. As no one had died up to that point, there was no way to counter that claim by any "verifiable actual fact". They chose to believe the contradictory statement. Their NOT dying immediately once they had acted on that conclusion may even have reinforced that view, for a period, despite their guilt. The facts proved otherwise...later.

Anyway, the long and the short of it for me is that:

1. Jehovah God CAN interfere (is intervene a better word?) with the will of the nations and individuals, and CAN change the normal outworking of any person, place or thing, any way He LIKES, as past verifiable and actual facts testify.

2. Jehovah states that He WILL intervene with the will of nations and individuals, and WILL change the normal outworking of any person, place or thing, any way He likes, IF HE so chooses (and through the agency of His Son). (e.g. Is. 41:10; Matt.6:33; John 14:14).

So on that basis, the tempting conclusion remains undrawn.

I continue to thank Jehovah for good things that happen, ask for His blessing on personal action I believe to be founded on His will, and for His intervention in human affairs for a variety of scriptural reasons. I appreciate that my prayers give Jehovah an indication of where I am at spiritually, but that He is under no obligation at all to indicate to me where He is at. (Who can say to him, ‘What are you doing?’ Job 9:12).

But I don't have that "genie in the bottle"  concept of the Creator that seems to be suspiciously lurking in the minds of some I meet.



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23 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Space Merchant:

... obviously you expect to be paid by the word.

What you are writing about is a complete mystery.

To a degree it is no mystery for people think and blame God for everything when he clearly has no part in what they are doing, some even blame God for taking their loved ones when in reality he does not take them nor do they go anywhere upon death. Moreover, God can interfere with some things, but not as what people make it seem to be by their understanding of things. Example: We cannot blame God for our own misfortune by stepping on a Lego piece, tumbling down 3 steps and breaking a leg in the process, resulting in long hospital stays and a large bill to pay, and lastly, being wheelchair bound. A silly example but people do blame God for taking their legs and or arms, mainly if so and so uses that part of their body for sports and the like. Also stepping on a Lego does indeed hurt and is very, very painful.

Other than that, it would be good to be paid for writing and typing things, the more money made, the more I can give to those indeed and sustain my household.

But I had a wonderful response I made a while back to an Agnostic, but I since lost that information in regards to having it being somewhat an answer to your example, but alas, I do not have it, so I'd have to do more research in order to make a more fitting response.


On the other side of the spectrum, going back to the topic at hand, the truth of the matter is the Jehovah's Witnesses, as said before, are not immune, no one is immune, if anyone says they are immune, I suspect cheating. Pedophila, as of late, is getting bigger and stronger and it is very hard to hit the weak-spot of such a beast due to Pedophila, by the general public, is being pushed to be made legal and to be promoted. When this goes into full effect, all hell will break loose at this point and both educational and religious institutions will be hit x10 as much should the current society of this world continues to feed and pet the beast, a beast that can't really be harmed when it is strong enough. the LGBTQ community is on the front-lines in support of what many of us are against. So a time will come when secular and religious laws will also be hi- oh never mind, it already has been hit (the talk about the 1st Amendment regarding Religious Rights).

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