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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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By Elizabeth Zwirz | Fox News                                  Tuesday. August 14, 2017


" Hundreds of priests sexually abused more than a thousand children, Pennsylvania attorney general says

Several hundred Roman Catholic priests in Pennsylvania were accused of sexually abusing more than a thousand children, a grand jury report on Tuesday said, in an alleged “cover-up” described as “sophisticated” by the state’s attorney general.

Over the course of a two year investigation, launched by Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh ShapiroÂ’s office, a grand jury heard several witness statements and pored over documents from six dioceses in the state.


Those dioceses included Allentown, Erie, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Scranton. Upwards of 300 "predator priests" stand accused of the decades-long abuse, the report said.

“The cover-up was sophisticated. And all the while, shockingly, church leadership kept records of the abuse and the cover-up,” Shapiro said at a news conference. “These documents, from the dioceses' own 'Secret Archives,' formed the backbone of this investigation.”

It’s possible that the “real number” of abused children could be “in the thousands” due to missing records or other victims who feared speaking about the allegations, according to the grand jury’s report.

In order to prevent the Catholic Church from suffering bad publicity or financial liability, the panel claimed that a series of bishops and other diocesan leaders attempted to hide the alleged abuse.


The report faulted Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the former longtime bishop of Pittsburgh who currently leads the Washington archdiocese, for what it said was his part in the concealment of clergy sexual abuse. Wuerl defended himself, releasing a statement Tuesday that said he had “acted with diligence, with concern for the victims and to prevent future acts of abuse.” "




PA sexual abuse report details 300 predator priests.mp4


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As reported by the Australian Royal Commission on Child Abuse  No. 29 ... we still have the record of over 5,000 cases by 1,006 perpetrators. STILL ... almost completely unknown by most Jehovah'

I think that's very doubtful, unless you think that measuring abuse by all JW congregation members equates to just measuring only the priests and responsible officials of these Catholic diocese. Also,

FOXNEWS FLASH! -     PENNSYLVANIA ACCUSES HUNDREDS OF PRIESTS !   By Elizabeth Zwirz | Fox News                                  Tuesday. August 14, 2017

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

we still have the record of over 5,000 cases by 1,006 perpetrators.

I think that's very doubtful, unless you think that measuring abuse by all JW congregation members equates to just measuring only the priests and responsible officials of these Catholic diocese. Also, this is just Pennsylvania. You would need to add those reports from Massachusetts (made public in 2002 was it?) and several other states to get a parity population of Catholics here that matches that of the (JW) numbers from Australia.

I'm not saying we don't also have a serious problem that most Witnesses know very little about or can't acknowledge. I just don't think you can so easily make a true comparison from these separate "snapshots" of reports/studies. They cover different statistical "populations."

One thing in the report I found disturbing is that this was based on church records that detailed the crimes, but also detailed systemic cover-ups and even the promotion of priests and church officials involved in the cover-up. This went all the way up to cardinals and arch-bishops, ultimately even the Vatican.

The fight over statute of limitations laws that always comes up as an issue after these reports also tends to become embroiled in its own coverup on the political side. Although anti-Catholicism is common, there are often enough US politicians in high places who fight the change to statute of limitations laws because they are convinced that extending the prosecution window truly would bankrupt the Catholic Church. Governor Brown in California and Governor Cuomo in New York have been rumored to accept that "line" from the Catholic Church. But keeping these laws in effect, knowing the typical way in which abused children wait until they are adults before gaining the courage to face this publicly, these laws help produce a coverup of the number of cases that would otherwise be reported.

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Well it is only going to get worse. People spend so much time on churches and schools without looking at those who are pushing to make pedophilia legal, with majority from the LGBT community in support the movement for LGBTP, the P at the end is refers to Pedosexual, the end result would be as told before, pedophilia will surge and more of them will break out the floodgates and hit institutions even harder.

That being said, this should not be a surprise, granted how easily one with a pedophilia disorder (they removed it from the list of disorders some months ago and the reason is obvious) can make their way to children by gaining trust, authority, respect, reputation, etc. So it is very tough to catch these kinds of people if people do not know the basic signs, one of them is if someone is way too close with the kid and giving way too many gifts and or other, keeping secrets and whatnot. So for some it isn't that easy.

As for the 1,006 count, the number is far more lower than that granted some were pointed out as allegations, mainly unproven ones, I believe the numbers have been posted here some months ago.

Other than that, pedophilia is a big problem, for if no one is going to tackle the issue the right way and the smartest way, the problem will continue to grow and now we see a big fight with people pushing to make it legal to the point the teachings of making such a legality has been on TED Talks already. In a simple sense, one is too bust getting his house rid of termites, but never goes for the nest. But the way I see it, the whole sexual orientation movement has already got a head start in that fight while all of us are lollygagging around.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

people pushing to make it legal to the point the teachings of making such a legality has been on TED Talks already.

I'm sure both TED talks and LifeSiteNews would be happy for me to quote the following article in its entirety to clarify what some might find misleading in your statement, but I will only quote some relevant excerpts:

-------------------start of quotations from the site:  https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/ted-speaker-pedophilia-is-an-unchangeable-sexual-orientation-anyone-could-b

Introducing her theme with the “story” of “Jonas,” a 19-year-old pedophile who studies law and plays soccer, she asked her listeners to put aside their revulsion for pedophiles.

“Anyone could be born a pedophile,” she told them.

