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Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses


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24 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

when in fact it is the best time in the history of Human Civilization. (so far!)

 ... and that statement can be supported by MOUNTIANS of hard, cold facts.

Exactly! Like the skyrocketing suicide rate of the young, who somehow don’t buy this bilge about life just getting better and better & decide to register their discomfort in the most telling way possible.

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17 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I can think of only one other time, when he said: "Jeez, you guys are a piece of work!" Ha! What could I tell him? That we're not?


People commit suicide mainly because their concept of how the Universe SHOULD be, differs from the way it really is, and their brains cannot resolve the difference between comfortable fantasy, their hopes and dreams, and day to day reality.

Trying to resolve the unresolvable causes great pain, depression, and self-generated suffering.

Here is a question that will clarify the issue for those whose thought processes, like yours, are agenda driven.


For me ... it is here and now ....

How about you?

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5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


I'll go along with this.

And as for the rather self indulgent "bantering" in this thread, isn't it time to call it a day and to wake up to what is really happening at this time and place in the history of civilisation?

Just look who's coming to dinner!!!!


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15 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Some Atheists tend to detest all religions, others, among them, do not, they wish to understand religion and the Bible, others to the Qu'ran. And there is that small few that will go out of their way to cause problems.

Also true, but not all admins are the same, as to why I compare them to Game Masters, for you take his or her gold, they can boot you from the server, in this sense, admins tend to have a large control of a forum space, but at times can feel somewhat threatened and or other, thus taking action.

Unfortunately, there are many atheists that still consider themselves among the old guard. That’s not the case in the US. It’s been stipulated, that atheism can be and is a religion, since 2009. The concept shouldn’t be that surprising if one looks at paganism. Witchcraft as well.




This will come as a shock when someone wants to claim no deity. They will have to understand the concept of throwing things to the wind. They fought for it, now they need to own it.

But, I will defer in your presentation on who is allowed to post. I’ve seen people removed from here. So, I’m not prepared to speak freely here as much as I would like to as some of you can. I will continue to tread lightly like a frightened little mouse cowering in the corner.

I don’t wish to offend any of you, especially the owner. So, my hands are tied. But, thank you and TTH, for your interest.

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3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I suffer terribly when I hear a public talk in a monotonous hour log monotone, on "The Wonders of Creation", and the speaker does not know the difference between a planet, and a star .... and misquotes sources ...... or states how horrible, terrible and mean things have become, when in fact it is the best time in the history of Human Civilization. (so far!)

... and that statement can be supported by MOUNTIANS of hard, cold facts.


Probably the best time for the American and UK Armaments manufacturers and the greedy dishonest governments that gain from such, whilst pretending to be Christian. 

Probably the best time for drug growers and dealers on the black market. 

Probably the best time for homosexuals and lesbian / gay / transvestites etc as they have been 'liberated' and are now protected by law in many places. 

Probably ... oh I'll leave it there for now.  I'm sure you get my drift. 

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2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

People commit suicide mainly because their concept of how the Universe SHOULD be, differs from the way it really is, and their brains cannot resolve the difference between comfortable fantasy, their hopes and dreams, and day to day reality.

Of course! People want a universe that's good. Instead, they get one that sucks. They are  bummed over this. Whatever is wrong with them?

Are you sure you are a Witness? I mean, even as a renegade one, I don't see how it can be.

Does the JTR version of Jehovah's Witnesses really read that life just gets better and better, until God from his heavens says: "I was going to chastise these fine people? Whatever was I thinking?" and then goes off to see if 'Gone Fishing' has an empty spot?

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2 hours ago, Gone Away said:

I'll go along with this.

And as for the rather self indulgent "bantering" in this thread, isn't it time call it a day and to wakeup to what is really happening at this time and place in the history of civilisation?

Just look who's coming to dinner!!!!


No one pays attention to what is going on in the world.

Those who seek security will be at odds with these men shown above, angering the US, Israel and other US allies. The UK has their hands dirty too, granted they are US allies themselves.

You have the Pope and the religion of Babylon seeking to united all religions into one fold.

One seeks peace, the other seeks security and we know what that is all about.

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:3 - While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

So far only a few of us, me included, is aware of what is going on.

Also if you own any Huawei devices, you might want to seek an upgrade, there s spy chips in their, place of origin: China.

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The WT says the following, for this is but one of several: The need to be humble was repeatedly stressed by Jesus: Become like a little child; take a lowly seat at a banquet; when praying be like the lowly tax collector, not like the self-righteous Pharisee. Note also that a command to be humble served as the springboard for Jesus’ scathing denunciation of the proud and hypocritical religious leaders of his day. In striking contrast to their proud course was the humble course of Jesus, that of honoring God at all times: “I do nothing of my own initiative.” His very coming to earth as well as his entire earthly sojourn was a shining example of humility, as the apostle Paul so clearly shows at Philippians 2:5-8. Typical of Jesus’ humility was his willingness to wash the feet of his apostles.—Matt. 18:3, 4; Luke 14:7-11; 18:9-14; Matt. 23:12; John 8:28; 13:5.

They also have more to say,

So applying the expression to these two classes, it becomes understandable in all its different settings, and makes sense whether referring to situations in Israel in Jesus’ day among the Jews, or referring to the addition of Gentiles to the church class, or to conditions in Christendom in these last days. The exalted clergy class once thought to be first are abased to last, and humble ones abased to last God exalts to first position with him.—Luke 14:11.

SM will you please give me exact publications these quotes came from. Thank you. 

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No one pays attention to what is going on in the world.

I do, but it's difficult to get the truth about anything.  MSN news, BBC news, Russia Today ? news, but who is telling the truth ?

You have the Pope and the religion of Babylon seeking to united all religions into one fold.

Yes, but I've lost the track on this one. Haven't heard anything about it for months. 


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