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Was the Bible written and compiled for everyone to understand fully or only for a 'chosen few' to fully understand


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35 minutes ago, Gone Away said:

Funny eh? "Who are you to judge the house servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for Jehovah can make him stand."

Ah, but we have to judge or we could just as easily follow the Pope or Archbishop. People hang on their every word.

'By their works you will know them', yes that's for sure. The GB have certainly proved not to be the Faithful and discreet slave :) .

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I have always wondered if the Bible is for 'all of us' to understand fully, or if it's only for a chosen few to fully understand. I don't mean is it just for one 'religion' to understand, I mean

Seems there must be. It's definitely not for everyone, despite it's availability: 2 Tim 3:16-17. "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things s

If we were all inspired of God and all had the same communication with God via Jesus Christ then why would we need a 'faithful and discreet slave' to 'feed us the right food at the proper time' ?  We

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1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

we have to judge

By we, do you mean you? And if you have made a judgement, why don't you run with it? Or are you unable to let go of the hand that used to feed you?

We seem to have established that the Bible was only written for "the man of God" so the question seems to have been answered.

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On 10/3/2018 at 9:31 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

However, it is not so easy for anyone to see who is chosen to distribute the spiritual food at this time. And also to know if the food distributed actually is approved of by God or Jesus Christ. 

You sure about that? Jesus had entrusted those of the church to carry out the teachings and his disciples did just that, and it continued on as they took the lead, and there are those who continue for them and the cycle continues into this day and age.

It comes down to who is applying what is true and who is not, and only a few do what is true while others do not.

This is why I can say, and or the Muslims can say, that not many Christians are aware of the Apostolic Church and the people who make up the stones of this church.

Shouldn't be that hard to trace back your roots as a Christian, I mean, it's that clear.

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3 hours ago, Gone Away said:

By we, do you mean you? And if you have made a judgement, why don't you run with it? Or are you unable to let go of the hand that used to feed you?

An issue with most who adhere to the mainstream is that the hands that they eat from is of leavened bread and they do not know it, until they see for themselves what is leavened and what is not unleavened.

It is what separates those who are true and those who are not true, but in between there are those astray, lost, misguided due to their own ignorance and or the teachings of the accursed.

That being said, although there are some who claim all of us are alike, which is untrue, such claims are often made by Muslims, however, some, even some of them, recognized, that there are Christians who are doing what the Bible says and adhere to the true teachings of the church compared to those who do not.

But those who are doing what is true will be made known to the people, given praise and encouragement, while others will heckle and ridicule, attack them even.

For Jesus was right, there will be many who call and claim they are doing good, but they are not. Many who walk the narrow path, but only a few will get through this path.

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I find this a very interesting topic. I have often wondered that too. One definitely needs holy spirit to understand the Bible, and Jehovah does not give his spirit to just anyone. Then there is the FDS who is supposed to be feeding the flock at the proper time. To me this means that they distribute timely counsel from the Bible, that fits the needs of people living in the time of the end. I don't think it means that they get bogged down with complex Biblical explanations like it was done in the past with types and antitypes etc. and re invent the Bible. We have definitely gone away from that. And we (the FDS) really don't know everything. In fact Br. Herd admitted in one of his broadcasting talks "we are just scratching the surface". 

There is no "magic" to how the FDS decide on some scriptural interpretation. There is no direct special communication from Jesus. Jesus and Jehovah communicate trough the Bible.  Br.Jackson gave insight into how the GB arrive at decision.  I would write more but I am really busy now until next week, so I will try and pick up the thread then.

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11 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

You sure about that? Jesus had entrusted those of the church to carry out the teachings and his disciples did just that, and it continued on as they took the lead, and there are those who continue for them and the cycle continues into this day and age.

It comes down to who is applying what is true and who is not, and only a few do what is true while others do not.

This is why I can say, and or the Muslims can say, that not many Christians are aware of the Apostolic Church and the people who make up the stones of this church.

Shouldn't be that hard to trace back your roots as a Christian, I mean, it's that clear.

