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Jehovah's Witness Church Release Statement Over Prince's Death, Says He 'Found Fulfillment Sharing His Faith With Others'

The Librarian

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The Jehovah's Witness Church has released a statement following the untimely death of Prince, who officially converted to the religion in 2003. 

"We are saddened to hear about the death of Prince Rogers Nelson, who was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 2003," the church said in a statement obtained by PEOPLE. 

The church said that Prince "found fulfillment as a Witness and in sharing his faith with others." 

The statement added: "We do not have any details regarding his medical condition or the cause of his death. Our thoughts are with his family and friends, particularly his fellow worshippers in the Saint Louis Park congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Minnesota. We hope that all find comfort in the Bible’s promise of a future time when death, pain, and tears will be no more.—Revelation 21:3, 4."



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I think you Mr. Jay Witness is looking for fault finding. You are judging. You needs to get the raft out of your own eyes. Jesus said he without Sin Cast the first stone.  As long as we are descendant

Dear Brothers and Sisters, the best response to a critical comment is no response at all. At Luke 7:31-35, Jesus discussed "the men of this generation" who were critical of others, finding fault.

The statement was not giving at jw.org but from brother Nelsons local congregation. Imagine all the people popping in just to ask the friends if they knew anything? This statement was from his congreg

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Does this mean Watchtower will be releasing statements of condolence for ALL Jehovah's Witnesses, even the most lowly among them, or is this gesture only for the big donor, celebrity types?


Now the young JW children can aspire to receive the JW.org blessing and "find fulfillment" by becoming "rock star celebrities".

Oh, have times changed.....


Watchtower should not have just laid off 25,000 bethelites ... now they can afford to pay them.


Can we say that Jehovah heard the cry and need for money and has now solved the problem for us?


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They suspect percocet (opioid drug) overdose is what caused his death. Very similar to Michael Jackson's death.

Will he still receive a JW funeral in a Kingdom Hall if the autopsy shows it was a DRUG OVERDOSE?

Wouldn't he be posthumously disfellowshipped? ;-)

Many JW's have been DF'd for lesser offenses such as smoking.

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"We are saddened to hear about the death of Prince Rogers Nelson, who was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 2003,"


>>>>>>>>>> a church spokesperson, David A. Semonian, said in a statement >obtained<by PEOPLE.<


Go to JW.org/press and see for yourself that there's no such "official" statement. They asked, someone answered. Where's the atrocity act commited by JW people?

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It is of importance to  note that no one knows anothers heart, thoughts and personal relationship with God. Now that being said it is of equal importance not to embolden oneself to claim they do.

So generally speaking, to offer insight and answer the  general inquisitive mind on a few topics brought to this  discussion.

Dis-fellowshipping takes place for an attitude and or an unwillingness  of an individual to repent from or  to turn away from a bad course.  So yes you  can be  dis-fellowshipped for something, one can  also be Reinstated after rectifying or  abandoning a course of  bad conduct. Dis-fellowshipping  is a protection to individuals that  are  dis-fellowshipped; as  well as those  who are  close to  that person. From  the  scope of the  big  picture it  keeps  God's name clean.

It is the thought an individual alone is  responsible for their calling  as an anointed. it is between God and that individual. To question it is not to ones advantage,, nor the concern of others.

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Insight  on the  resurrection visit www.jw.org and search resurrection. Recall that Jesus died for all mankind, and the resurrection is not something any human  can  judge  as to  an individuals status of deserving or not deserving of a resurrection . "..... Judge not that you may  be judged....."   If you  want to see who's resurrected, make it your determination to be there. There are no lists.....only faith and hope. I  sympathize with family and friends of a "Friend of God" and fellow worker. condolences to those who knew and loved him.

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@ Jay Witness The main thing they said was: "Our thoughts are with his family and friends, particularly his fellow worshippers... in the congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Minnesota [where he attended]. We hope that all find comfort in the Bible’s promise of a future time when death, pain, and tears will be no more.—Revelation 21:3, 4."

The JW brothers acknowledge not knowing the details surrounding this mans death. Their main point was acknowledging the family he left behind. They were not not giving him undue praise.

These words about Satan really do apply. (And they can also apply to many who follow Satan in the way he continually makes his ACCUSATIONS): Revelation 12:10, 11: "And I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the ACCUSER of our brothers has been hurled down, who ACCUSES them day and night before our God! And they conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their witnessing, and they did not love their souls even in the face of death."

Since Prince has widely been known as one of our group of fellow worshipers and so well known to millions in the world, it obviously was decided that at least a brief statement should be made. We don't feel that he deserved any more recognition than any other of our brothers. But we also don't want to appear calloused (Since he was so well known).

That being said... You obviously look to find ANYTHING AT ALL to accuse our brothers of... Just like "your father, the Devil." - John 8:44,45

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@Jim63 You just ACCUSED ME of being the devil!? Oh the irony! ...... I was asking QUESTIONS earlier without knowing all of the answers of potential dilemmas and for that act alone you called me something far worse than "despicable fool".  Let's see... those who call others "despicable fools" according to Jesus are liable to the fiery Gehenna. Hmmm..... I would say an apology is in order for your long term well-being.



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