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Jehovah’s Witnesses have always claimed with absolute certainty that Armageddon is just a few years away. 140 some years later, it still hasn’t happened. What makes them think it’ll still happen?

The Librarian

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And yet when he judges me you voted it up. I am not a stubborn person ..... S.M.  I tell you in truth i never even thought he was making a direct comment against you. I just agreed with the comment as a general comment. 

Although i know the answers are given to previous comments, I see the answers as more of a general comment to the whole group. 

And when i said how i felt i was being treated, i did not mean by you personally, I meant generally. . 

As for the rest of your comment here , it is too long for me to concentrate on. 

Sorry S. M.  I am not a puppet for Srecko and i come here as an individual. I do not take sides, I am my own person. 

I comment as I see fit and will continue to do so. 

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The last person who was inspired by God or Jesus was the apostle John, on the isle of Patmos, when he wrote Revelation.     

Well, how to make a dog's breakfast out of a basic statement??? Let's untangle this. Let's speak about you. As you have used the personal pronoun "I", "you" features in my response.  If "you

Really? What scripture is that in?

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2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

And yet when he judges me you voted it up. I am not a stubborn person ..... S.M.  I tell you in truth i never even thought he was making a direct comment against you. I just agreed with the comment as a general comment. 

Although i know the answers are given to previous comments, I see the answers as more of a general comment to the whole group. 

And when i said how i felt i was being treated, i did not mean by you personally, I meant generally. . 

As for the rest of your comment here , it is too long for me to concentrate on. 

Sorry S. M.  I am not a puppet for Srecko and i come here as an individual. I do not take sides, I am my own person. 

I comment as I see fit and will continue to do so. 

No worries, knowing Srecko, he thinks he can be sneaky with his words, unless he forgot to pay his Bird ISP in bird seeds this month, since he thinks birds provide him internet to even post here.

The comment in question was due to the whole women being religious leaders to which both Srecko Sostar and Witness based their understanding on a Tradition of Men. They tried to through in JW/Watchtower stuff and that didn't even help them either for 2 direct questions posed pretty much is enough to shut them down.

It is people like that that are red flags, and I say to you study the Bible and research because one can easily slip into man's understanding without even knowing.

No worries, no one wants to be a puppet of Srecko, no one is a puppet of him for he is very cryptic in his words, especially what he said about Abraham as if he is the villain, to which he has been corrected on.

You can comment, but do so with something that is true to fact, true to the Bible, true to the Christology of others because if something is not in good light, a response will be made, this is how it is in the CSE community, of which I am from. So if someone is in error of the Bible, even about Islam, I will correct,for this is how I am, and this is how I profess.

My reason for somewhat long posts, as a funny  thing JTR thinks I right books and essays, I type waaaay to fast for me own good, and this began with a discussion I had with a Trinitarian here about Church Fathers, a second time regarding the Holy Spirit.

The guy's name is Cos and he cannot see the forest for it's trees, for one thing I have a disdain for is anyone who professes what is accursed, in this case, the Trinity. Cos showed himself to be the child of the Devil when he made claim to something that the end of the discussion, all that can be said, he never posted in that thread again nor does he address he directly, to make it seem he isn't thing to respond to what I said.

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10 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

If you believe that someone who speaks truth is stubborn,

Yes i believe! In fact i have no need  to just believe. Something about  is written in Bible. Paul was excellent example.

“I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but raised in this city. I was educated at the feet of Gamaliel in strict conformity to the Law of our Fathers. I am just as zealous for God as any of you here today. 4I persecuted this Way even to the death, detaining both men and women and throwing them into prison,…

As such member of Jew community he was very stubborn in self idea how he got the truth and how god's will for him is to speak and prosecute other people who disagree with his STRICT idea !!!!  

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On 10/7/2018 at 3:54 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

Yes i believe! In fact i have no need  to just believe. Something about  is written in Bible. Paul was excellent example.

“I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but raised in this city. I was educated at the feet of Gamaliel in strict conformity to the Law of our Fathers. I am just as zealous for God as any of you here today. 4I persecuted this Way even to the death, detaining both men and women and throwing them into prison,…

As such member of Jew community he was very stubborn in self idea how he got the truth and how god's will for him is to speak and prosecute other people who disagree with his STRICT idea !!!!  