OH yes so clear. So clear, that there are hundreds if not thousands of so called Christian denominations earthwide. 

The JW's being one of the smallest. 

As for your comment "It comes down to who is applying what is true and who is not, and only a few do what is true while others do not".

So, you can name who is doing what is true can you ? You can say what is truth and what is not can you ?  

From an historic standpoint it might be easier, but for knowing who God is using to give the true direction now, can you tell me ?

Can you say this 'sect' or that 'denomination' are telling complete truth ?  Can you know for sure who has God's blessing ?

If you can truthfully answer all of this then God must be blessing you far more that he blesses many. 

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8 hours ago, Anna said:

I find this a very interesting topic. I have often wondered that too. One definitely needs holy spirit to understand the Bible, and Jehovah does not give his spirit to just anyone. Then there is the FDS who is supposed to be feeding the flock at the proper time. To me this means that they distribute timely counsel from the Bible, that fits the needs of people living in the time of the end. I don't think it means that they get bogged down with complex Biblical explanations like it was done in the past with types and antitypes etc. and re invent the Bible. We have definitely gone away from that. And we (the FDS) really don't know everything. In fact Br. Herd admitted in one of his broadcasting talks "we are just scratching the surface". 

There is no "magic" to how the FDS decide on some scriptural interpretation. There is no direct special communication from Jesus. Jesus and Jehovah communicate trough the Bible.  Br.Jackson gave insight into how the GB arrive at decision.  I would write more but I am really busy now until next week, so I will try and pick up the thread then.

Yes Anna but, did the Governing Body give themselves the name 'Faithful and discreet slave' and if so what gave them the right to do so ? 

And then the GB said only they, those 8 men, are that 'slave', not all of the anointed. How can they judge this ? You are saying they are not inspired and there is no direct communication from 'above'. 

Plus all the things I've spoken about previously, which erk some folks, seem to make it clear that the GB are not treating the congregants in a loving way. Remember 'By their works you will know them'. 

It would have probably been easier for me to stay in the Org, keep my head down, and not to think, just obey.. That is how i see JW's acting. But is that what Jehovah and Jesus Christ really truly want people to be like ? Blind obedience ?



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15 hours ago, Gone Away said:

By we, do you mean you? And if you have made a judgement, why don't you run with it? Or are you unable to let go of the hand that used to feed you?

We seem to have established that the Bible was only written for "the man of God" so the question seems to have been answered.

But the 'man of God' is each individual, not the GB of the JW Org.

So unless you love following blindly, as it seems you do, then you, along with everyone would need to make their own judgement as to who is leading us to God through christ. 

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2 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

everyone would need to make their own judgement as to who is leading us to God through christ

We seem to have established that the Bible was only written for "the man of God" (as previously posted and referenced by 2Tim 3:16) and as an answer to the original question.

We could probably add Jesus' own words here in view of your statement, so there is no confusion as to who decides who is "the man of God" for whom the Bible was specifically written:

"No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him" John 6:44

"No one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father." John 6:65.

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5 minutes ago, Gone Away said:

We seem to have established that the Bible was only written for "the man of God" (as previously posted and referenced by 2Tim 3:16) and as an answer to the original question.

We could probably add Jesus' own words here in view of your statement, so there is no confusion as to who decides who is "the man of God" for whom the Bible was specifically written:

"No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him" John 6:44

"No one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father." John 6:65.

Doesn't God draw each one of us ? But if you read those scripture in context they do not answer my questions.

But I'm not after a sparring contest, I'm just looking for true answers.

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27 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Doesn't God draw each one of us

"Or do you despise the riches of his kindness and forbearance and long-suffering, because you do not know that the kindly [quality] of God is trying to lead you to repentance?" Rom.2:4.

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1 minute ago, Gone Away said:

"Or do you despise the riches of his kindness and forbearance and long-suffering, because you do not know that the kindly [quality] of God is trying to lead you to repentance?" Rom.2:4.

You are strange. You keep changing direction. It's probs' better i just ignore you. 

You just pick out random scripture for the sake of trying to look clever. You prove nothing.

Gone away, yes you should have, long ago. 

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