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Mosque loses tax free status for promoting intolerance and hate.

Jack Ryan

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The federal government has stripped one of Ottawa’s largest mosques of its charity status over “activities that promote hate and intolerance,” Global News has learned.

The Canada Revenue Agency took action against the Ottawa Islamic Centre and Assalam Mosque following audits that raised concerns about its roster of guest speakers.

“Many of the views expressed by the organization’s speakers are misogynistic, homophobic, racist and/or promote violence,” the CRA Charities Branch wrote in a letter sent to the mosque president.

The CRA was also concerned that “radicalized individuals” had attended the mosque, one of whom, Ashton Larmond, is now imprisoned for attempting to join the so-called Islamic State.


How can WT society not be far behind with its intolerance?

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Or the "state"?

We need to be compassionate and understanding of other cultures, and ways of life. They have a hard and uncomfortable life, and are naturally very, very irritable. The women wear black cargo

There is virtually no Wahabbism in Iran except among the few remaining ISIS supporters and some Sunni extremist terrorists. Saudi Arabia would love to export more of it, but most Muslims hate it. So f

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We need to be compassionate and understanding of other cultures, and ways of life.

They have a hard and uncomfortable life, and are naturally very, very irritable.

The women wear black cargo tents in the hot summer sun,  and likewise the men's fashions are hot and scratchy, especially the bomb vests.

Not all Muslims are evil people ... I mean ... statistically.

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On 8/12/2018 at 1:47 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

We need to be compassionate and understanding of other cultures, and ways of life.

They have a hard and uncomfortable life, and are naturally very, very irritable.

The women wear black cargo tents in the hot summer sun,  and likewise the men's fashions are hot and scratchy, especially the bomb vests.

Not all Muslims are evil people ... I mean ... statistically.

It depends. When you zero it down, you are 2 main groups (although like Christianity and Judaism, even Islam has several denominations), the Sunnis and the Shias. Sunnis have several branches and one of them is Wahhabism, of which tends to be the more tougher among the others, these guys do not like normal Sunnis like them and they have somewhat of a hatred for Shia Muslims. Wahhabism has been taken and used and cranked up to 11 by radicalized Islam that has nothing to do with the others, hence being a faction in of itself, for they, among realized Islam believe they can bring forth The End, Armageddon by creating the most violent, death and destruction to all men they deem as infidels, not realizing they are on a demented path.

This extreme form of Wahhabism is the result of the US involvement in the Middle East, back in the days of Osama Bin Laden's Father, Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden.

Let's just say there was a lot of people involved in this mess, one person's last name starting with B and ending with H, and is the senior.


That being said, the Middle East has changed, I mean, it looked way nicer back in the day prior to Wahhabism, Iran being an example [video cuts halfway at 4:26 for it is that old, as in VHS-levels of old]



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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, the Middle East has changed, I mean, it looked way nicer back in the day prior to Wahhabism, Iran being an example

There is virtually no Wahabbism in Iran except among the few remaining ISIS supporters and some Sunni extremist terrorists. Saudi Arabia would love to export more of it, but most Muslims hate it. So far, their society wouldn't allow it from the perspective of the government. It's true that the overwhelming majority of Iranian society is rural, conservative, but that is apparently what they want. Iran is still a freer society than the Arabian peninsula. Iran is not strict about the burka (or even lesser coverings for women) where it is still consider extreme and too piously self-righteous. Women are often a part of the government in Iran and the social hierarchy. Iranian women can still visit their conservative grandparents in the country wearing the headscarfs and then go visit their cousins in Lebanon on the weekend and wear a bikini.

Both Syria and Iran have been, even very recently, some of the more free countries in the Middle East. Iran is an Islamic Republic, but it's a "kind of democracy" but with a theocratic layer of government that acts like a very conservative "supreme court" that can block laws in the name of religion. They, the mullahs, are also corrupt, trying to control capitalist endeavors. But it is not illegal to be a Christian or Jew in Iran. By comparison there is nothing like democracy in Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc. Human rights violations are not as much of a problem in Iran as they are in say, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

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@JW Insider There is little to no activity of Wahabbism, in the 1970s when things change there was a bit of presence there, I think around the late 1970s like 1978-1979 or something like that. But yeah, Syria and Iran are at this time cool with each other, but Israel and the Saudis do not like them, mainly if taking into account the major allies they have behind them.

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