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More than 200 Russian Jehovah's Witnesses ask for asylum in Finland

Guest Nicole

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Guest Nicole

More than 200 Jehovah's Witnesses - a religious organization banned in Russia - have applied for asylum in Finland. More than 100 members of this organization have arrived in the European country only so far in 2018. According to Juha Simila, representative of the Finnish migration service, about 10 cases have been analyzed so far and, in most of them, Finland rejected the asylum application. Simila explained to the Finnish newspaper Aamulehti that some denials have been appealed to the court and that in one of the cases the negative decision of the migration service has already been confirmed.

Read more: https://mundo.sputniknews.com/religion/201808221081407393-testigos-jehova-rusos-piden-asilo-en-finlandia/

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IMHO I guess if I had enough RAM in my CPU I could overcome my DSL, AKA phone, and need to RSVP, PDQ,  by PDF,  before MTBF, and I R.I.P.

Back when the TMS instructor spent a lot more time on stage giving speech counsel between TMS talks, we had one (Brother Johnson) who showed us the importance of modulation, pauses, and emphasis by pu

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Finland has a long history of quasi-conflict with Jehovah's Witnesses ... namely their running a parallel Justice System in competition with the Finnish Judicial System .... and the Finnish Government is  of the opinion that they will not tolerate two different justice systems operating in the country. 

It is even worse with the Muslim immigrants, as they think that they do not have to abide by anything that is not Sharia Law.

As an example, the young Muslim men and teenagers rape Finnish women, and when hauled into court, they and their parents  scream that it is the young womens' faults, for dressing provocatively ( not in a black canvas tent?).

It is with the Finnish Government that the super-duper top secret Elders Handbook was first made public, as copies were given to the officials of the Ministry of Education, and one other, which I forget at the moment.

At this time, here in the United States, no Brother was allowed to read it, and it was not even to be left on a table at home where some WOMAN  (A Sister), might see or read it.

They too, like many governments, see our shunning practices as cruel, and extreme .... breaking up families and extended families ... AND THEY DO NOT LIKE IT!

Unlike us ... they do not have to tolerate people with clueless, ignorant cruelty that destroys families.

My guess is that is why in these landed immigration cases Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT granted asylum.

Other than their sustained and historic predilection for cruelty among ourselves as religious extremists, we  are almost universally model citizens, and very nice people.

They do not understand that we are absolutely no threat to their nation or their government.

We only eat our own.


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@James Thomas Rook Jr. Not all Muslims, and or those who profess the Islamic faith, do this (however now a days when a Muslim does something bad, it is blamed on all Muslims, I can relate because of my own people), only people with intent to do bad, other than that, Finland's history in regards to Asylum stems from paranoia and other dark things from the many events that took place there, for they, are in connection with several pieces of media in regards to both the EU and Asia, plus, you have to realize who Finland's allies are.

As for JWs, they're getting FSB'd by the RoC, in the Muslims corner, they got the UFC lover dealing with them in Chechnya and he has them on a leash, so to speak.

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Back when the TMS instructor spent a lot more time on stage giving speech counsel between TMS talks, we had one (Brother Johnson) who showed us the importance of modulation, pauses, and emphasis by putting up the following on a chalkboard

U.C.D.B's L.M.N.O.B's O.S.A.R.B's

He read it blandly and it meant nothing. Then he read it again with new modulation, pauses and emphasis:, and it was easily understood to mean:

  • You! See dee bees?
  • 'ell, 'em ain' no bees.   [H*ll, them ain't no bees!]
  • Oh [y]es [th]ey are bees!

Some audible gasps were heard as they understood that he had just said "Hell" from the platform, but, somehow, it proved that you can get stung if you don't understand modulation, pauses and emphasis.

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I tweeted, with photo included, that all Regional Conventions had witnesses scenes of Russian police breaking up Christian meetings. 

Instantly, the tweet was liked from three entirely separate parts of the world, none of whose authors used English as a primary language. There is nothing like the worldwide brotherhood.

Rachel Denbur, director of Human Rights Institute, frequently quoted in media, picked up the tweet and retweeted it.



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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

Some audible gasps were heard as they understood that he had just said "Hell" from the platform, but, somehow, it proved that you can get stung if you don't understand modulation, pauses and emphasis.

The thing I like about the Klingon language is .... you get to yell and spit at the same time.

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