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If I may,  I would like to add a comment about the mental attitude regarding fame and fortune.  I think it is one of the hardest things to drop from your life - especially if you become a "nothing" af

Jah is a God of justice, so no two standards.  Though i was shaken last time coz he have favorites ? As for this, we don't even know if he is baptised already or what his standing in the congrati

Jehovah sees in everybody's heart! "Don't judge if you don't want to be judged"! Actions show who is a true Christian... Not a title or even being baptised! Ultimately, does it matter that much?

3 minutes ago, rojoh said:

Picture could be over 10 years old, is it. a before or after JW "don't be so quick to judge!"

The picture was taken on February 11, 2016 (It is his passport photo according to his own Twitter page)

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Jah is a God of justice, so no two standards.  Though i was shaken last time coz he have favorites ?

As for this, we don't even know if he is baptised already or what his standing in the congration is or if this.  Remember, the congregation are all composed of imperfect sinners at different levels of spiritual maturity.

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What's the hangup? He is an artist and artists wear makeup.  It does NOT violate any principle in the Bible, only your narrow minds. The man does not have to fit YOUR standards, only jehovah's standards.  Remember, the Israelite men wore earrings and Jehovah NEVER prohibited men thereafter from wearing earrings.

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The attitude of most of us, is that people of fame and fortune should give it all up and be exactly like Jesus himself, one without a place to sleep or means to feed others , as we now it. But that is not what Jesus taught, it is what we have grown to think being humble should be. And it shouldn't be do. When our friends are of more wealthy than ourselves, we should not think I'll of them as long as they put first the Kingdom, correct? And those whose livelihoods are on television,sports,film and other venues which bring them fame, if they too are seeking first the Kingdom, what matter is it of ours? 

We say as JW, we are like our neighbors, but when this happens we tend to judge them, finding something wrong in how they are living somehow, why? We are federal judges, lawyers, doctors, film producers, actors, musicians, firemen, emts, security officials, and many other things in this life. So that statement is true, we are just like our neighbors around us. What we have different is our outlook on life and its future. And we look to a heavenly government to solve the problems that plague this world today. Would that not be a fair statement about our beliefs as Jehovah's witnesses?  So with a widow mite, or a millionaire worth, we are all still part of this brotherhood, right? That shows self sacrificing love, correct? It may be hard, but not impossible, so let's love one another, all of us, all 8.2 million and growing of us. Agape my friends.

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