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Disaster Preparedness Kits

Linzyne Marie Smith-Ware

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 Can someone recommend a U:S.supplier of the most complete Disaster  Preparedness  Kit.   I put our together three years ago for three people for five days it was a lot of work! Some contents are dated & must be recycled.  This time I just want to purchase kits completed.

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Can someone recommend a U:S.supplier of the most complete Disaster  Preparedness  Kit.   I put our together three years ago for three people for five days it was a lot of work! Some contents are dated

FREE EMERGENCY KITS for THOSE in NEED Such a great Idea from a pioneer couple in Colorado USA. We all know we need emergency supplies for our families, but what about those that cannot afford them?

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Go to the most obvious, Walmart and target. There are witness sites that cater to our needs and have kits that might fit your needs. Still 3 people? Then look for survival mode for 3 adults, for food to last for 7 or more days. This way if a young person is in the count the food could be divided or even now shared more.

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Such a great Idea from a pioneer couple in Colorado USA. We all know we need emergency supplies for our families, but what about those that cannot afford them? You know who they are - brothers, sisters and families right in your congregation. Have them go to http://thinkaheadsafety.com/free-kit/ to fill out the application for a free emergency kit. Would you like to sponsor an emergency kit for someone in need? You can help by sponsoring a kit here http://thinkaheadsafety.com/sponsorships.php.

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