If you consider Apostle Paul as an example you would not have been speaking negatively of Abraham in the first place, or his wife, Sarah. You would not have spoken slander when you and Witness attempted to defend religious leadership roles given to women in modern day when such was forbidden and unheard of in the past or the whole Temple Chest thing you had an issue with.

And you've yet to show me anywhere in the Bible to your claim of Chloe being the Leader of the Church of Corinth - to which is unfounded, therefore, you have broken God's Word about those who add to the scripture when you are not suppose to. Tough cookies, Srecko, you cannot giggle your way out of that one.

You directed your last response towards me being stubborn and persistent. So how is it this time I am somehow a Jew part of a Jewish Community? I have studied a bit of Judaism, but I do not see how man who's roots is traced back to the mother land, Africa, is somehow a Jew.

Followers of God were strict also, for they wanted people to not be led astray and they were persistent in their word so the church remains clean of the accursed. Therefore, you example or point is totally meaningless.

That being said, be strict on what the Bible says, mainly on what Paul said about Orderly Worship in terms of God's Order, is a mercy towards you.

Also you are using those verses out of context....

On 10/7/2018 at 4:01 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

.... do not worry about it SM. We all working  on fruits of Spirit :))))))

Then work harder because need to show yourself to be God fearing. I guess perhaps in the future I might post questions via thread so it is neutral whereas both anyone even JWs and hop in, for I have came across some very complex questions with actual answers, so if anyone were to stop you guys on such, you should be able to answer.

That being said, Srecko, I will have to point out, for truly I say to ye, that what you have spoken of regarding Chloe is a lie, and the biblical facts I provided to you, use that for your study and research.

Remember these verses:

  • Proverbs 9:8 - Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you.
  • Proverbs 15:31, 32 - [31] The ear that listens to life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise. [32] He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.
  • Proverbs 19:20 - Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.

Do not be a forgetful hearer, be one who listens, Srecko. And read your Bible.

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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

If you consider Apostle Paul as an example you would not have been speaking negatively of Abraham in the first place, or his wife, Sarah. You would not have spoken slander when you and Witness attempted to defend religious leadership roles given to women in modern day when such was forbidden and unheard of in the past or the whole Temple Chest thing you had an issue with.

And you've yet to show me anywhere in the Bible to your claim of Chloe being the Leader of the Church of Corinth - to which is unfounded, therefore, you have broken God's Word about those who add to the scripture when you are not suppose to. Tough cookies, Srecko, you cannot giggle your way out of that one.

You directed your last response towards me being stubborn and persistent. So how is it this time I am somehow a Jew part of a Jewish Community? I have studied a bit of Judaism, but I do not see how man who's roots is traced back to the mother land, Africa, is somehow a Jew.

Followers of God were strict also, for they wanted people to not be led astray and they were persistent in their word so the church remains clean of the accursed. Therefore, you example or point is totally meaningless.

That being said, be strict on what the Bible says, mainly on what Paul said about Orderly Worship in terms of God's Order, is a mercy towards you.

Also you are using those verses out of context....

Then work harder because need to show yourself to be God fearing. I guess perhaps in the future I might post questions via thread so it is neutral whereas both anyone even JWs and hop in, for I have came across some very complex questions with actual answers, so if anyone were to stop you guys on such, you should be able to answer.

That being said, Srecko, I will have to point out, for truly I say to ye, that what you have spoken of regarding Chloe is a lie, and the biblical facts I provided to you, use that for your study and research.

Remember these verses:

  • Proverbs 9:8 - Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you.
  • Proverbs 15:31, 32 - [31] The ear that listens to life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise. [32] He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.
  • Proverbs 19:20 - Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.

Do not be a forgetful hearer, be one who listens, Srecko. And read your Bible.

:)))) i need to give you some smile and laugh about your methods of teaching. In almost all your respond, not only to me, but especially to me i will say... You using all past and present and future commentary on all kind of comments, conversation, reactions that i,  as your interlocutor made in mutual responses and even wider, that i made to someone else. 

