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What If Everyone Who Ever Lived Was Resurrected?

Jack Ryan

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If you like to hear what i mean then it is this;

If all people will be resurrect, then also all problems (heritage) that follows (were followed) life of every single resurrected person will come back to existence too. 

all :)) and all :(( will take place too

If somebody thinks, "when Kingdom come, 1000 years get start and all will be without problem",...he have a problem.

In transition process that will last 1000 years, if you believe, from imperfect to perfect condition... Who and What and Why will save you from Your mistakes, from wrong decisions, from sinful inclination and similar? Do you really think  how life without satan's influence will mean that population will not create problems in many life fields? Do you thing how God and angels will intervene in every of your and other people wrong move?? Do you think they will be willing to do that "tomorrow", but they are not willing to do that "today"?? 

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What is a Bullfrog had wings .... would he bump his rump every time he took off? Jehovah and his type are energy creatures, without DNA. They do not need this Universe AT ALL. So .....

"Jehovah and his type are energy creatures, without DNA". - James Rook   Watch  how you are wording things!  Jehovah is not a creature.   Regards    

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Do you really think  how life without satan's influence will mean that population will not create problems in many life fields? Do you thing how God and angels will intervene in every of your and other people wrong move?? Do you think they will be willing to do that "tomorrow", but they are not willing to do that "today"?? 

Good questions, but read the following scriptures.   Isaiah 26:10 and Isaiah 65: 20. The ones who refuse to cooperate will not get to live to the end of the  1000 years.  It will be a government in which Jehovah's eminence will be seen.  Wickedness will not be allowed to prevail. Those who obey the Kingdom's laws and cooperate will be brought to perfection by the end of the thousand years. (See quote below.)

*** pe chap. 21 p. 178 par. 7 Judgment Day and Afterward ***
associate kings will judge humankind. People who choose to serve Jehovah will be in a position to receive everlasting life. But, even under these best of circumstances, some will refuse to serve God. As the Scriptures say: “Though the wicked one should be shown favor, he simply will not learn righteousness. In the land of straightforwardness he will act unjustly.” (Isaiah 26:10) So after being given full opportunity to change their ways and to learn righteousness, such wicked ones will be destroyed. Some will be put to death even before Judgment Day ends. (Isaiah 65:20) They will not be permitted to remain to corrupt or spoil the paradise earth. End Quote

Italics and bold text, mine

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All jokes aside, all men will be resurrected, the good and the bad. The bad will be placed in judgement, while the good will keep alive and live eternally.--- Space Merchant

Re-read the scripture  you quoted at John 5: 28, 29   - righteous and unrighteous. 

Does not mean that all will be resurrected. Unrighteous people will be allowed to learn righteousness.  If they see the eminence of Jehovah and that his way of doing things is superior and for the good of all, most likely they will cooperate with the Kingdom arrangement and grow to perfection with the help of Jesus Christ and the 144,000 king-priests.  All will not like Jehovah's way of doing things.  See my comment above.

The other category is the wicked.  They will not be brought back. (See scriptures below, already referenced in a previous comment.)

(2 Thessalonians 1:7-9) 7 But you who suffer tribulation will be given relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels 8 in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance on those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. 9 These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction from before the Lord and from the glory of his strength. . .

(Jude 7) 7 In the same manner, Sodʹom and Go·morʹrah and the cities around them also gave themselves over to gross sexual immorality and pursued unnatural fleshly desires; they are placed before us as a warning example by undergoing the judicial punishment of everlasting fire.

(Matthew 25:41) “Then he will say to those on his left: ‘Go away from me, you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.
(Matthew 25:46) These will depart into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life.”



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17 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

Good questions, but read the following scriptures.   Isaiah 26:1?0 and Isaiah 65: 20?. The ones who refuse to cooperate will not get to live to the end of the  1000 years.  It will be a government in which Jehovah's eminence? will be seen.  Wickedness will not be allowed to prevail. Those who obey the Kingdom's laws and cooperate will be brought to perfection by the end of the thousand years. (See quote below.)

*** pe chap. 21 p. 178 par. 7 Judgment Day and Afterward ***
associate kings will judge humankind. People who choose to serve Jehovah will be in a position to receive everlasting life. But, even under these best of circumstances, some will refuse to serve God. As the Scriptures say: “Though the wicked one should be shown favor, he simply will not learn righteousness. In the land of straightforwardness he will act unjustly.” (Isaiah 26:10) So after being given full opportunity to change their ways and to learn righteousness, such wicked ones will be destroyed. Some will be put to death even before Judgment Day ends. (Isaiah 65:20) They will not be permitted to remain to corrupt or spoil the paradise earth. End Quote

Italics and bold text, mine

"But when grace is shown to the wicked,  they do not learn righteousness; even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil  and do not regard the majesty of the Lord." - Is. 26:10

It is strange to connect this Isaiah verse with “I have hope toward God . . . that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.”—Act 24:15.

I wonder how it is even possible that wicked will be in 1000 years Kingdom?? By surviving Armageddon or by resurrection!?!?

1) JWorg say how "only" JW and people who support JHVH (sheep like ones) will survive Armageddon.

2) JWorg teach how (based on Act 24:15) unrighteous people will resurrect too. Unrighteous NOT Wicked. So, conclusion is that wicked ones will not be present in 1000 years Kingdom.

It is very, very big difference do you only/just unrighteous or do you wicked !!!!!!!

Something is wrong with explanation in Paradise book (Live forever) and implementation of Isaiah verses in that context.  

What do you think? :)




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Read over all the comments, but especially mine to Space Merchant, in which I said the wicked will not be there based on the scriptures from Jesus and others.

Unrighteous people are not categorised as wicked.   They do wrong things due to lack of knowledge or being brought up in a society which does not know God's laws.  Note the experiences in the various Yearbooks with people who were violent and became lamb-like on learning the truth.  For example, note the attitude of the thief beside Jesus on the torture stake: He had respect for Jesus and faith in Jesus coming Kingdom, and he knew Jesus did nothing wrong, whereas the other thief  mocked Jesus and was disrespectful although he was about to die. Jesus knew the difference, as he could read hearts. He said the thief that asked Jesus to remember him will  be in Paradise with him (the earthly realm of the paradise).

I don't think you are reading and meditating, I think you are too quick to ask someone else, and to ask questions that were already answered.

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