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Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses


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41 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:
hours ago, Judith Sweeney said:

 Who cares what "john butler" does or says?  I cannot stand a cry baby.

It is possible to understand your position. You are person who cannot stand some situations and emotions in other people life. Perhaps you think how they alone are "guilty" for theirs problems. It can be and it does not have to be so.  

Please explain how do you "survive" Mr. Lett and some other JWTV presenter who "crying" for money on behalf of WT Corporation? :)))

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 All dedicated servants of God know that Jehovah's Eyes are Everywhere.  The GB is just doing the best they can.  Really...they are Not immune to the ills of this wicked system, especially as it is escalating in badness.   Why not Pray for mere humans who are TRYING to determine Gods will.   

     Money is needed.   Money talks...other "stuff...er, "walks".    

       As this earth is growing more and more angry as the Mother is injured.  Natural Disasters are pandemic, and the Governing Body, as is fashioned after the First Century Model....is keeping ME....(just speaking for myself now)  in good viewing, and dramas and encouragement and literature, and lights on at the meetings and ect.ect. and it takes Money to function at all in this society.   I do not mind forking over some dough.   It is Worth it~

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4 minutes ago, Judith Sweeney said:

 I know "attention seeking" when I see it.     I do not care that you "left"...>>>keep going.  Jesus Christ did not shove the message on anyone.   Geesh, how can you get any work done when you are on here all the time?   You are just trying to spread Venom.   Perhaps your seditionist attitude is Not the one that God Almighty Jehovah WANTS in His New System.  Hmmm?  

Oh dear Judith, throwing your rattles out of the pram .  As you should know i didn't start this topic. BUT I'm not going to run away from it. 

I should of course simply reply that i don't care what you think of feel. But hey that is not my nature. 

If you do not understand me fine, go and talk to other people that you find more agreeable.

To let this forum get you so uptight is such a shame. 

As for attention, I wish to draw attention, in a positive way,  to the Victims of Child Abuse and to the cause of that abuse in the JW Org. 

I wish to show up the GB for what they really are, the wicked slave class. 

And as for getting any work done.  My wife and i have been at a semi derelict mansion house (which i have the keys for)  most of the day dealing with an auctioneer that is to take the contents to auction for us. So I get plenty of work done. Another auction to lay out and lot up on Friday, Autojumble this time. Life is hectic Judith. This forum takes very little of my time. 


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14 minutes ago, Judith Sweeney said:

All dedicated servants of God know that Jehovah's Eyes are Everywhere. 

members of other religions have same or similar beliefs 

14 minutes ago, Judith Sweeney said:

Why not Pray for mere humans who are TRYING to determine Gods will.   

also Holy book said to pray for Secular kings and rulers who not trying

Well, it will be good  not to be "strict" to much about many things mentioned here :))  

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43 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Lets see now. You say I'm plain loony. 

I did NOT say you are loony. (Or did I?) What I said was that you so closely resemble loony that I cannot tell the difference. See? I am willing to put the onus on myself.

Imagine. Here I propose what has never been proposed before, at least by me, making a magnificent concession, and the big baby just keeps saying hateful things about the Christian organization. 


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Tom said  "Judith, I think John is just plain loony in his single-minded obsession over one and only one thing. "

Am i just loony for this one issue :) ? 

 and the big baby just keeps saying hateful things about the Christian organization. ? Are you referring to me here Tom ? 

Since when has telling the truth been the same as 'saying hateful things' ? 

And the insult 'big baby' is so so Christian attitude isn't it ? 

Wake up and smell the coffee Tom, your JW Org is under deep scrutiny by God and by the people on this Earth. 

Remember God has very often used people of the world, to bring punishment on his own people. 

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I am not entirely sure of the meaning here, but it seems more and more likely that @admin had specific persons in mind when he blew his top at everyone, and that I was the one to sass him back, though I was the least of all targets.

My opinion is based on observation through time. It seems some posters and comments have been removed for no better reason than to decide who can or can’t post here, that’s all. My observation shouldn’t be offensive to anyone as a discussion board should have a platform to refute certain claims. But, I’m a newcomer here, so I will tread as though I’m walking on eggshells, as not to anger the owner.

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RE: "Other Religions" 

      Thank You, John ....for reminding me how Good it is to be in the "Truth".   

How good it is indeed, to be OUT...of Religions steeped in Paganism and Men's Traditions, and holding false to their claim.   When I see the leaves turn...I know fall is near.   When I am gathered with Love with my brothers and sisters who, although they have busy lives, they spread the good news.  This Good News is spread by canoe, by word of mouth...well, you know.  Maybe you do not.   Best to you...but I...am Fully Convinced that this is the Truth.  Absolutely.  No question.    I am sorry for you...that you let a "condemning heart" sway you.  Jehovah is a merciful and loving God.   You should know this.  I will not respond to any more of this thread ....the redundancy is stifling.    

   After studying the Bible...we KNOW that slander and persecution will befall God's True Organization.  Our Lord and Savior was called a Seditionist.   If He was persecuted...then the modern day followers of Christ will be also. 


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42 minutes ago, Paul Dedee said:

But, I’m a newcomer here, so I will tread as though I’m walking on eggshells, as not to anger the owner.

I wouldn’t worry about that. They are quite indulgent. From what I have seen of your manners, it will snow in you-know-where before you have any trouble from  the bossman

If you are a Witness, as are some here, you might want to avoid it due to the association. Don’t look to me to set the good example in this regard. I am being a bad boy, beyond all question.

if it helps, I am considered a good boy in all other matters.

