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10 hours ago, Grey Reformer said:

I was unaware sending letters to a government that disbanded the preaching work of a religious organization when it left other religions well enough alone, especially the Orthodox Church had anything to do with the Watchtower making a vote. What did all those letters VOTE for? If you can explain it with new evidence of truth, you reference as being, it would be greatly appreciated.

That is just the problem, Grey Reformer ... you are unaware.

You are unaware that anything one has to do with trying to change government policy is political activism.

You do not have to VOTE for something, to be heavily involved in politics.

Conversely, NOT speaking out against any issues of one "side" or another is ALSO , by omission, political activity.

You can protest in the streets in demonstrations.

You can engage in political activity by writing letters to your Senators, Congressmen, or even the President of the United States.

You can engage in political activity by entreaty,  by mailing 64 million letters to the Russian Government ... which by the way, NOBODY read, and they were either taken to a landfill, or used as fuel in wood burning stoves last winter. 

The only thing the Russian Government noted was the fact that 70% of the face value of the international postage was forwarded to them by the Universal Postal Union for terminal delivery, which never happened.

But they did .. they DID get... approximately $56 MILLION DOLLARS of the BROTHERHOOD'S hard earned money as an unintended free gift.

If you wanted to bribe someone, and make it seem invisible, that is one way to do it.

The Brotherhood in effect, at the pleading of the Governing Body ... gave the Russian Government 56 MILLION DOLLARS.

  The DIRECT result of political activism.

Plus, last winter "Fuel at the proper time".

You can "vote" with a ballot.

You can "vote" with your feet, by getting away, deliberately leaving the influence of political oppression.

You can "vote" with your wallet, by supporting, or NOT supporting things you find offensive, and reject.

And of course ... you can, as history has borne out, you can "vote" with a rifle.

You can "vote" by NOT picking up a rifle.

That is just the problem, Grey Reformer ... you are just plain ignorant,  uninformed, and consequently  unaware.

To one extent or another, everyone that lives, or has ever lived shares  that, including you, me, and the Governing Body ... as giving 56 MILLION DOLLARS to your political adversary clearly demonstrates.

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Many sincere brothers now are quick to defend the mistakes of the past by saying that the number of little ones who were stumbled was actually a good thing. We've seem multiple comments on this forum

I was there, and paying attention. I know better.

Hmmmm... I thought the Governing Body was supposed to be faithful and discrete slaves .....   ministering to ..... to the brotherhood. The IDEA of providing " food at the proper time" is not to s

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11 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

You are unaware that anything one has to do with trying to change government policy is political activism.

how is letter writing have any political implications? Did the Russian government change its mind, that you seem to think they did and are aware of it? It seems irrational to think that way, But, since you have started in a path of insults, I will not lower my standard of intelligence to meet yours. 

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25 minutes ago, Grey Reformer said:

how is letter writing have any political implications? Did the Russian government change its mind, that you seem to think they did and are aware of it? It seems irrational to think that way, But, since you have started in a path of insults, I will not lower my standard of intelligence to meet yours. 

I am glad you asked.

I did not insult you ... I only stated a fact, which you have confirmed just now, that in the area of political interactions in the REAL world, you are not aware of what is going on around you.

I am ignorant of many things, also. 

To say someone is ignorant is not an insult, especially in a specific area of human perception and thinking.

I could say that you have a nice car .... if you TAKE it as an insult, that does not mean I have insulted you.

 If you are a midget, and I say you are a midget, that is not an insult ... merely a statement of actual fact. Referring to you as a "little person" may be more diplomatic, but you would still be a midget..

The letter writing was a naive idea that could never have worked.  The Russian Federation is NOT governed by any concepts of fairness.

But, getting to your specific question ... Letter writing TO POLITICIANS and GOVERNMENTS is political activity.  Whether it succeeds in changing their governmental policy, or fails at changing their governmental policy is completely immaterial.

The fact that you TRIED is political activity.

You would think the GB would have figured that out after presenting their case in all lower courts, and the Russian Supreme Court .. twice.

Apparently NOT.

So ... they tried political activism.

That did not work, either.

But they niavely TRIED ... which the Russkies appreciated.

They must have laughed themselves into a coma, after stealing all the JW real estate, then .... getting 56 million dollars and 11 train boxcars full of thinly sliced firewood as a free bonus.

They have a policy that it is immoral to let a sucker keep his money ... but this exceeded their wildest expectations.



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By the way Grey Reformer ... did you know that former  Presidents of the WTB&TS swore under oath before God to bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America?

Here is the oath they swore:

"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to to the same; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. So help me God."

If they had not ... they would not have gotten a US Passport.

.... talk about selling your birthright for a bowl of stew ......





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Application No. 28626/95
Khristiansko Sdruzhenie "Svideteli na Iehova"
(Christian Association Jehovah's Witnesses)
(adopted on 9 March 1998)
INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
PART I : STATEMENT OF THE FACTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
PART II : SOLUTION REACHED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
1. This Report relates to the application introduced under
Article 25 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human
Rights and Fundamental Freedoms by Khristiansko Sdruzhenie "Svideteli
na Iehova" (Christian Association Jehovah's Witnesses) against Bulgaria
on 6 September 1995. The application was registered on 21 September
1995 under file No. 28626/95.
2. The applicant association was represented by MM Alain Garay and
Philippe Goni, lawyers practising in Paris.
3. The Government of Bulgaria were represented by their Agent, Mrs
Guenka Beleva and, subsequently, by Mr Vladimir Sotirov of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and by Mrs Violina Djidjeva, co-agent.
4. On 3 July 1997 the Commission declared the application
admissible. It then proceeded to carry out its task under Article 28
para. 1 of the Convention which provides as follows:
"In the event of the Commission accepting a petition referred to
a. it shall, with a view to ascertaining the facts, undertake
together with the representatives of the parties an examination
of the petition and, if need be, an investigation, for the
effective conduct of which the States concerned shall furnish all
necessary facilities, after an exchange of views with the
b. it shall at the same time place itself at the disposal of
the parties concerned with a view to securing a friendly
settlement of the matter on the basis of respect for Human Rights
as defined in this Convention."
5. The Commission found that the parties had reached a friendly
of the case and on 9 March 1998 adopted this Report,
in accordance with Article 28 para. 2 of the Convention, is confined
to a brief statement of the facts and of the solution reached.
6. The following members were present when the Report was adopted:

