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'Hey Guys, Remember That We Report We Made that Gave You All Wet Dreams? We Made it Up. Sorry.'


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What! Do you think I’m kidding? Yes, of course IÂ’m going to link to it. ItÂ’s unbelievable.

Covert says: “Hey guys, please read the correction below. Really sorry this slipped through, and we’ll tighten our process to make sure we don’t repeat it. Again, apologies everyone.

Well….probably no big deal, and after all, he did apologize. Let’s see what this is all about. His friend Lloyd says of his previous ‘report’:

“Thanks so much for the kind comments. We really enjoyed putting this episode together and I’m glad many of you seem to be finding it helpful and informative. Unfortunately, I need to offer an apology and a retraction. A trusted source passed on information to us that got included in the show notes but later proved to be incorrect. Specifically, the schedule of talks from which I was reading (including themes having to do with reduction and ‘centralization’ of branches) was apparently written by an ex-JW and was purely speculative and/or intended for satire [ed…it was a lie] Though we can see the funny side, we also take the accuracy and truthfulness of our work extremely seriously so I have edited out the relevant parts (edits may take a while to process and we are taking a close look at how we can more thoroughly vet our sources in the future. I can only apologize to the thousands of you who have already heard the incorrect information. The last thing we want to do is remotely contribute to affirming the “lying apostate” stereotype by passing on spurious information and we will certainly learn our lesson here. Thank you for your understanding on this.”

Of course! I understood perfectly, and I instantly dismissed it all as ‘just one of those things.’ I did this even though it was the apostate lie ‘heard around the world’ and if you had tapped their phones and been listening in to some of them, you would have thought they were having sex in there, so loud were the orgasms. What was causing the ‘reduction and centralization of branches,’ according to the retracted report, was the fantastic news that the Watchtower was on the ropes financially and just a few more successful lawsuits would topple them for good. This is the stated goal of many of them, to litigate their former religious organization out of existence, and this glorious bit of ‘news’ was more welcome to them than if their team had, not only won the Super Bowl, but had been conceded the championship for the next hundred years.

However, Lloyd is so responsible. He says he does not “remotely want to contribute to the ‘lying apostate’ stereotype,” as though he is genuinely amazed that anybody could ever think such a thing, but just to be sure, he will take action to eliminate this mother of all lies and not repeat it again. I hope you understand.

Look, if they ever succeeded in their stated goal of litigating the Watchtower out of existence, they would be proving themselves friends of child sexual abuse. There is good reason to think that Jehovah’s Witnesses enjoy considerable success in preventing it within their ranks, though with InvisibleChildren.org reporting that one out of five American children will be suffer molestation before 18, they clearly are not going to ever snuff it out. If they have enjoyed some success, then spread around whatever they have, and others will enjoy some success. It is not rocket science. It is not even ‘God’s spirit.’ If you hammer away at anything long enough, some of it sinks in. Relentlessly they teach family values over there in Witness-land, and they are the only organization on earth to have gathered each and every member via their 2017 summer convention and there consider detailed scenarios in which child abuse might occur, so that parents, the obvious first line of defense, can be vigilant. Moreover, since so much child sexual abuse occurs in settings of youth groups, surely it helps that they have no such segregation They don’t even do Sunday School.

You know, I donÂ’t really question LloydÂ’s sincerity in ferreting out an obvious lie, but I guarantee that he led the way with wet dreams when he heard that his former religion was on the ropes. Moreover, it improves matters only to a slight degree on his forum to take the blatant lie out, for the rest of it abounds with distortions of truth. They are often distortions hard-to-spot in a world gone increasingly atheistic. That is why I have declared him (for now) my #1 opponent and have written posts undercutting the hate that he spreads. For example, there is this article about women in abusive relationships. Is this hard on me? WellÂ…you know the expression that a writer needs a muse? He also needs a villain.

Lloyd is dumbfounded at the moniker ‘lying apostate.’ How could anyone think that? He is also offended should anyone connect him with the atrocities against religious people in Russia, my own first of all, they alone are under ban and declared extremists, a label they share only with ISIS. No! He will not be accused. Why, he has spoken out against it. But of his anti-cultist-in-spirit, one Alexander Dvorkin, who aggressively pushes there just what he pushes here and is affiliated with anti-cultists in France, a human-rights expert has stated: “He enjoys disseminating inflammatory narratives and hate speech.” It is no different with Lloyd and his buddies. When you spew hate speech, eventually there arise people who act upon it. And what will he say then?

‘Hey guys, just want to let you know that we released the hounds of hell and they did more damage than we ever intended. Sorry.’




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Interesting, thanks!

As regards Lloyd Evans, he used to be in my circuit. Just a bit of trivia xD.

I read some very disparaging reviews about his book he just published. Remarks made by his fellow apostates, not Witnesses. I think many of them do not hold him in high regard, hence his paranoia...

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Good article.

My mother in law endured an abusive relationship for 35 years until he died. Does she regret it? No, she says it made her stronger. However, she did allow at a certain point in her life to be side tracked by the thought that the "brothers never did anything". It stumbled her for a short period of time until it was brought to her attention (by one of her sons) that there is nothing the brothers could have done. In those days, no one went to the police over family abuse. The police did not want to get involved in family matters. The brothers did come to the house on a number of occasions to talk to her husband, but he locked himself in his room and wouldn't come out. Short of breaking the door down, manhandling him out of there, binding him hand and foot and interrogating him under a bright light.....there is nothing they could have done. She recognized that a few years later, and has never looked back since.

I think @JW Insider has a different story though.

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On 10/10/2018 at 2:06 PM, Anna said:

I read? some very disparaging reviews about his book he just published. Remarks made by his fellow apostates, no?t Witn?esses. I think many of them do not hold him in high regard, hence his paranoia...??

And to think that, as Witnesses, they used to get along so well.


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On 10/10/2018 at 2:06 PM, Anna said:

As? regards Lloyd Evans, he used to be in my circuit. Just a bit of trivia xD.?


He wrote a one or two paragraph article about the Dec 2018 WT & for 42 straight days he had been pitching it to two womanÂ’s rights group, tagging them each day, and scolding them when they do not respond. It is staggering self-importance, IMO.

 I half expect his next post to be: ‘G**dammit, answer me when I’m talking to you!’

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