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Jehovah speeding up the work or increase. But increase or decrease ?


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The JW Org / GB say that Armageddon is very close. They also say that Jehovah is speeding up the work in these 'last days'.

Now, it seems I'm not one for knowing truth from lies, so people keep telling me, but this webpage/site seemed interesting to me.

 It seems to show more of a decrease in JW's, but more importantly it seems to show more of a lack of faith, or lack of action / 'works' of JW's. It also shows a large number of people leaving the JW Org. 

If this video or page has been used before then I apologise for any repeat. But I thought it was of interest. 


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You are showing God, you don't have confidence in him to make judgment calls on earth. Or am i just showing the GB / JW Org that i don't have confidence in them to make judgements on God's behalf

For example: Virtually unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses is the idea that when the person dies, the soul dies, for the two terms are synonymous. The dead are non-existent, pending future resurrection

By the way, Billy, are you and Foreigner the same person ?  I notice he or she never makes any comments, and downvotes everything everybody else says, EXCEPT YOU,   You get an upvote! ....so

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On 6/12/2019 at 3:09 PM, Outta Here said:

Could be clearing out the trash? Comp. Matt.13:41

There has been a lot of talk about God and the Bible lately as well. In a sense, by what is common. And those who are in opposition, have thrown morals out the window.


Butler, you are pulling old information, as I had address before, the demographics of adherents in this regard of the faith group have been increasing, especially an increase talk about God and the Bible. They will be hitting the 9mil mark soon.

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3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

73% of all Jehovah's Witnesses who do not stay?

This is a  highly subjective estimate related to to a very suspect sampling of responses. Regardless, estimates of expected numbers of publishers do not include those who lapse. And there is no survey figure available on how many were lapsed and then reactivated amongst the current publisher figure.

Notwithstanding the flaky estimate of PEW, an interesting question arises. At one time it was possible to estimate a figure for those who appeared to be falling by the wayside. Since 2016, the currently released annual dataset no longer allows for this. However, I would guess at a deficit approaching a couple of million (including deaths) during the last 10 years where estimates were possible.

How should this be viewed? Not with surprise.

Paul lamented in his day "For there are many—I used to mention them often but now I mention them also with weeping—who are walking as enemies of the torture stake of the Christ." Ph.3:18.

Jesus experienced similarly: "He went on to say: “This is why I have said to you, no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father.” Because of this, many of his disciples went off to the things behind and would no longer walk with him."John 6:65-66.

Our assignment as an organisation is to "Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations" Matt.28:19.
Our assignment as individuals is to "keep working out our own salvation" Ph.2:12.

Elders as shepherds in the congregations have a particular assignment not only to care spiritually for existing "sheep", but to go looking for the "lost" ones. Acts 20:28, Compare Luke15:4-7.

Presumably, all in your respective areas are carrying out their particular assignment diligently?

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Quote SM, "Butler, you are pulling old information, as I had address before, the demographics of adherents in this regard of the faith group have been increasing, especially an increase talk about God and the Bible. They will be hitting the 9mil mark soon."

Yes well I'm not including all the under 5 year olds and others that are forced to do the 'ministry'.

If you didn't include all those under 18 it would probably be a lot less too. 

Remembering that Jesus was 30 years old before he started his ministry.

And remembering that all children in most 'civilised' countries are in subjection to their parents whilst under 18. 

Probably the reason for such great turnover in the JW org, the young are forced to do the ministry or bribed to do it.  

But if the GB / JW Org want to call 3 year olds and 5 year olds, ministers of God, then so be it. Even if those young children are actually doing it against their will. 


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To quote BtK  " I also finished reading yet another ex-witness book published this year. I wish these people would find something new instead of the same old thing. Shunning, Disfellowship, 1914, Blah! Blah! Blah! "

They also have the CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE to write about, but strangely enough you didn't mention that kid.


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9 hours ago, Outta Here said:

Paul lamented in his day "For there are many—I used to mention them often but now I mention them also with weeping—who are walking as enemies of the torture stake of the Christ." Ph.3:18.

There is churn among Jehovah’s Witnesses but it is offset by a higher participation rate. After all, with many religions, members may not actually leave, but how would you know if they did?

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BTK maybe seems to forget that Jesus was actually being disobedient to his physical parents by not remaining with them for the journey home. Yes his place was in the temple but at the same time his place was with his parents too. 

But to compare children now to Jesus is just twisting the whole idea. BTK has a strange way of looking at things. 

Jesus was 'born' as a Jew, a member of God's chosen nation. Children now are not part of such a thing.  It is all totally different.



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Paul lamented in his day "For there are many—I used to mention them often but now I mention them also with weeping—who are walking as enemies of the torture stake of the Christ." Ph.3:18.


I don't see the word 'torture' anywhere. Is it another word that the GB / W/t / JW Org added ?  


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