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Many childhood memories make us nostalgic, but the “Mister Rogers” emotion is something different: ...


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In my country the pretzel were rounded. They look similar to the Italian pretzels known as Taraliis. Every morning around 10:30am-11:30am, a woman with a basket on her head will walk around the t

That thought crossed my mind as I saw the picture, but then I held back from saying anything so that no one would get the idea that SuziQ's pretzel stick favorites were actually just "bite-size tortur

I personally don't remember anyone mentioning that rumor until near the end of his TV show run. I do remember a controversy in the 1980's about an episode where Mr.Rogers visits a pretzel factory

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I remember fondly the Mr. Rogers Episode when they had Opie's  "Aunt Bea" from the "Andy Griffin Show" make a guest appearance, and she had just got back from a North Carolina "Nervous farm", and was having tremors and other withdrawal symptoms, and cursed out Big Bird, and stole Mr. Rogers sweater.

...or perhaps  I am thinking about "Sesame Street".

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Fred Rogers/Quotes

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.

Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people.

How sad it is that we give up on people who are just like us.

Parents are like shuttles on a loom. They join the threads of the past with threads of the future and leave their own bright patterns as they go.

I think of discipline as the continual everyday process of helping a child learn self-discipline.

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8 hours ago, The Librarian said:

Maybe @JW Insider?

I personally don't remember anyone mentioning that rumor until near the end of his TV show run.

I do remember a controversy in the 1980's about an episode where Mr.Rogers visits a pretzel factory and the episode presented the idea that the pretzel was initially a treat for children who said their prayers and it was twisted into a shape that supposedly represented a child saying his prayers, and when completed, the final shape had three "separate but equal" spaces (not his words) to represent the Trinity. I vaguely remember that this caused some controversy not just among local Witnesses, but that some Mid-Western church had brought it up.

I didn't see the episode until my own children watched it in the 1990's. To their credit the WTS did not ban pretzels, although now I always look at them a bit like "hot cross buns."

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Found this: http://www.neighborhoodarchive.com/mrn/episodes/1477/index.html

  • Fred Rogers' religious foundation becomes apparent in this episode as he hears an explanation of what a pretzel represents: Originally, pretzels were "given to children for knowing prayers" in Germany. As they are made, pretzels are first shaped "like a great big U. Take one [side] and cross it over the other. This is to represent children's arms praying to God. Then we take one and fold over the other. That represents your parents -- mom and dad. We pick up the ends and fold them on back." When Mister Rogers asks if there always has to be three holes in a pretzel, he is told that the three holes represent the Holy Trinity.
  • Unlike other episodes from the post-1979 era, the opening does not show text of the week's topic.
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8 hours ago, JW Insider said:

To their credit the WTS did not ban pretzels, although now I always look at them a bit like "hot cross buns."

Thr reason for they always indulged pretzels is that they all got a kick out of the joke, ‘What do you get when you pour boiling water down a rabbit hole?’

Hot cross bunnies.

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It was fascinating watching the making of pretzels, but all I could think of was "No Gloves!! " 

Regarding Mr Roger's religious affiliations, I always say the truth is the truth no matter who speaks it and a lie is still a lie no matter who speaks it.   But I personally like pretzel sticks more than the original design, easier to eat and less messy.  

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In my country the pretzel were rounded. They look similar to the Italian pretzels known as Taraliis.

Every morning around 10:30am-11:30am, a woman with a basket on her head will walk around the towns and or villages, tossing the pretzels in a small bag to children and older folk. Other times it is cookies, bon-bon, as we call it, popcorn and or the best kind of snack, Sugar Canes. The other half of my family from Belize do something similar, but never made rounded pretzels, we tend to get more fruit



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21 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

In my country the pretzel were rounded. They look similar to the Italian pretzels known as Taraliis.

Every morning around 10:30am-11:30am, a woman with a basket on her head will walk around the towns and or villages, tossing the pretzels in a small bag to children and older folk. Other times it is cookies, bon-bon, as we call it, popcorn and or the best kind of snack, Sugar Canes. The other half of my family from Belize do something similar, but never made rounded pretzels, we tend to get more fruit



One loop. These are Unitarian pretzels, not those of Fred Rogers.

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