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Jehovah’s Witnesses have always claimed with absolute certainty that Armageddon is just a few years away. 140 some years later, it still hasn’t happened. What makes them think it’ll still happen?

The Librarian

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The last person who was inspired by God or Jesus was the apostle John, on the isle of Patmos, when he wrote Revelation.     

Well, how to make a dog's breakfast out of a basic statement??? Let's untangle this. Let's speak about you. As you have used the personal pronoun "I", "you" features in my response.  If "you

Really? What scripture is that in?

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

It's not a support, it is merely correct the wrongs here. Like I told you before, if you say something that is in error, about Judaism, Islam and or even things of the Bible, I will speak, even if you say something out of line regarding JWs, I will speak,

Do you think that WT need You to correct things on what people say, talking  about their (JW) religion?

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11 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

May i ask, do you find no error in WT history about all  what they said and teach and interpret on Armageddon issue ? 

I want to discuss about Armageddon, and yet you run back to the WT which will lead to another spin of responses.

But to be brief, the Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Armageddon is the means by which God will fulfill his purpose for the Earth to be populated with happy healthy humans free of sin and death. They teach that the armies of heaven will eradicate all who oppose the Kingdom of God, wiping out all wicked humans on Earth, leaving only righteous mankind.

That being said, Armageddon focused, what do you think it is? In details, no cryptic responses, please - keep it Bible focused.

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16 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

I want to discuss about Armageddon, and yet you run back to the WT which will lead to another spin of responses.

But to be brief, the Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Armageddon is the means by which God will fulfill his purpose for the Earth to be populated with happy healthy humans free of sin and death. They teach that the armies of heaven will eradicate all who oppose the Kingdom of God, wiping out all wicked humans on Earth, leaving only righteous mankind.

That being said, Armageddon focused, what do you think it is? In details, no cryptic responses, please - keep it Bible focused.

Strecko, i see SM does not answer you question. Such a shame as he thinks he is so clever. 

SM forgets that this is a JW forum, which includes the W/T. 

He seems to know what the JW Org believe but does say if he thinks they are right or wrong, which is what you have asked. 

His only response is to return with a question. Perhaps SM thinks he is copying Jesus. Asking a question in response to a question.

But we know that the Bible Students / the  GB / JW org / Wt, have got it wrong on predictions of Armageddon. 

And in my opinion it will not be so horrific as the Watchtower magazines have shown it. i don't think Jehovah likes causing pain just for the sake of it. I think Jesus and the angels will just kill those not counted as worthy. It could be just take away the gift of life and the person would be dead. That happened, i think, with the husband and wife that lied about how much they sold a field for. Each of them just dropped dead....  i do wonder though if people will be shown, in their minds, what they could have had, and if that will be their pain, the knowing and not getting... 

But i think Armageddon is a long way off yet, even if the GB say it is just around the corner, or closer.

I think everyone has to realise how bad world conditions are, so it has to be really bad everywhere.   Although I know many people are suffering in many places. 




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20 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Strecko, i see SM does not answer you question. Such a shame as he thinks he is so clever. 

SM forgets that this is a JW forum, which includes the W/T. 

He seems to know what the JW Org believe but does say if he thinks they are right or wrong, which is what you have asked. 

His only response is to return with a question. Perhaps SM thinks he is copying Jesus. Asking a question in response to a question.

But we know that the Bible Students / the  GB / JW org / Wt, have got it wrong on predictions of Armageddon.

Yes John, our "friend" SM are Master in making fog and not to give direct, simple and honest, sincere respond or answer on some very important asking, question that would reveal His real position about JW.

Armageddon is topic here and we can not get SM simple and direct respond, despite the very significant title that Librarian put in question. 

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1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Strecko, i see SM does not answer you question. Such a shame as he thinks he is so clever. 

Because when he speaks out of line he will go off in a cryptic tangent, for this isn't my first rodeo with Srecko, hence why I go by HIS word to keep it focused. Unless you want to join him, you are welcome.

I don't think I am clever, as with my first discussion with you my words were obvious to which you accepted.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

SM forgets that this is a JW forum, which includes the W/T. 

I haven't forgotten. I want to discuss Armageddon specifically with Srecko, anyone can chime in, but his stance is that the WT has some different view to which I explained to him briefly of what their view is, a quote, if you will.