...................................................... etc.

JW participate very much in politics to some level with other religious and non religious organization.

If you go to read few documents about Bulgaria issue and see what in fact was the content of "friendly settlement" then you will be surprised ones again.

JW representatives are participants on regular basis (for many years) in OSCE meetings as Non-Governmental Organizations.

What  is  OSCE? https://www.osce.org/who-we-are

Among its key partner organizations are the United Nations, the European Union, the Council of Europe, and NATO. Perhaps this is continuation after 1991-2001 disgrace with UN affiliation. http://www.truebiblecode.com/images/JWUNDPI.pdf

YES, WT and JW are politically involved.

There is no Neutral position, perhaps only  as  OBLIGATION for members, most for rank and file members.

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If you read carefully hidden in Sunday's WT lesson for last week .. the emphasis was on OVERTHROWING governments, or regime change.

Be a sport ... read the WT study article once again, with that kept in your mind.

It appears that the only way many of us develop reading comprehension is after reading something incorrectly, recovering from figurative "bullet wounds".

The Society is VERY careful nowadays NOT to directly speak against voting.

Probably learned from recovering from too many continuous governmental sanction "bullet wounds".

The legal staff and accountants and the "Helpers" are now running the show.

I have carefully watched this transition and power shift over 50 years and more.

It has been funny, and terribly, terribly sad, at the same time.


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@James Thomas Rook Jr. Granted we have the Lucis Trust, the people of the Grove, E.I.I., the Shadow Government, democracized media, The Global Mafia, Soros and friends sit around watching their money go to work on the Left and the Right fighting, a 2nd Civil War looming around as well as talks of WW 3 depending on a certain ally of the US, the UN taking notes on trying to shift the amendments, and a list of other things, you'd be surprise of how many people are not a fan of government, mainly if you take the time to go to the deepest and darkest areas to find information.

One of my very reasons I do not take kindly to politics and politicians, mainly when you actually find out the truth of things out of the wave of mixed social media and conspiracy.

For all things must be carefully researched and analyzed to see the real conclusion.

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@Srecko Sostar 

11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

JW representatives are participants on regular basis (for many years) in OSCE meetings as Non-Governmental Organizations.

What  is  OSCE? https://www.osce.org/who-we-are

Among its key partner organizations are the United Nations, the European Union, the Council of Europe, and NATO. Perhaps this is continuation after 1991-2001 disgrace with UN affiliation. http://www.truebiblecode.com/images/JWUNDPI.pdf

YES, WT and JW are politically involved.

There is no Neutral position, perhaps only  as  OBLIGATION for members, most for rank and file members.

This has already been discussed, you were even in the discussion in regards to OSCE:

Learn what it is if it didn't get through the first time:

Mind you, you agreed with everything said in the end, but here we see that is the complete opposite and the clear expectation that no one would realize it til now.

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13 hours ago, Grey Reformer said:

how is letter writing have any political implications? Did the Russian government change its mind, that you seem to think they did and are aware of it? It seems irrational to think that way, But, since you have started in a path of insults, I will not lower my standard of intelligence to meet yours. 

Letter writing isn't politically no matter what anyone says, so I will put this out here because some people still not fully aware of the situation in Russia and or the EU. What they fail to see at times is in an act where one's faith is hindered and or ANYTHING pertaining to God is being affected, Spiritual Warfare and or Civil Disobedience comes into play, and it comes in many forms.

Telling a government official to stop bothering people and allowing worship to continue is not political and granted of how much we already know of Russia, well some of us to dwell in this information, such can be said otherwise among truth vs. claims.

If one deems this as political, then they have to do the same with Christians vs. Satanist at a conference and or a cemetery, or perhaps the whole Bible ban in Western US an the like. Christians resort to Spiritual Warfare and Civil Disobedience should anything or anyone hinder their faith and or ability to worship God the right way, or anything pertaining to God such as spreading the gospel, reading the Bible, talking about, praying in schools, public or even in your home, etc.

What can be said is since Christianity is on the decline, it will be far worse than Russia or the Middle East. For we already see how Christians are in the US due to some forms of worship and or study has been banned or ceased, they react in a crazy way such as a school girl finding out the boy they like does not like them back, and will go on being enraged angsty warpath until either calmed down or something goes their way to fill that void.

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8 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Letter writing isn't politically no matter what anyone says, so I will put this out here because some people still not fully aware of the situation in Russia and or the EU.

Of course, letter writing has nothing to do with a political agenda. That irrational idea is a knee-jerk reaction to cover a false statement and it has sinister implications written all over it.

Just as Russia used the Watchtower as an excuse to actually retaliate itself against the United States because of its sanctions. The Watchtower became a pawn in a governmental chess game.

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