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Jehovah's Witnesses in south Russia were framed

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Свидетели Иеговы заявили о подбросе им запрещенных книг в Ставрополе

Newstracker, 19 April 2016
In Stavropol, the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses declared that the extremist literature discovered by police and FSB agents in the house of worship was planted, the press service of the center of Jehovah's Witnesses in the RF reported on Tuesday.
The text elaborates that in April the organization received a warning about the prohibition of conducting extremist activity. The building where a worship service was being conducted on 25 March was cordoned off by police and FSB agents, who in the course of a search found three booklets from the list of extremist materials. But on the day before, members of the organization had searched the premises and did not find prohibited materials in it.
In their statement, the Jehovah's Witnesses declare that the tactics of planting banned literature on them has spread to many regions of Russia.
Earlier, the prosecutor's office of the territory reported that literature of an extremist character had been seized in the home of one of the ministers of the local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the course of a prosecutorial verification in Stavropol. A warning was issued to the local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses about the impermissibility of possessing and distributing such literature and of conducting activity of an extremist character. 
Missionary work in far north of Siberia

Religiia i pravo, 20 April 2016
The Yamal government decided to conduct an accounting of all preachers working in the region. The parliament of the autonomous region will adopt at the upcoming session a draft law requiring missionaries to inform officials about their visits. In this way it is expected to monitor the activity of religious groups and sects whose representatives not only visit the apartments of residents but also penetrate individual trading posts for "indoctrinating" indigenous peoples.
The authorities intend to permit working in the district only by missionaries who can confirm their membership in a religious association. A preacher must present to the authorized agency documents along with examples of the program of speeches and audio and video materials, and only after this can he go to the people. A fine is threatened for work without preliminary notification.
The domestic policy department wrote the draft law on missionary activity after consulting with other national constituent entities [subjects] and the Federal Agency for Affairs of Nationalities. Similar laws have been adopted in Bashkortostan, North Ossetia, Stavropol territory, and Arkhangelsk and Kursk provinces. The head of the administration of national policy of the department of domestic policy of Yamal, Roman Pikun, described how in recent years various pseudo-religious organizations and representatives of movements that are banned in Russia have appeared in Yamal.
"Literature of the Jehovah's Witnesses that is being distributed in the region is on the list of forbidden materials. Recently the movement 'For Sacred Rus' was reorganized, but a branch remained in Yamal, which was checked by the Ministry of Justice. We have many diverse protestant organizations which conduct aggressive missionary activity on the territory where small groups of native peoples reside. They come in from the direction of Arkhangelsk province on snowmobiles. It is unclear whose representatives they are, Baptists or Evangelical Christians. I do not know what they talk about," Pikun said.
He said that the law will give an informed character to the work of such preachers and will protect the rights of official religious organizations. The bill is not likely to help in the struggle with sectarians. Representatives of organizations that are prohibited in Russia will not come to the local administrations. Authorities are talking only about regulating the work of missionaries while the authorities should be informed about the work with residents by representatives of traditional confessions, imams and Orthodox priests.
We recall that in the regions of the "Tiumen Matryoshki" recruitment for ISIS and other terrorist organizations that are banned in Russia has become more frequent. It is thought in the region that the draft law will help to control the activity of preachers of radical sects who may come into the region in the guise of Muslim missionaries.
Tomorrow the draft will be considered in committees of the legislative assembly and the government proposes adopting it on first reading on 21 April.
As reported earlier, work of preachers of religious sects has also been discussed in a session of the member countries of the Arctic Council. Participants in the conference noted that representatives of foreign organizations also come to the places of residence of aborigines.  

Orthodox Priests Will Bless ANYTHING


Yamal Culture


Republic of North Ossetia

Stavropol territory

Arkhangelsk province


Religious Procession in Kursk Province https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj6WrS3-FSU

Repin's masterpiece offers an interesting glimpse into the evolution of Russian nationalist realism into the socialist realism that came to dominate Soviet art






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