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At what moment "The Truth" has ceased to be "The Truth"?

Srecko Sostar

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2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Just in case anyone might misunderstand, I would like to make it clear that I am neither disgruntled,  or non-disgruntled, but am merely moderately well gruntled.

You are not. I can tell the difference between warm colors and cool colors and the variety of both that same from that category. You are not a disgruntled one, but those like FS, Gardner and those who subject themselves and clearly show merit to their ideologies, are disgruntled ones. They are lucky I do not speak agree with those both Passaic and Warwick County folk that consider the actions of the disgruntled as borderline extremism by means of their disruptive protest.

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I understand your points and you have expressed them very well. I will address each point you raised separately, but first I just want to mention a few general things which have perhaps shaped the per

Hey Brother Billie..your way out on this....it is undeniable if you watched the ARC...we as a people were found to have faulty policies...that’s a fact..we were forced to ammend them. Kids suffer

I think this point showed excellent insight. I wondered if this is what you meant from the start. The very context shows that the type of leadership in this case is more like the local elders rather t

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15 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

I would consider using JW org as an internet-controlled IP address, to direct those interested. The day the Watchtower changes the Watchtower magazine to JW org, then I will be no more than happy to call it the JW org. Meanwhile, I will continue to view JW org as intended, a pseudonym. Usually, opposer and former witnesses use the JW org as a derogatory gesture.


This reminds me, someone wrote some time ago. It probably got deleted since I can’t find it posted anymore. It went something like this. When did the Watchtower claim to be perfect, those that have become activist against the Watchtower see members within the organization as perfect, or something like that. Where is it written in scripture, those that are not part of this world, become perfect human beings, impervious to sin?


If anyone can offer this new light, it would be most welcoming.


When I say JW Org, i do not mean JW.org, I mean the Jehovah's Witnesses Organisation. I would think most people understand that. And it does enough harm to itself, it doesn't need outside help to do that. 

However the official title i believe is The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, which is a separate organisation to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.  Each of them having their own legal departments, though i presume both being controlled by the Governing Body. 

As for being perfect, none of us are, and i for one don't expect anyone to be. What i do expect is for the JW Org and Watchtower Soc' to examine themselves in comparison to God's standards, not to the standards of the world.  It is so easy to say that The JW Org and W/t are behaving better than the world... I think i behave much better than many in the world. But i know I do not live up to God's standards. However the JW Org / W/t is supposed to live as if they are in the New World. I can't quite remember the scripture but it's something about : Come you people let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah. And about, learning a new or pure language. 

So when will this happen ?  And who will those people be that do this ? Will it only be Jehovah's witnesses ?

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1 hour ago, Thinking said:

Probably the same reason David got so much wrong and Peter, Samson,Moses..oh and Jonah 

David deliberately committed adultery and murder, and was punished by Jehovah. 

So in that case the GB should be punished by Jesus Christ, as the power and authority are in his hands now. 

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1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

However the JW Org / W/t is supposed to live as if they are in the New World. I can't quite remember the scripture but it's something about : Come you people let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah. And about, learning a new or pure language. 

Isaiah chapter 2

  • [The Mountain of the Lord/YHWH (1-5)]
  • [The Day of the Lord/YHWH (6-22)]
1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

So when will this happen ?

What do you think?

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Will it only be Jehovah's witnesses ?

Anyone who does not alienate himself or others from God, his teachings, and the like will be saved but it is up to these same people to maintain their faith to hold on to salvation, granted the slave of the Christ stated maintaining faith is a hard fight according to him. The Apostolic Christians had everything down to the letter, or in this case, the Didache. The Church and her people, the church and her teachings that is being professed, of which one must follow.

The church, believes in One God, The Father, the Almighty. The Church believes in One Son, who is Lord, Christ Jesus, The Son of God. The Church believes in power that be of The Holy Spirit, proclaimed through the prophets the administrations of God. The Church takes into account that Christ Jesus, our Lord, and  our God who is also our Saviour, and King, according to the Will of the invisible Father.

Think of it as this way, all of Christendom are tribes, from each tribe there are those of whom God knows who is from him and those who are not, Jesus knows who is striving to follow the Church and who is not, granted that we are imperfect, some of us may fall to sin. which some will repent and some will embrace and succumb to spiritual death by their hand.

All this explained in that other topic I linked to you - twice.

You even agreed with this previously.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

David deliberately committed adultery and murder, and was punished by Jehovah. 

So in that case the GB should be punished by Jesus Christ, as the power and authority are in his hands now. 

There is more to David's Story than just adultery. He was able to kill a lazy man only for the wife of that man reasoned with him, in context we can see why David was angry, the other situation he got the husband of the very woman of whom he committed adultery with killed in the front-lines, and it costed him a son. But despite this David was repentant and there is more to the what is mentioned. Also as another would be that David did everything in his power to defend and protect a chosen one of God, the same chosen one who sought to kill David, furthermore, this same man had a proper burial despite all this - for, he is an anointed King, another man withheld information from him during bad times to protect himself and David, fr the other man was a prophet.

