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In the first century the temple was a physical place and at the same time there was the spiritual temple, according to the apostles words. So today there exist a physical sanctuary and the fortress. (Daniel 11:30,31) JW broadcast-studio fits well to what is said to be the sanctuary and the fortress is the WT complex in Warwick. And in the same time every anointed is a temple of God, where God's spirit may dwell.


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@Space Merchant I think i will continue to like every comment you dislike just for the fun of it all. You seem to love linking me with others, so be it. I will join in your game and it will become fun

Thanks, Jan.  Both perimeno and RK are deterrents from knowing truth for all of us who step out of the WT.  At least I believe that.  When I realized that they encourage either remaining in the organi

It’s time to tell you, SM, I am not a “he”, but a “she”.  It shouldn’t matter though, since anointed are neither “male or female”; but for you, I am sure all “hell” will break lose and you will write

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The beasts in Daniel are explained there to represent great political powers, like Babylon, Medo-persia, Greece. And the last beast there represented the Roman empire. And this beast is still alive through the 10 horns/kingdoms that have their origin in the Roman empire, so also the eleveth horn that speak arrogantly. That is typical of Donald Trump. So he is the eleventh horn. And according to Daniel 7 he will begin to persecute the saints and to conquer them during a 3 and half year period.

That period has neither yet begun. But because President Trump fit so well the prophesy (also Daniel 8:23-25 and the king of the north in Daniel 11:30-45) we can know in advance what he will do.

By erroneously applying these prophecies on Governing Body the true application will be missed out.

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On 11/12/2018 at 9:39 AM, Kosonen said:

In the first century the temple was a physical place and at the same time there was the spiritual temple, according to the apostles words. So today there exist a physical sanctuary and the fortress. (Daniel 11:30,31) JW broadcast-studio fits well to what is said to be the sanctuary and the fortress is the WT complex in Warwick. And in the same time every anointed is a temple of God, where God's spirit may dwell.


Dear Kosonen, 

Dan 11:31 -  “His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress and will abolish the daily sacrifice. Then they will set up the abomination that causes desolation.

You believe that JW Broadcasting and Warwick are the identities behind those whose “daily sacrifices” will be abolished?  Only one identity in scripture offers “daily sacrifices” – God’s priesthood.  Why are you deviating from scripture?    Lev 6:8-13; Heb 8:1-6; 1 Pet 2:5,9,10

"In the first century the temple was a physical place and at the same time there was the spiritual temple, according to the apostles words."

You are saying there is a dual fulfillment of two apparent sanctuaries being trampled? 

 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”

20 They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” 21 But the temple he had spoken of was his body.  John 2:19-21

“Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

No longer are we to recognize a building of any sort as a temple sanctuary; but,  this is what you are saying, by calling Warwick a “temple” whose “sacrifices” will be abolished.  Also, somehow you are working in the “trampling” of God’s true sanctuary, “living stones” built on the Body of Christ? 1f Pet 2:5,9  Or, perhaps you don’t see this at all. 

Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone21 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.  Eph 2:19-22 (1 Cor 3:16,17)

The apostles moved away from the existing temple worship – a “physical place”.  It is what the establishment of the New Covenant entailed; yet, you are comparing a system, a covenant, that lasted hundreds of years which Jesus fulfilled at his coming, to the appearance of the Watchtower making its deceptive call just a hundred years ago.  He abandoned the “house” because of its sins, and replaced the physical temple with his Body.  Matt 26:26-29  Do you believe the WT is under its own covenant with God, just as the nation of Israel was under the law covenant until Jesus arrived?  It certainly can’t be the “New Covenant” that Jesus established in the first century, since that promise has been in existence since his last supper with his disciples. Heb 8:13

Any contracted covenant that the WT is under, has a demonic source. Luke 4:5-7; Rev 13:2; 2 Thess 2:9-12; 2 Pet 2:1-3

Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness, as He appointed, instructing Moses to make it according to the pattern that he had seen45 which our fathers, having received it in turn, also brought with Joshua into the land possessed by the Gentiles, whom God drove out before the face of our fathers until the days of David, 46 who found favor before God and asked to find a dwelling for the God of Jacob. 47 But Solomon built Him a house.

48 However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says:

49 ‘Heaven is My throne,
And earth is My footstool.
What house will you build for Me? says the Lord,
Or what is the place of My rest?
50 Has My hand not made all these things?’

