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Jehovah's Witness Church Release Statement Over Prince's Death, Says He 'Found Fulfillment Sharing His Faith With Others'

The Librarian

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I think you Mr. Jay Witness is looking for fault finding. You are judging. You needs to get the raft out of your own eyes. Jesus said he without Sin Cast the first stone.  As long as we are descendant

Dear Brothers and Sisters, the best response to a critical comment is no response at all. At Luke 7:31-35, Jesus discussed "the men of this generation" who were critical of others, finding fault.

The statement was not giving at jw.org but from brother Nelsons local congregation. Imagine all the people popping in just to ask the friends if they knew anything? This statement was from his congreg

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The elder mentioned in the above article and part of the elder body of nine that decided that Prince's drug addiction and Political rally in Balitmore were "personal matters" is none other than George Cook, a former District Overseer.

How many hundreds of people has he disfellowshipped (or rubber stamped) back in the 1980's for listening to Princes' music while at parties etc.?

Oh the hypocrisy of it all is amazing..... "By the Book Cook" got too old to continue and in his 80's is now pardoning offenses and declaring Prince "in good standing"?

He wielded a lot of power and expected total allegiance. He was once in charge of the Caribbean, traveling the islands and having a grand ol' time.

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@Jay Witness .... 

Let's keep it positive. No Judging. Disfellowshipping is used less and less nowadays for bad music choices and brothers are seen very often in "bar and grills' whereas the world you talk about was much more black and white.

Envision a new JW.org where we don't judge others based on personal matters. 

Imagine...Bro. Prince and King David together, playing praises to Jehovah in the resurrection! 

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@Jay Witness

I was NOT calling you the devil. I was merely using a phrase that Jesus used toward those religious leaders who were always seeking to find fault with his true teachings. Jesus even told his loyal follower Peter once: "Get behind me Satan" when Peter need to be corrected in his understanding.

I am sorry that you misinterpret my meaning when I choose to use the phrase, quoting Jesus: "your are from your father the Devil"... I was NOT calling you the Devil sir.

I was merely making a comparison between the first accuser and those who follow in his lead of finding fault with those earnestly trying to do their best in serving Jehovah.

Jesus said those words to the Pharasies: "YOU are from YOUR father the Devil, and YOU wish to do the desires of YOUR father. That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of [the lie]." - John 8:44.

Do those words that Jesus said to those Pharisees make him "liable to the fiery Ge·henʹna."? (Matthew 5:22)... I think not.

You are a human being... Sinful just like me. But it seems that your aim is to slander a group of other sinful humans who are just trying their best to do Gods will as best they know how. And Satan did the same thing to Jesus and his first followers.



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Most of us JW's came out of this wicked world into a spiritual paradise leaving behind bad habits, old ideals, twisted reasonings, traditions of men,philosophies and empty teachings or reasonings....etc... Leaving behind a former course of life and putting on a new christian  personality. We are the same person the only change being we now have a personal relationship with God Jehovah with a new insight into truth and now knowing what the love of God means and wanting to please him.

Famous individuals are the same. the only difference being they are under a microscope and reminded daily in a public display how they once were. An individual knows in themselves they are now fellow workers with Gods purposes and not against it and purpose to uphold Jehovah's will. 

Imagine if you would if you personally did many pieces of work that everybody loved because it was dramatic it was beautiful; you receive awards for it so others have an exhibit to display  your many other works. You love your work as do many others. You later learn that a few pieces were untrue or faulty in some way, defective. You rectify your standard to make it more to your satisfaction and true. Many will judge their opinion of you based  on  your  passed  work, but those who know you will know you no longer use the old standard and  will know your improved works and commend your faithfulness.  God commends such faithfulness. others can not see it perhaps; but it is not theirs to see it is the individuals.


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On Monday, April 25, 2016 at 2:51 AM, Dieann63 said:

The statement was not giving at jw.org but from brother Nelsons local congregation. Imagine all the people popping in just to ask the friends if they knew anything? This statement was from his congregation, also most likely after many tabloids called and hounded them... Its gotta be a zoo over there with news trying to get some kind of scoop.


As for Mr Jay... I am sorry you are so bitter and unhappy. I hope that someday you find some inner peace.

There are plenty of articles at jw.org on how to manage stress and how to find happiness in this stressful world

I wish I could like this statement a thousand times. 

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