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On 10/6/2018 at 8:57 PM, Witness said:

@Space Merchant , You must type awfully fast :)  We've already discussed the "new creation" in Christ.  I'm sorry you don't get it.  We also have discussed "earthly" Jerusalem, which still boggles my mind.  The fulfillment today is with "New Jerusalem" - the literal Jerusalem has nothing to do with prophecy.  In fact, JWs will tell you the same.  

Your positions that have met approval here have not met the approval of the GB, thus with all JWs.   The Watchtower teaches it is the "one true religion".  That's it, only that religion.  YOU are not part of that perceived one true religion. 

Do you understand...yet?  You are welcome to rant at me all you like, but my views and my belief in Christ and the spiritual "New Jerusalem", holds. If we held the same belief, I may accept your corrections, but we don't.  

I concentrate solely on the Watchtower where the anointed and their companions reside under the rule of a wicked slave.  They receive my message.  

Indeed I do. It is a habit picked up from being use to typing up essays very fast, code algorithms in my youth, and quick way to pick up information so it does not go amiss.

Actually I do get it, thus the reason why before in our past discussions, I corrected you on what Earthly and New Jerusalem is and explained in full detail on what the New Creation entails, to which you were adding to the word at this point and mixing verses, as you have done before and as you are doing now, do you know remember your attempt with Zechariah 8:3 or perhaps the Spiritual House or maybe you trying to say something ill of an interlinear translation not realize the difference between a 1245 or a non-1245?

And no, I am not referring to Literal Jerusalem (granted I had a few words to say about modern day Israel and Jerusalem already), I only mentioned Earthly Jerusalem to which you confused what it was all about before, and I have told you, several times, that Earthly Jerusalem has rejected the Christ. but those of New Jerusalem have not.

You were also called out for mixing verses, and I told you before that before you consider posting verses, to maybe try and read them first and see if the cross-references are correct, you prompted someone else to do it for you so no one else would be mislead by the obvious mixing, i.e. comparing Rock in the OT to rock in the NT, is an example.

But you yourself posted something vastly different before, if that was the case, you saying the JW will tell me the same puts you in error, granted, you were posting from their publications time and time again, which is not too different for you believing JWs somehow has a role in things like Nintendo and Victoria Secret, if you have forgotten that.

But you just said briefly that no one pays attention to this truth I am speaking, to which I am. That being said, Islam also teach they are the one true religion and that they are a peaceful religion, the Baptist say they are the only ones who have the truth, the new agers say they are the only religion in the world that has the keys and so forth, JWs saying they are the one true religion does not really mean much, for if they think of themselves to have the truth, granted their Restorationist roots of which I encourage you to study, then they can say that. The ONLY problem here is one can claim they havr the truth or they are a religion of peace or one true, but they have to live up to what the truth actually is. As I have mentioned to you before, Jehovah's Witnesses are Restoraionist, in their Christology, they are trying to be or striving to be like the Apostolic Church, granted some of their practices are not common with mainstream Churches that teach the Trinity, furthermore, Restoraionist as a whole do everything and anything to separate themselves from mainstream Christendom.

You should try studying Theology, Witness, for it may benefit you, but even when I tell you time and time again, you ignore it, just as you have when you confuse yourself in Bible translations when anyone can see if a 1245 is in use or not.

I am not ranting I am correcting. It should occur to you by now I make a response if:

  • I am mentioned
  • If someone response to me
  • If I spot conspiracy I response
  • If I spot falsehood I will response
  • If I have to correct myself I will make a response
  • I make a response when something in error is being spoken of regarding the Apostolic Church and or anything taking place today.
  • I make a response to historical accounts
  • I make a response to mixing of verses and or misuse of a verse or passage
  • I make a response regarding Bible translations by means of minimum hermeneutics.

If you say people become human and angels, I will correct you. If you say something out of line of someone or something, I will correct you, etc. This is how we roll in CSE, we correct the wrongs and errors of others.

So if giving you a history lesson about Restoraionist seems like a rant to you, I suggest you do the research, but even when the research is presented to you several times, you ignore it and continue to speak of things in Restorationism to which you do not realize you are putting yourself in error. Must I link information about Christian Primitivity for like the 5th time for you, Witness?


So ask me, what is it in the Christology and Theology of Restorationist Christianity you do not understand?

On 10/6/2018 at 9:22 PM, Witness said:

Guess what!  I agree with you! 

Ok, but you make it seem like the truth of which I speak is in error.

To be honest, you are better off trying to bring forth truth against mainstream Christendom, and the real religion of Babylon the Great.

Speaking about Babylon, if you live in Texas and someone invites you to a Christian event, it is of Babylon. AS I said to Mr. Butler, JWs/Restorationist are not fans of Interfaith practices, this also includes other faiths who are against Babylon who says such interfaith things is forbidden. This is of what you must avoid and this is what is your actual enemy.

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On 10/7/2018 at 1:50 AM, Paul Dedee said:

In my opinion, should this be a correct understanding that the majority in this world that is atheist have no compulsion for religion, then you as the administrator also need to understand the need to allow those in favor or opposition to freely state their opinion without this administration picking sides.

There are some Atheists who do have sympathy for religion and the Bible, some who in secret who try to learn something, for there are many Atheist, some may not claim it, who do study theology and or Religion as well as the Bible. On the other side of the spectrum, some Atheists become who they are because of being misguided or not being able to understand something properly, while others will say why can't all religion simply be united as one, but they forget the whole ramification regarding interfaith and apostasy,


That being said, an Admin is like a Game Master, they can do, choose, commit, take, and release, etc as they please. Admins also have their views and opinions as well as having a faith, thus it is no surprise should one takes the side of others or not - this is HIS playground, not ours.

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