You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you”  Act 7:44-51

Any literal building owned by the WT is not the “temple fortress” that loses its “daily sacrifice” by an “abomination” that is set up in it. Dan 11:31.  It has never been approved by God as His “House”.  He has only one house, one dwelling, in the anointed hearts. 1 Cor 3:16,17 But, by your saying so, are you rejecting Christ as the chief cornerstone of the true House of God?   1 Pet 2:6-8  I do hope this isn’t true.  In Dan 11:38,39, the “king” (Rev 13:11) honors a “god of fortresses” (Rev 13:1,4,8) while attacking the “mightiest fortress”, which is the same “temple fortress” in Dan 11:31, and God’s anointed Temple. 

The “god of fortresses”, then, is the “spirit-directed organization” and an idol.  Rev 13:1,15,4

The fourth Beast of Daniel is “different”, unlike the other Beasts of worldly power.  And, Daniel’s description does fit the Beast of Revelation 13:1.  But, only one of those “Beasts” in Rev 13, represent the GB – the false prophet with “two horns that speaks like a dragon.”  The other is the organization, where the “image” as “spirit-directed” is kept alive by the “breath” the false prophet imparts to the Wild Beast.  Rev 13:15

Tell me, how will Donald Trump find out who the anointed ones are, in order to persecute them and remove their “daily sacrifice”, when it is apparent that God’s priesthood cannot not offer “daily sacrifices” as priests now? (Mal 2:7; 1 Pet 2:5,9;  Heb 13:15)  He has little time left to do this, doesn’t he.  You’d think he’d be doing some sort of investigation at this moment, but I’m sure he’s looking for bigger fish to fry.   The GB/wicked slave and their henchmen, already keep them well “trampled”; totally obscured from the rest of JWs.   Matt 24:48-51  I am anointed, but in the Watchtower I never partook for the years I was in. No one knew that I was anointed. How many more are like me, too afraid to speak up as one of God’s anointed ones, or who give up partaking in a setting that requires no interaction with other members of the anointed Body?  Or, having the fear of being pinned down as possibly “mentally diseased”?  Has Trump been given such spiritual insight to “know” who is anointed and who isn’t?   He’s not even a JW.  

And out of one of them came a little horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the Glorious Land. 10 And it grew up to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars to the ground, and trampled them. 11 He even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host; and by him the daily sacrifices were taken away, and the place of His sanctuary was cast down.  Dan 8:9,10

I know you are aware of the power the elders have over the anointed is incredible.  They easily “kill” them (disfellowship) for rejecting Watchtower’s lies and proclaiming Christ as their one true Head.  Rev 13:7,15; 11:7; Dan 8:25   They have received this authority to do so from the GB; yet ultimately the Beast receives it from the dragon!  Rev 13:2; 16:13,14  Thus, they have exalted themselves as high as Christ – as has the GB also (Mark 13:22). Again, the elders are the man of lawlessness of 2 Thess 2:3,4 and Rev 11:1,2;  and the “image” of the Beast.  Rev 13:15

As a dual power comprised of “iron”/Gentile, and “clay”/”Israel” in covenant with God, Daniel’s fourth Beast has cast truth down to the ground.

 Dan 2:40-43; Isa 64:8; 1 Cor 3:9 – “clay”

Ezek 11:12; Luke 22:25,26 – “iron”

 Anointed who remain “in Christ”, would speak truth; but as we see, no truth can be spoken by those who are “trampled” and tread upon. John 15:4; Dan 8:13; Isa 3:4,5;5:5-7; Matt 7:6; Isa 63:18; Jer 12:10; Rev 11:2 ; Matt 24:15; Rev 13:7

 This is a spiritual captivity that God has allowed to come upon His people for choosing the idealistic expectations of men, to promote their idol.  Isa 5:5-7,11-13; Rev 13:9,10; Luke 21:24; Col 2:8; 2 Thess 2:9-12

It set itself up to be as great as the commander of the army of the Lordit took away the daily sacrifice from the Lord, and his sanctuary was thrown down.12 Because of rebellion, the Lord’s people and the daily sacrifice were given over to it. It prospered in everything it did, and truth was thrown to the ground.

13 Then I heard a holy one speaking, and another holy one said to him, “How long will it take for the vision to be fulfilled—the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, the rebellion that causes desolation, the surrender of the sanctuary and the trampling underfoot of the Lord’s people?”  Dan 8:11-13

This is so evident by the upbuilding of the elder body above and beyond any acknowledgement of who the anointed ones are.