It's pretty boring, if you have not noticed, and if that has not already been said to you by someone else. Please, try to focus your response on actual subject and not to disperse, spin  discussion from Adam to Melchizedek to Revelation book. :)))

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19 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

:)))) i need to give you some smile and laugh about your methods of teaching. In almost all your respond, not only to me, but especially to me i will say... You using all past and present and future commentary on all kind of comments, conversation, reactions that i,  as your interlocutor made in mutual responses and even wider, that i made to someone else. 

That is because you leave questions unanswered as well as you being cryptic with a hint of trickery, so they will be brought up and no, it isn't a method of teaching, it is bringing up claims in regards to such. You cannot heed command of the Christ if you think the way you do of very specific things, and you show yourself to be openly accepting of Traditions of Men in some of your claims and confusing passages, thus I will remind you every time until you better yourself. You are dealing with a Unitarian from CSE, what did you expect?

That being said, I only bring them up briefly because I know if I bring up the specifics, you will wiped them out.

What is being asked of you is recent stuff, not past items so I ask you the following:

You directed your last response towards me being stubborn and persistent. So how is it this time I am somehow a Jew part of a Jewish Community? 

You can start with that, in the other thread you can address what is being asked of you there - otherwise this will be a reminder of you just as your very reflect always reminds you of who you are everyday and every night.

19 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

It's pretty boring, if you have not noticed, and if that has not already been said to you by someone else. Please, try to focus your response on actual subject and not to disperse, spin  discussion from Adam to Melchizedek to Revelation book. :)))

How haven't I noticed if I am the one who brings it up time and time again? I bring it up so people know your stance, so they can see for themselves or before such information is wiped out.

You know by now I respond to a response, if you've forgotten of how this recent response come to this point, there is no spinning because if the topic is of your focus, you'd have to checked.

I didn't start the thread, Srecko, look again and see how things turned up the way they are, you were not too focused yourself.

If you want to speak about Armageddon, speak your resolve now, but this time when you want to go back to this focus, you say, do so without adding opinion and emotion into the text, use the Bible this time, nothing else but that and what the Word itself says.

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On 10/6/2018 at 5:52 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

And when i said how i felt i was being treated, i did not mean by you personally, I meant generally. . 

You are relatively new on this forum, if I'm correct. So my advice is don't take anything personally, whatsoever. It's ideas that are being dissected and discussed, not so much the character of the person. Although I agree, ideas can speak of the character of the person, I think a good discussion forum steers away from "ad hominem" ( @TrueTomHarley most admired expression) remarks and tries to keep to the issue at hand. That is the only way a subject can be properly explored. I think anyway.

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On 10/10/2018 at 11:48 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

As i see you support Watchtower and Jehovah's Witnesses.

Does Watchtower and Jehovah's Witnesses support you as Unitarian and Unitarianism as movement?  

It's not a support, it is merely correct the wrongs here. Like I told you before, if you say something that is in error, about Judaism, Islam and or even things of the Bible, I will speak, even if you say something out of line regarding JWs, I will speak, remember Glasgow and the Registry information you tried to pass off as something big? Things of that nature.

Unitarianism isn't a movement.... Do you even know what a Unitarian is or which denominations among them are present? That being said, you'd be surprise of how Restorationist tend to agree with others on some points.


Anyways, discussion, Armageddon, in accordance with you.

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On 10/10/2018 at 11:58 AM, Anna said:

You are relatively new on this forum, if I'm correct. So my advice is don't take anything personally, whatsoever. It's ideas that are being dissected and discussed, not so much the character of the person. Although I agree, ideas can speak of the character of the person, I think a good discussion forum steers away from "ad hominem" ( @TrueTomHarley most admired expression) remarks and tries to keep to the issue at hand. That is the only way a subject can be properly explored. I think anyway.

I would say he is semi-new. He was here several months ago I believe for I had the first discussion with him regarding his claim of focus.

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56 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

I would say he is semi-new. He was here several months ago I believe for I had the first discussion with him regarding his claim of focus.

Semi new indeed. The answer is simple. Sometimes I'm very busy and not near a computer for weeks, but other times I have time and energy to spend online. 

Sometimes, after working hard for someone all day, I just don't have the mental energy to even turn my computer on.

Tomorrow will be one of those day. Laying out and lotting up an auction of automobilia, heavy, dirty, and tiring. 7am until 7pm probably. So you may not hear from me. :) 

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