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The World News Media

The Religion of Fear

Jack Ryan

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Fear because of Armageddon.

Fear because if you did anything "wrong", someone could find out.

Fear of "worldly" people trying to get too close to you or invite you anywhere.

Fear to even let your closest friends know all of your secrets.

Fear of your sexual desires and of "slipping up".

Fear because if you had a judicial committee, you were going to have to talk about very personal business in extreme detail.

Fear that you didn't make enough hours.

Fear that you will never marry because there aren't enough dateable brothers or sisters in the religion, or because you don't feel dateable.

Fear because you've gone to the elders about things that have happened to you, or that deeply concern you and no one helps, everyone just says leave it in Jehovah's hands.

Fear of having "improper" thoughts. The deep fear that sets in when you have any thought that questions the organization or the Bible, and the way your brain is trained to push any thoughts out before you've actually had a chance to process them.

Fear because if you leave you will lose all of your family and friends. I remember thinking sometimes, what if all of this isn't true? What if I'm just wasting time in this life, putting everything on hold for a paradise that will never come. I had so much anxiety and depression, and I knew so many other Witnesses that did and still do as well. Many also drink A LOT. Or isolated a lot. So many were living double lives. The religion of fear.

It's no wonder so many JWs have anxiety and depression

-  Redo_Undo


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Fear because of Armageddon. Fear because if you did anything "wrong", someone could find out. Fear of "worldly" people trying to get too close to you or invite you anywhere. Fear to eve

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