But it would seem at this point the both of you do not know that much about Armageddon, which is ever so obvious.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

He seems to know what the JW Org believe but does say if he thinks they are right or wrong, which is what you have asked. 

I merely quoted: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armageddon#Jehovah's_Witnesses

nothing more.

If you go back to page 3, you will see what Srecko is asking for and I will quote him: It's pretty boring, if you have not noticed, and if that has not already been said to you by someone else. Please, try to focus your response on actual subject and not to disperse, spin discussion from Adam to Melchizedek to Revelation book. :)))

To which I responded: If yo u want to speak about Armageddon on, speak your re solve now, but this time when you want to go back to this focus, you say, do so without adding opinion and emotion into the text, use the Bible this time, nothing else but that and what the Word itself says.

So next time perhaps read the previous page before you jump ship, Butler.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

His only response is to return with a question. Perhaps SM thinks he is copying Jesus. Asking a question in response to a question.

I think I am Jesus when time and time again I speak of myself as a slave, a servant. The question was posed because he thinks we are not focused, but if you want to jump in by all means, Butler, please do.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

But we know that the Bible Students / the  GB / JW org / Wt, have got it wrong on predictions of Armageddon. 

No one is talking about predictions, we are speaking of solely Armageddon itself.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

And in my opinion it will not be so horrific as the Watchtower magazines have shown it. i don't think Jehovah likes causing pain just for the sake of it. I think Jesus and the angels will just kill those not counted as worthy. It could be just take away the gift of life and the person would be dead. That happened, i think, with the husband and wife that lied about how much they sold a field for. Each of them just dropped dead....  i do wonder though if people will be shown, in their minds, what they could have had, and if that will be their pain, the knowing and not getting... 

This is your opinion, you should be using the bible. According to the Book of Revelations in the Greek New Testament of the Bible, Armageddon is pretty much the day of God, of which he will execute Judgement on the wicked and all that is bad.

God our Father is a God of Justice, for even in Bible times you bear witness to such and when his judgement has been executed it is for a good reason. If you think God is going to send his Son to throw flowers and cookies in the face of the wicked, you are dead wrong, Mr. Butler.

It is far more than that, along wickedness also includes those who try to test God, those who do not apply God's Laws, those who are for brazen conduct, glorifers of sin, and a list of other things. Jesus will be coming with the army of which his Father put him in command of for Jesus has been made superior after being exalted by God according to Hebrews 1, and they will go and enact Justice in the name of God, for the Lord and Savior will be coming with a sword, and he will come to do what he was sent to do, for as a King, as a Warrior, as a bene elohim of El Shaddai, he will do what is needed to rid wickedness off the face of the earth.

And no, they won't be dropping dead as they stand, what part of God's Army or coming with a sword did you not understand. Warriors and or Soldiers will confront their enemy, from a distance or close quarters, it is no different from how the angels and even the Christ himself will do to the wicked, and we already know what angels are capable of, we have not seen or read about Jesus doing such, but him being superior, one can only imagine, now as for God, well, that is a whole different ball game.

No they won't. Death is swift, mainly if the act is committed by God in terms of Justice, remember what happen to several notable people in the Bible? They were dealt with swiftly, in an instant. The wicked will not even have a millisecond to think, to blink, perhaps to take a slight of breathe.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

But i think Armageddon is a long way off yet, even if the GB say it is just around the corner, or closer.

The Day of God can happen anytime, anywhere on this earth. This is why the Bible tells us explicitly to keep being vigilant for the day of God is near, as spoken of by Jesus and his followers, in to our day.

This is why we should endure and read the Word and follow it correctly and accordingly. You do not want to have the mindset of those who remained and or decided to return to Jerusalem, for such is foolish.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I think everyone has to realise how bad world conditions are, so it has to be really bad everywhere.   Although I know many people are suffering in many places. 

A great dealing of suffering, and a whole lot of it. In my experience what I had witnessed and heard, even by my hand, is like a haunting memory that torments. This is why I believe in the word, strongly, I believe in the truth and obvious be one to be an opponent of lies.

For I know God will send his Son again and help us for we are in need of such greatly.

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15 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Yes John, our "friend" SM are Master in making fog and not to give direct, simple and honest, sincere respond or answer on some very important asking, question that would reveal His real position about JW.

Armageddon is topic here and we can not get SM simple and direct respond, despite the very significant title that Librarian put in question. 

But your word on the last page pretty much contradicts what you are conveying here.

