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Scott Walker, Governor of Wisconsin, is literally suing the government to end protections for people with preexisting conditions


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via .ORG

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"Insuring" a pre-existing condition is  ... whatever it really is .. is NOT insurance.

Imagine that you do not have insurance on your home or car.

You call up an Insurance Agent,  and say you want to buy some house (or car) insurance.

You discuss policy features, coverage, and price.

He goes through a very long list of question, like when was your house built ... and  what kind of roof you have on your home, and how old it is ... and how far is your house from the nearest fire hydrant, and how far is your house from the nearest Fire Department, etc.

You tell him your house is 825 feet to the nearest  fire hydrant, and 2.2 miles to the nearest Fire Department... and, Oh!, by the way, the firemen that are there RIGHT NOW,....trying to put the fire that is consuming your house as you speak, their trucks only carry a 700 foot fire hose. Your car is a total loss, because it slipped into gear while you were warming it up, and ran over your arm and into the garage, and into cans of gasoline you had stored for your lawn mower, and they exploded, and you have burns on 15% of your body, and several broken bones.

You are asking him to insure  pre-existing conditions.

In a world with sane people in it, COVERING a pre-existing condition such as your body, your house, or your car would be considered insanity .... and it really is insanity.

Unadulterated homemade sin insanity.

It is also fiscally bankrupt, and the Society that entertains such madness cannot long exist as a viable Civilization.

That Civilization is based on the legal sovereignty of Universal Stupidity, where the Inmates run the asylum.

But being stupid is like being dead. No dead person knows that they are dead, and no stupid person knows they are stupid.  They are completely oblivious.

They CAN get it THEIR way, for awhile ... until the people who have to work two jobs to pay for this madness get tired of subsidizing stupidity, and THEY run out of the money needed to finance this fiscal stupidity.

THEN ... the only precious metal will not be gold, silver, or platinum measured in ounces ... it will be a base metal, LEAD, measured in caliber, and that Civilization is doomed.




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9 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

It is also fiscally bankrupt, and the Society that entertains such madness cannot long exist as a viable Civilization.

Yep. The reason this idea of covering pre-existing conditions works well in many other countries but not in the United States, is that in those countries where it works the best, health insurance is defined into a (fairly large) portion of the taxes that EVERYONE pays. It can therefore afford to cover everything: current conditions, pre-existing conditions, future conditions, and the possibility of conditions that may never occur. The stupidity of the attempts, so far, at "universal healthcare" in the US is that they are PARTIAL. To work, everyone would have to pay, even if through taxes, to a complete system that addresses the financial costs, profits (and abuses) of insurance, health providers, and pharmaceutical companies, and the entire health care infrastructure (ambulances, EMT, drug stores).  Most politicians are basically "snowflakes" who could never stand up to an entire system that gets more and more profitable to the millionaires at the top of the health care chains. During every US presidency since 1980, literally billions are spent by these industries in lobbying, marketing and propaganda so that no complete solution will be implemented.

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Socialism has failed everywhere there is not an endless supply of other people's money.

.... And as that money moves from one center to others, there is always graft, corruption and incompetency skimming off the top.

.... And the people at the bottom think this can be changed if only THEIR guys control the money, and not guys like have always existed before.

... they are always wrong, and always will be.

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