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I have an Anointed Friend who has been Disfellowshipped. Should I Shun him?

Jack Ryan

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If this person is currently disfellowshipped, then you would treat them the same as any other disfellowshipped person. Also, I know those persons are not perfect, but I don't see how Jehovah would vie

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If this person is currently disfellowshipped, then you would treat them the same as any other disfellowshipped person. Also, I know those persons are not perfect, but I don't see how Jehovah would view them as one of the anointed if they are practicing sin worthy of being disfellowshipped. Maybe they were mistaken about being anointed in the first place, or maybe they were and have fallen, and maybe Jehovah would use them in the future, That would be up to Jehovah, and depends on whether  they become repentant or not.

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The problem you face is not that easy. You do not know why that person has been DFd, unless you were in on the JC, and if you were, and agreed to the DF, then you would likely shun them.

Not knowing the reasons behind it, your safest thing to do is shun. For all you know, that person has gone the "A" route and could drag you right along.

Getting DFd takes effort. There are cases of unjust DFing, but you won't know if this is the case (more than likely). In most cases, however, a DF requires quite a blatant disregard for the JC, as the JC is usually reluctant to DF. So, if the person was DFd, they more that likely told the JC to take a flying leap.

And, is that the kind of person you want to be associating with?

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i had a friend who was DF because he talked to his brother father, and one other because he knew too much for the presiding overseer... you see is very common here in greece to DF people if they know too much. God didnt gave us this oportunity. only the organization knows... i think we should kill those people... they are dead anyway in the eyes of the JW organisation

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5 hours ago, gfnslave said:

Aren't there any moderators for people advocating murder?



We are not living today among theocratic nations where such members of our fleshly family relationship could be exterminated for apostasy from God and his theocratic organization, as was possible and was ordered in the nation of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai and in the land of Palestine. "Thou shalt surely kill him; thy hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him to death with stones, because he hath sought to draw thee away from Jehovah thy God, . . . And all Israel shall hear, and fear, and shall do no more any such wickedness as this is in the midst of thee."? Deut. 13:6-11, AS.Being limited by the laws of the worldly nation in which we live and also by the laws of God through Jesus Christ, we can take action against apostates only to a certain extent, that is, consistent with both sets of laws. The law of the land and God's law through Christ forbid us to kill apostates, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship. - Nov 15, 1952 Watchtower pp.703-704


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