“Now in those times many shall rise up against the king of the South. Also violent men of your people shall exalt themselves in fulfillment of the vision, but they shall fall.”  Dan 11:14

Of “Israel”.  The anointed are “Israel”.  Rev 21:12

Both these kings’ hearts shall be bent on evil, and they shall speak lies at the same table; but it shall not prosper, for the end will still be at the appointed time.   Dan 11:27

The Beast from the Earth is a composite false prophet /Harlot who has exalted itself as superior to its “fellow servants”.  As Daniel says, these kings will not prosper, but will be exposed for the iniquities they have committed.  Rev 13:11; 17:16,17

It is the wicked slave of Matt 24:48-51.  The simple fact the GB proclaims only themselves as “faithful and discreet” before the coming of Christ, shows their deception; their speaking lies at the same table which expresses their desire for superiority over all “kings of the earth”- Christ’s “kings”. Luke 19:17; Rev 1:5

Gerrit Loesch - “To appreciate the extent of Jehovah’s and Jesus’ trust in the faithful slave reflect on what he has promised its members. He has promised the immortality and incorruption. Soon, JUST BEFORE ARMAGEDDON the remaining members of the slave will be taken to heaven.” 

This only includes the GB.  They have no interest in their fellow servants in Christ, but to silence them.  Matt 24:48-51; 1 John 3:11,12; 1 Cor 12:14-26

The depictions of people and nations in the Hebrew scriptures provide symbolic characteristics of the Beasts that come against the anointed during Armageddon.  We see this when reading about the “two witnesses” who are “killed” by the Beast.

“When they finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them. And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.”  Rev 11:7,8

See all of Isaiah Chapter 1.  God actually compares “Israel” to Sodom and Gomorrah.  The “two witnesses” lie in the street of “apostate” Jerusalem, equivalent to “Sodom”.  This indicates the Wild Beast/organization’s vast sins.   What are the two witnesses proclaiming when “killed”/disfellowshipped?  (Rev 11:1-3) The sins of “Israel”, their fall into idolatry/servitude to the organization and its leaders.  Also, their failure at remembering who they should be serving instead of an organization, and their blatant disregard for Christ, who bought them with a price; (1 Cor 6:20; 2 Pet 2:1; Heb 6:4-6) The “two witnesses” are also trumpeting the identity of the Man of Lawlessness standing in /treading upon the Temple of God.  Rev 11:1-3; 2 Thess 2:3,4,9-12; Dan 9:16

I really hope you reconsider your perception as needing to be spiritual, and not visual.  It is not often that anointed are able to find and converse with one another. 

 Pearl Doxsey - 4womaninthewilderness - ""Gentile Times"/ "Great Tribulation" / Cleansed Priesthood"


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Hi Witness,

I don't think Satan or Trump will have any proplem to target the anointed. One easy thing for him would be to do as did Nebucadnessar. Put up a symbol of worship and demand everyone to worship it. Like Hitler who had his Swastica and required that people greet each other by saying Hiel Hitler instead of Good day. 

But of course every one else who will not worship the beast or its image or that the mark of the beast will also be targeted. 

But during the final 42 months when all this will occure GB will be out from the picture and instead local anointed will guide what is left from the congregations. And logically the political powers will first hand target the anointed who have taken the lead when the GB is gone. 

And there is a possibility that some JWs will turn traitors, and report to the authorities who are the anointed, and in that way the authorities will find them.

Sad that you did not have the courage to confess before the congregation that you had become anointed. 

Maybe you should work on that quality. For my part, I told everyone that I had become anointed when I got sure about that. But I did not make it to the next Memorial before I was expelled, just two weeks before that. But I went to the Memorial as disfellowshiped and took from the emblems. And I have done it a few times more after that, to make sure that the congregation knows who I am and to my wife and family.

Sure I have been nervous every time I have done it. But Jesus said we should not be ashamed of him and that we are in union with him.

If you get this right, maybe you will get the scriptures right also.

With best regards Jan

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21 hours ago, Witness said:

 It is not often that anointed are able to find and converse with one another. 



Hi again Witness, 

I was quite strait forward in the last post. And I appreciate the possibility to connect with other anointed as you. Before I was very eager to find other anointed on the internet. And I have found a few. But unfortunately until now all anointed seem to have their own ideas and it is almost always impossible to come to a unified true understanding of the scriptures. I have tried with Robert King at https://e-watchman.com/ and an other brother at http://perimeno.ca/Index_A.htm and there used to be two anointed at http://e-jw.org/index.php and I have met a several more anointed on other forums. 