According to the medical student, pedophilia is just another “unchangeable sexual orientation just like, for example, heterosexuality.” Heine asked her audience to differentiate between sexual attraction to children, which she believes should be accepted and tolerated as involuntary “feelings,” and child sexual abuse, which she underscored was always wrong.

“The difference between pedophilia and other sexual orientations is that living out this sexual orientation will end in a disaster,” she said.

. . . For Heine, pedophilia is not something that someone actually does but something that someone would like to do, as a sexual preference that they would “live out freely,” if only it weren’t contrary to leading “an upright life.”

 . . . “We shouldn’t increase the sufferings of pedophiles by excluding them, by blaming and mocking them,” Heine said. “By doing that, WE increase their isolation and WE increase the chance of child sexual abuse.”  

Central to Heine’s argument is that pedophiles are not to blame for their feelings and thoughts, only for their actions.  . .

According to Breitbart, once it was posted to YouTube, Heine’s lecture resulted in a massive online backlash. In response, the organizers of the independent TEDx event removed the video, and the founding TED Talks media organization has been trying to remove “illegal copies” from the internet. . . .

“After reviewing the talk, we believe it cites research in ways that are open to serious misinterpretation. This led some viewers to interpret the talk as an argument in favor of an illegal and harmful practice,” they wrote.

. . .

TED Talks later added to its statement that it does not support or advocate for pedophilia.

-----------------------------------------end of excerpt quotations from site --------------------------------

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2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

with majority from the LGBT community in support the movement for LGBTP, the P at the end is refers to Pedosexual

I'm guessing that this "fact" probably came from a fake news source. The LGBT community, as far as I can tell, is vehemently against anything that would harm its social and political momentum. I have heard an interview where spokespersons for this community have explicitly condemned Pedophilia. Where one does find a P suffixed to the acronym, it is supposed to mean "pansexual" described on mtv.co.uk as: "When someone is pansexual it means they are attracted to people regardless of their gender. They are attracted to individuals rather than one particular gender or sexuality, and that can be whomever they fancy." Just like all the other letters in their alphabet soup, none of their definitions would apply specifically to anyone prior to the age of consent. Defining "consent" is another problem, even in the judicial matters of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Edited to double-check my guess above: I don't always trust snopes.com unless their research is well-documented, but this article appears to have researched the topic:


  • Is ‘LGBT’ Adding a ‘P’ for Pedosexuals?
  • Claims that the LGBT community is adding a "P" to represent "pedosexuals" originated with a homophobic smear campaign.
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2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

pedophilia disorder (they removed it from the list of disorders some months ago and the reason is obvious)

After noting those two wrong or at least misleading facts, I decided to do a quick check on the implication above that "they removed it from the list of disorders." The first link that came up actually showed that in 2014 the idea (American Psychiatric Association: DSM-5) was never to remove it from the list of disorders, but to remove the label "Pedophilic Sexual Orientation." This is nearly the opposite of the general point you made.


Perhaps you are referring to something that came up after 2014. If so, I didn't see that, and didn't look any further into it.

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@JW Insider Ms. Heine’s information and what she has presented at the TED Talks has been taken by and is used by those who had seen it being for what she says in addition to what they see vs. those who are against the ideas of those to take the information to begin with. Those who speak of Ms. Heine are usually the ones for and wanting to make pedophilia legal in terms of sexual orientation and such has been going on for quite some time in a constant back and forth on this pedophilia. She herself may have another prospective on the matter, but those who have heard her and used her information on the TED talks platform, even going as far as to salvage the full video itself, think otherwise. Yes, TED talks are not the type to be in support certain messages, but it does not change the mind of the viewers. Other than that, the video can be found here on this link. But yes, it has received a lot of backlash and a lot of us have seen it, but at the same time it blusters those who are for pedophilia to be not looked at as a disorder, bur rather, a sexual orientation.

There is a bit of involvement from the LGBT, not all of them, but there is quite some in regards to pedophilia, for I wanted to bring forth an example here in the past, but it is a bit too much to be posted here as to what it actually is, granted with what was seen of children's involvement in the groups by a good portion of people from the LGBT community. Although no sexual abuse had been committed, for we do not know as of yet, but a bit of inappropriate events involving some from the LGBT community and children is seen as pedophilia, at times be it the parents and or others in connection who are also at play in such events via support while others sound off and are against it.

But yes, LGBTP may seem like a smear campaign but the there are things that are not being shown or talked about news or other media, one instance being a specific group who is of the LGBT community who teach children to express themselves and even explain to them they can be a boy or a girl, at the same time, mainly for boys, they have them dressed up in such a way that is not normal and have them parading around, in some instances, with group adults, something of which is never brought up, so it may not come as a surprise as to the whole Pedosexual thing. Some may see it as fake news, but it is too obvious to see such people from the LGBT community who have children who do these things, mainly inappropriate dances as to which the child is cheered on for doing. But pedophilia as well as having some of their own in the LGBT community who are for pedophilia being a sexual orientation, granted with what is already seen.

I  was looking into things 2015 and onward, mainly for those who are making the push to make it a sexual orientation and such ones do not see it as a disorder. I would have to go back further to see just to connect all the dots together, for I had read such had been removed from being a disorder, but a soon to be accepted sexual orientation dubbed pedosexuality.

For me, personally, I hold to the fact that it is a disorder and such ones need help, but at the same time, it is bizarre to me that there is a lot of people who want to make it a sexual orientation, which will eventually lead to problems, for this is both a concern and a fear hat many, even me, tend to be worried about because when a small problem continues to grow, it will become big to the point it cannot be contained.

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