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34 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

I am beguiled by the misunderstanding of the objective with the phrase JW org. When I think of it, it reminds me to direct interested people to this website. The official corporate name of the Watchtower for legal purposes doesn’t minimize the application for the use of the phrase Watchtower. A name that has been in use for over a century. The use of JW org to reflect Jehovah’s Witnesses Organization would imply unity.

The way members refer to themselves here are not in unison with what the teachings are for the Watchtower. The phrase JW org then is reflective on how it meant by opposers. In a derogatory way. This appeal does find a home with former witnesses and those that support their endeavors. Therefore, I will continue to use the term Watchtower since I don’t find common ground to suggest otherwise.

It is good there is a realization the organization does not have perfect members. It should have been obvious to you by the support you have been given here. 1 John 4:1

When we find ourselves making explicit demands, and call them expectation, we would have to test the heart of the wicked. Proverbs 10:28 Does an activism have God’s support. 1 Peter 2:21-25

Only God can read the heart of a disgruntled former member. Psalm 32:1, Psalm 37:16, John 14:1

Well a lot of JW's say they are 'in the truth' but as i don't see all of it as truth then i don't use that phrase.  

So it seems that you see it as ok for the GB and some Elders to deliberately do wrong, because they are not perfect. 

And as for making demands, I think God himself makes demands  "You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect". Matthew 5 v 48. 


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@Space Merchant In the final part of the days,The mountain of the house of Jehovah Will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, And it will be raised up above the hills, And to it all the nations will stream.  And many peoples will go and say:“Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, To the house of the God of Jacob. He will instruct us about his ways, And we will walk in his paths.”For law will go out of Zion, And the word of Jehovah out of Jerusalem.

Thank you S.M... Isaiah 2 v 2&3. 

23  “This is what Jehovah of armies says, ‘In those days ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will take firm hold of the robe of a Jew, saying: “We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people. "    Zechariah 8 v23. 
The Watchtower Study Edition April 12.  Life story by Leonard Smith :-
THE Jewish man symbolizes anointed Christians, and the “ten men” represent the “other sheep,” or “Jonadabs,” as they were known back then. * (John 10:16)
Note he does not say the Jewish man symbolizes the Governing Body. He says the Jewish man symbolizes the Anointed Christians.  A big difference. 
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At what moment "The Truth" has ceased to be "The Truth"?


Perhaps when recruitment of new and more donors becomes more important than Justice and Mercy, and personal integrity

Resistance may be futile ... but not EVERY person of integrity and honest heart wants to be fully assimilated, and become a BORG


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5 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

only God's Kingdom can clear all that

Ok, that is nice hope. What is the reason that God's Kingdom watching all these misery, pain and tears of children who suffer? And do nothing? (waiting to see would your possible respond will be the same as WT publication explanation :::)))))

Next. You said GK is ONLY who can clear all that. So, in other words it is the same as you or someone else say how all efforts that people doing is in vain, useless at the end of day.

By that logic, God will not blessed or guide or  inspired nothing and nobody in their efforts that this monstrous and evil problem be "solved" or at least minimized. Because, all blessing is on future Kingdom and not on  this, today human now living on Earth. 


Out of this subject. But you are talking so much of JW as "Restorationist" christian group. Web provide me this:

"Restorationist" denominations include:

The Christadelphians,

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ),

Churches of Christ,

The Community of Christ,

The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS),

Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ,

International Churches of Christ,

Jehovah's Witnesses,

Seventh-day Adventists,

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons)


I am not sure that JWorg would be happy to be in same "pot" with this other denominations.  Because, according to WT only JW teaching "the truth", and no one else on this list  :))

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21 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

I am at ah. A human making himself equal to God. Mark 3:28-30 Not even Jesus did this. How quaint.


Somehow it's not surprising.


"When we find ourselves making explicit demands,"  That's Your words Kid.....  So what are you burbling about ? Have you been drinking or are you on tablets that upset your mind ?  Get well soon Kid. 

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6 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

David deliberately committed adultery and murder, and was punished by Jehovah. 

So in that case the GB should be punished by Jesus Christ, as the power and authority are in his hands now. 

If they need punishing or discipline ...off course..just as you and I....in fact they will carry a heavier punishment as they are teachers....but that is in his jurisdiction to decide..not yours or mine...keep in mind....

Aaron built the golden calf and did not even take responsibility for what he did but conviemtly  blamed the people....what he did was massively wrong ...yet when Moses came down from the mountain ...he still offered a chance for all this committing spiritual idolatry another chance by telling all those who stood for Jehovah to stand by his side.

Arrons  life was spared because he did...but more out of consideration for his brother Moses...nevertheless Moses/Jesus offered all those worshipping the Golden calf another chance at repentance...obviously a lot never took that.

The point being...the second man in charge did commit idolatry...yet was spared..it’s food for thought..

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