But non of us can come to an agreement with each other.  Maybe the time has not come, or the circumstances has not yet made us clear out our own errors?

But I wish that Jesus' words about 5 wise virgins will come true. 

And I hope both you and I will be among those.

With best regards Jan

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This is all heavy vibes here. As for who is anointed and who isn't, not my place to judge on that one. 

But if those of the anointed cannot agree then i have no hope on finding truth.The scripture about ten men clinging to the skirt of a 'Jew' comes to mind, but if we have no idea who the spiritual Jew is then what hope can we have ? 

Tow questions, Why would you have to go to a JW Memorial to partake ?  Why could you not find others of the Anointed and get together for your own Memorial ?  

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 Hi John Butler,

I wanted to go back to JW memorial because I believe that in the end I will be helping them during the final tribulation time. So I do not want that they forget me. I believe something similar will happen as happened to Joseph who was sold by his brothers to Egypt. 

And unfortunately I do not know other anointed in my area. 

And I understand that you feel unsure now, when the anointed among themselves can not agree on many vital things. So it is up to you to decide who of the anointed is understanding the Bible right. In the begining of WT org Charles Russell looked around and learned scattered pieces of truth from different sources. I think that is a way to learn. Some youtube preachers could have examined specific biblical subjects and got it right without JW background. For me it does not matter what the source is, if the arguments are sound and real. And in accord with the Bible.

This deplorable situation among the anointed themselves is actually fortold in Malachi. The anointed are symbolized by the sons of Levi, that need a serious cleansing.  This prophecy had a partial fulfillment in the first centry when John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus, the messenger of the covenant. But as many prophesies in the Bible there should be a second fulfilment. The WT teaches that the second fulfilment happened in the early history of the WT org, when the WT organization and its early members were supposedly cleansed. But evidently the sons of Levi, the anointed were far from cleansed to the core at that time, as described in Malichi 3:3. So  we should expect that suddenly Jesus will start the cleansing of the anointed, as the messenger of the covenant.  And logically before this cleansing period things would be out of order.

Here is the verses in Malachi:

Malachi 3:1 “Look! I am sending my messenger, and he will clear up* a way before me.+ And suddenly the true Lord, whom you are seeking, will come to his temple;+and the messenger of the covenant will come, in whom you take delight. Look! He will certainly come,” says Jehovah of armies.2  “But who will endure the day of his coming, and who will be able to stand when he appears? For he will be like the fire of a refiner and like the lye of laundrymen. 3  And he will sit as a refiner and cleanser of silver and will cleanse the sons of Leʹvi; and he will clarify them like gold and like silver, and they will certainly become to Jehovah people presenting a gift offering in righteousness. 


And a note-worthy prophecy we find in Malachi 4:5. This prophecy likewise got its first partial  fulfillment on John the Baptist. But the verse speaks about Elijah's coming before the awe-inspiring day of Jehovah. So this "Elijah" should come before Armageddon and teach God's people. So there is hope according to the Bible.

Malachi 4:5  “Look! I am sending to you E·liʹjah the prophet before the coming of the great and awe-inspiring day of Jehovah.+ 6  And he will turn the hearts of fathers back toward sons,+ and the hearts of sons back toward fathers, so that I may not come and strike the earth, devoting it to destruction.”


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On 11/14/2018 at 4:37 PM, Kosonen said:

Hi again Witness, 

I was quite strait forward in the last post. And I appreciate the possibility to connect with other anointed as you. Before I was very eager to find other anointed on the internet. And I have found a few. But unfortunately until now all anointed seem to have their own ideas and it is almost always impossible to come to a unified true understanding of the scriptures. I have tried with Robert King at https://e-watchman.com/ and an other brother at http://perimeno.ca/Index_A.htm and there used to be two anointed at http://e-jw.org/index.php and I have met a several more anointed on other forums. 

But non of us can come to an agreement with each other.  Maybe the time has not come, or the circumstances has not yet made us clear out our own errors?

But I wish that Jesus' words about 5 wise virgins will come true. 

And I hope both you and I will be among those.