You wanted to speak about Armageddon, I agreed and even said let us use the Bible, then immediately right after that you speak of the Watchtower this, Watchtower that when I had told you to use the bible regarding Armageddon.

And next thing you know it will derail and you will speak of cryptic and or flawed things, then you will seek out admin to come to your aid as you have done several times already. If you do not want to box in the ring, you should not have hopped in to begin with, Srecko.

And yes, Armageddon is the topic here, let's discuss it using the bible lone, unless you want to continue to seek aid from JWs and not make an effort yourself, it shows you cannot actual use the bible without given mention of them, i.e. when speaking about women, you brought up JWs and you misused Galatians 3:28, thus revealing yourself to be a mainstream Christian without much of an effort, I do not like mainstream Christians as you can see for months now.

Clearly you never saw me as a friend, and never will and I do not care, especially with that witch doctor remark of yours you made against me before, assuming I would take offence but Mr. Butler did you the favor of preventing what I had to say to you when he shifted the topic, the first time I discussed with you and my word is true from the last page as it is now.

So that being said, I put both you and Butler to task regarding Armageddon by means of the Bible alone, so far, Mr. Butler didn't realize how things will go down by means of what is spoken of Revelations and what Jesus had said.

You want to speak about Armageddon, let's have it then, Srecko, you can use any bible translation you want, and I can guarantee you that you wouldn't get far without speaking about anything to do with JWs, as God bears witness to my words regarding this.

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If SM would be kind enough to go to the top of the page and read the Topic heading he will see IT IS ABOUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES  VIEWPOINT ON ARMAGEDDON. 

The question asked in the heading is 

What makes them think itÂ’ll still happen?

I'll make it clear here. It is. What makes the Jehovah's Witnesses think it will still happen ?

It is not out viewpoint on Armageddon that is asked for here. 

So over to all you JW's the question is aimed at you i think. But use your Bible please. :) 

I'll just add one thing though. Jesus warned of the fall of Jerusalem to the Romans, but it didn't happen for a long time. BUT it did happen. 

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3 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

If SM would be kind enough to go to the top of the page and read the Topic heading he will see IT IS ABOUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES  VIEWPOINT ON ARMAGEDDON. 

If you noticed I did say something before, how did you miss this? Let along a clear description later on as to what Armageddon is and what it represents? Page 1, response number 6.


3 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

The question asked in the heading is 

What makes them think i?tÂ’ll still happen???

Already explained as seen by my last post, I put in in a general sense of Christianity's view of Armageddon, the Great Day of God.


It will happen. If you believe the words of the Christ, you shouldn't be in doubt of what he said and what his Father will do. Do not be like Tomas/Didymus.

3 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I'll make it clear here. It is. What makes the Jehovah's Witnesses think it will still happen ?

Because perhaps the Bible says so. When End Time Tribulations conclude, the Great Day of God will come to pass whereas the sheep and the goats will be separated, or the wheat of the harvest to be separated from the weeds of the field.

Jesus said this day is near, as did others in the Bible and we have examples of such by means of Sodom and Gomorrah, Noah's Day regarding the flood, The city of Jerusalem being attacked, Jonah being tasked by God to go to Nineveh, etc.

For us, this day will be a day whereas all men who are of wickedness and lawlessness, those having a total disregard for God's Laws will perish.

There is no middle ground between Life and Death.

3 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

So over to all you JW's the question is aimed at you i think. But use your Bible please. :)

Some of them have.

3 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I'll just add one thing though. Jesus warned of the fall of Jerusalem to the Romans, but it didn't happen for a long time. BUT it did happen. 

Indeed, and you see the people at the time were in doubt and they paid for it. This example serves for us today for the coming day of God and the return of the Christ. The only different you now is you have God's adversary and God's chosen mighty warrior who is King that will return, and he will be accompanied by God's angelic army.

It makes you think. If a single angel can wipe out 185,000 Assyrian soldiers, how much you think the one made superior to the other angels in combination with the angels themselves will do when that day comes? For their assault will also be directed to those spirit beings who side themselves with Satan as well.

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@Space Merchant  It makes you think. If a single angel can wipe out 185,000 Assyrian soldiers, how much you think the one made superior to the other angels in combination with the angels themselves will do when that day comes? For their assault will also be directed to those spirit beings who side themselves with Satan as well.

Yes SM, it is very serious and does make me think. I hope I will be in the ground before it happens. 

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