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2 Corinthians 12:2-4 3rd heavens

Carmen Erwin

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Most recent I have noted is WT 15 July 2015. 8 We find Paul’s vision described at 2 Corinthians 12:1-4. (Read.) What Paul saw in a supernatural vision was referred to as a revelation. It involved

Thank you! For a clear explanation. I knew I read this some time back but could not remember when. Iv been going over all the new information trying to get a clear understanding. And also to remember

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Most recent I have noted is WT 15 July 2015.

8 We find Paul’s vision described at 2 Corinthians 12:1-4. (Read.) What Paul saw in a supernatural vision was referred to as a revelation. It involved a future event, not something that existed in his day. When Paul “was caught away to the third heaven,” what “paradise” did he see? The paradise that Paul spoke about would have a physical, a spiritual, and a heavenly fulfillment, all of which will coexist in the future. It can refer to the physical, earthly Paradise yet to come. (Luke 23:43) It can also refer to the spiritual paradise that will be experienced to the full in the new world. Additionally, it can refer to the blessed conditions in heaven in “the paradise of God.”—Rev. 2:7.
9 Why, though, did Paul say that he had “heard words that cannot be spoken and that are not lawful for a man to say”? It was not the time for him to explain in detail the marvelous things that he had seen in that vision. But today it is lawful to speak of the blessings that now exist among God’s people!
10 The expression “spiritual paradise” has become a part of our theocratic vocabulary. It describes our unique, spiritually rich environment, or condition, which allows us to enjoy peace with God and with our brothers. Of course, we should not conclude that the terms “spiritual paradise” and “spiritual temple” are the same. The spiritual temple is God’s arrangement for true worship. The spiritual paradise serves to identify clearly those who have God’s approval and who are today serving him at his spiritual temple.—Mal. 3:18.
11 How exciting it is to know that since 1919, Jehovah has allowed imperfect humans to work with him in cultivating, strengthening, and expanding the spiritual paradise on earth! Do you see yourself playing a part in this marvelous work? Are you moved to continue working with Jehovah in glorifying ‘the place for his feet’?

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Thank you! For a clear explanation. I knew I read this some time back but could not remember when. Iv been going over all the new information trying to get a clear understanding. And also to remember it as well. And yes I do really enjoy the work since I quit my secular work warehousing inventory and organization, for 8 years to work for an inferm brother and his elderly mother.  I have found great joy in helping the brother and sister stay spiritually strong they help me by the way too. And because I only work 2-1/2days I can reg auxiliary pioneer.    I used to hate and dread going in service but because I'm regular those fears have disappeared and I have found that my happiest moments are in service. The joy of finding right hearted ones and working with the brothers and sisters that often has really changed my serving Jehovah from groaning to absolute JOY!!!??

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