With best regards Jan

Thanks, Jan.  Both perimeno and RK are deterrents from knowing truth for all of us who step out of the WT.  At least I believe that.  When I realized that they encourage either remaining in the organization and waiting for it to change, I couldn't stomach remaining under a false pretense called truth.   I remember RK even stating it was useless to partake.  That told me right off, he was not with Christ.

You said it was "Sad that you did not have the courage to confess before the congregation that you had become anointed."

 I grew up extremely shy with little self-worth.  A shy person does not make waves when something unusual occurs in life. I was never one to draw attention to myself.  Even when facing child abuse by a family member, I never told my parents.    As I mentioned earlier, I was young when anointed and very new to the organization, not even understanding fully the role of anointed.   Eventually, the experience was set aside, since I told myself I was unworthy to be called by God to serve Him and Jesus in such a way. 

Since being out of the organization, I have met with anointed to partake in an intimate setting that I would like to believe is how Jesus wanted it.  He could have invited every believer, every disciple, to his last supper on earth, but he chose a selected few to be with him who became the foundation of God’s Temple. Matt 16:18; 1 Cor 3:11 I would never partake in the Watchtower where condemnation breathes down the neck of each anointed one.  Elders scrutinize and judge who is and who isn’t, anointed.

Anointed do not seek out others who claim to have the same calling, hoping to bond with them.  1 Cor 12:25,26  WT 16/1 par 8

That’s all I wanted to do when I left the organization – to bond with other anointed ones.  It seems to me that you also, have this desire.  It is natural, it is the attraction to life through Holy Spirit provided by Christ   Anointed are the branches of the vine who, if their heart is in the right place, desire to be unified fully as one, with the vine of Christ and with their brothers/sisters.  John 15:1-7   This is how the Temple of God is built. :)  Eph 2:20-22

In WT’s use of scriptures, Paul was writing to the anointed Body.  It is their unity and love that is imperative for Holy Spirit to reach each one of them; allowing them to teach all believers. Mal 2:7  Paul speaks of the gifts mentioned in 1 Cor 12,  in Romans 12:1-8 also, stating they are “living sacrifices” under one Head, Christ.  These living sacrifices, or living stones of the temple, are the priesthood:

As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.  1 Pet 2:4,5

JWs cannot recognize them, or their gifts, when scriptures pertaining to the anointed are used to support the elder body. 

If we love the elders and respect their work, we will be obedient and submissive to them.ws12 5/15 pp. 21-26

 This includes the called anointed ones of God – those who would be “kings and priests” in the Kingdom if they are faithful to one Master, bearing only one “mark” on their forehead, and not the mark of an organization with its set of ordinances and doctrine.    Matt 6:24; Rev 13:15,16; Deut 11:18,19    Does this even make sense that anointed are to obey those not anointed? Who are they to judge those under Christ?  When does the switcheroo happen?  When do those whom they are to obey now, become subservient to those GOD has already appointed?  Rev 3:9   Are God's priesthood to sit back and wait for their appointment as heavenly “kings”?  Is that what Paul taught the early anointed ones?  Would God appoint “Gentiles” to decide if they are worthy to serve God?  Yet, they do this when anointed (and ALL) choose God’s Word over the word of the GB.   The elders authority to judge before Christ will at his coming, is the trademark of the Man of Lawlessness – acting as if from God, as if Christ himself. 2 Thess 2:3,4 

Who are you to judge another's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand.  Rom 14:4

JWs are to “seek out” the elders, but not the appointed authentic priesthood of God. This is oppression that leads to “desolating” a people. Matt 24:15; Dan 9:27; 11:31

The “man of lawlessness” is not one man, but an army...of elders.

Who passes the anointed ones the emblems?  The elders, those not anointed.  It wasn’t that way with at the last supper. There is no cohesiveness within the anointed Body because “Gentiles” have come between them.   Rev 11:1-3

 My point is not to convince others through partaking in front of JWs, but to serve Christ in truth and declare it as he intends God’s true “witnesses” to do so.  Isa 43:10; 1 Pet 2:5,9,10  I am sure you must feel similar, how important that is. 

When the symbolic “two witnesses”, those anointed as God’s true Witnesses of “Jacob”/”Israel” (Isa 43:10; 1 Pet 2:5,9), reveal Truth in Christ (Matt 18:16), and reveal this desolating event, the circumstances for this happening in Isa 43:8-10 coincides with Revelation 11:1-3, 13:10; 16:2

They proclaim there can be “no foreign god” among them.  Isa 43:12   No organization with its rules is to come between them and Christ.  They announce this “distress” or tribulation that is “different” from any other time in the history of God’s people. 

 “At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.  Dan 12:1

We conquer this oppression by standing for Truth, even if it means being “killed” by the Beast/organization for not revering its existence.  Rev 11:7; 13:4,5,15,18;3:12; 15:2

Sometimes, the identity of Satan’s deceptions can be right in front of us, closer than we first realized.    




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On 11/11/2018 at 11:57 AM, Kosonen said:


I am a former Jehovah's witness and anointed. And I understand the prophecies not at all as Pearl Doxey. In my opinion are her explanations even worse than the Watchtower's. 

He gets his information from Pearl Doxsey, a person of whom has been mention several times in some Christian discussions and debate elsewhere. This is the same person who puts forth of what is accursed that is a direct opposite regarding God's Order, and what Orderly Worship entails.

This is the same one has led ones to have no idea who the Assyrians were who tried to confront Hezekiah and the same info pulled from her which led so and so to believe God sent Satan to attack the Egyptians, which is ridiculous and unfounded in the Old Testament, as well as adhere to a doctrine that does not originate with the church.

It is one thing to not agree with someone, that is for certain, but to proclaim teachings and doctrines that has nothing to do with the church Jesus built is another story and such ones need to be corrected in this sense.

Pearl Doxsey is on the same stage as such ones like Jay Smith and David Wood to name a few.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

He gets his information from Pearl Doxsey, a person of whom has been mention several times in some Christian discussions and debate elsewhere. This is the same person who puts forth of what is accursed that is a direct opposite regarding God's Order, and what Orderly Worship entails.

This is the same one has led ones to have no idea who the Assyrians were who tried to confront Hezekiah and the same info pulled from her which led so and so to believe God sent Satan to attack the Egyptians, which is ridiculous and unfounded in the Old Testament, as well as adhere to a doctrine that does not originate with the church.

It is one thing to not agree with someone, that is for certain, but to proclaim teachings and doctrines that has nothing to do with the church Jesus built is another story and such ones need to be corrected in this sense.

Pearl Doxsey is on the same stage as such ones like Jay Smith and David Wood to name a few.

It’s time to tell you, SM, I am not a “he”, but a “she”.  It shouldn’t matter though, since anointed are neither “male or female”; but for you, I am sure all “hell” will break lose and you will write me a book about it.  Gal 3:28

It is amazing that two worthless anointed women from the WT, are able to discern the man of lawlessness standing in the Temple of God, isn’t it, and continually expose the Man of Lawlessness for what it has done to God’s priesthood.  Rev 11:1-3   What was God thinking anyway!  Maybe He was thinking that men in their haughtiness who rule the organization, would see just what God meant when Mary proclaimed, “He has put down the mighty from their thrones and exalted the lowly”.  Luke 1:52…..

Or when Jesus said, “For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”….Matt 23:12…

Ps 138:6 – “Though the Lord is on high,
Yet He regards the lowly;
But the proud He knows from afar.”

“Orderly worship” concerns the anointed Body of Christ, where again, it doesn’t matter who is female or male. They are all “living stones”.  Eph 2:20-22; 1 Pet 2:5,9  I also know many male anointed ones who seem just fine with what I do, or with what Pearl does.  They are my brothers in Christ.

You are full of misconceptions concerning the anointed and the Watchtower.  I am very sorry about this.  Also, the two men that you mention are not JWs, nor does it seem they ever were.  They are not anointed “priests” of God.  

The message in Revelation is to the anointed priests of God and those with them. 




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@Space Merchant I think i will continue to like every comment you dislike just for the fun of it all. You seem to love linking me with others, so be it. I will join in your game and it will become fun for me. A bit of light hearted pleasure. 

As for you implying something like 'Butler said that the GB of JW org are demonised'  Well maybe they are . 

Jesus said as recorded at John 8 v 44 

 You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a murderer when he began,c and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie.

Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees but they had been God's chosen people, part of God's chosen nation. Yet he said they were from their father the Devil.  So, think on it, why cannot the GB of JW Org be from 'their father the Devil' ? And if that is correct they would be demonised, or would that be Devilised.  

Remember that many Jews / Israelites remained in their Jewish faith, but they were wrong not to change. So just because the JW Org has 8 million followers, does not make it right.  If the amount of people in a religion made it right then the Catholic church or Islam would be more right than the JW Org :) 



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