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Jehovah speeding up the work or increase. But increase or decrease ?


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Paul lamented in his day "For there are many—I used to mention them often but now I mention them also with weeping—who are walking as enemies of the torture stake of the Christ." Ph.3:18.

There is church among Jehovah’s Witnesses but it is offset by a higher participation rate. After all, with many religions, members may not actually leave, but how would you know if they did?


Total misuse of scripture. Back then there was only one Christian way to serve God through Christ. You were either in or out. 

Now there must be millions of 'christian' organisations all pretending to serve God. 

People become apostate to one religion by joining another. And so it is with JW Org. So until anyone can prove that the JW Org is the only way to serve God, then it's all hot air. 

Basically JW's serve the GB / Watchtower / JW Org. That is not serving God through Christ. 


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You are showing God, you don't have confidence in him to make judgment calls on earth. Or am i just showing the GB / JW Org that i don't have confidence in them to make judgements on God's behalf

For example: Virtually unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses is the idea that when the person dies, the soul dies, for the two terms are synonymous. The dead are non-existent, pending future resurrection

By the way, Billy, are you and Foreigner the same person ?  I notice he or she never makes any comments, and downvotes everything everybody else says, EXCEPT YOU,   You get an upvote! ....so

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After all, with many religions, members may not actually leave, but how would you know if they did?

Yes TTH, but with many religions you are not blackmailed into staying either. 

In JW Org the blackmail is that none of your family will speak to you, your business may fail due to other JW's turning their back on it, your whole social life will be wiped out in one day. So due to this, many that are not brave, remain physically in. 

I could have remained physically in and sat at home and done nothing. How simple that would have been. I would still have had all that social life :) .  (joke). 


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3 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

People become apostate to one religion by joining another. ...until anyone can prove that the JW Org is the only way to serve God, then it's all hot air. 

They are all the same to him. ‘All roads lead to heaven’ resounds to him like a clarion call.

One wonders what would satisfy him. Seemingly, only Jesus physical return and one-on-one communication with him would do the trick. 

What of the reasons that he became a Witness in the first place—the clear answer as to why God allows suffering, the knowledge of what happens to people when they die, and even the reason that they die? He has forgotten all about it.

It is all “hot air” to him.

It frequently happens when ones leave the JW faith. They lose every ounce of spiritual discernment that they once had, to become completely immersed with matters of the here and now. In no time at all, if they have not gone atheist, they are praying to The LORD.

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the clear answer as to why God allows suffering, the knowledge of what happens to people when they die, and even the reason that they die? He has forgotten all about it. 

Are I see TTH is getting the Word of God, mixed up with JW org once again. 

TTH seems to think that JW's have the monopoly on God, Jesus Christ, and God's written word. 

My road does not lead to heaven Tom. If God shows me mercy and resurrects me then I will be here on planet Earth. 

"One wonders what would satisfy him" Why does one wonder ? I've written it on here often enough. 

A plain observation of the Anointed (spiritual 'Jew') that we should be clinging to. An organisation led by those Anointed that show proof of their being inspired of God. Such an organisation would of course be clean on the inside as well as the outside. Remembering the words of Jesus to the Pharisees. Wash the inside of the dish or bowl ................ And it would know how to use God's written word properly.

Quote " It frequently happens when ones leave the JW faith. They lose every ounce of spiritual discernment that they once had, to become completely immersed with matters of the here and now. "

It frequently happens with JW's that they are so blindly serving their masters the GB and it's orgs (plural), that they cannot see that the ones they serve have no spiritual discernment. And those said JW's cannot bare to look at the here and now as it is too painful for them to see how much of a mess their GB and orgs are in.

Works both ways Tom :) 



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Holman Christian Standard Bible
When His parents saw Him, they were astonished, and His mother said to Him, "Son, why have You treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for You." 

So now, was Mary sinning to talk to Jesus like that ?  Or was Jesus wrong for not notifying his parents that he was staying behind ?  

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19 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Are I see TTH is getting the Word of God, mixed up with JW org once again. 

The things Jehovah’s Witnesses have reinterpreted, or even flip-flopped on, are all superfluous things. They are all trimmings on the tree, and not the tree itself. The essential doctrines of Jehovah’s Witnesses that distinguish them from any other religion have been solidly established for over 100 years: teachings that the Trinity is unscriptural, for example, and that the soul does not live on after death. These are the important points that one should focus on. No one else figured it out. Forerunners of today’s Governing Body did, constituting powerful evidence that they are indeed led by God’s spirit.

Among the basic tenets discerned 100 years ago is that human salvation is not the prime issue before all creation, but the vindication of God’s name and purposes is.23 It is a huge distinction between Jehovah’s Witnesses and the general world of churches. It is the approach of the latter who say that it is all about us: all about our own personal salvation and relationship with Jesus. It invariably makes one self-centered. Invariably it leads to emphasis on rights outstripping responsibilities.

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TTH says "The things Jehovah’s Witnesses have reinterpreted, or even flip-flopped on, are all superfluous things "

Such as the 'Superior Authorities' for instance, and 'This Generation' for another. 

And such as not all Anointed are the faithful and discreet slave, only the GB. 

solidly established for over 100 years:  But altered many times in the process. Armageddon due in 1914, 1975 and now it 'so close' it's 'just around the corner'.  TTH you make me laugh. You are so blinded by your GB and all the other hierarchy in those two 'organisations'. 

The org didn't even figure out the name Jehovah, they 'stole' it from elsewhere. :) 

They are all trimmings on the tree, and not the tree itself.  No, the tree itself is Almighty God, Jesus Christ, the Anointed, God's written word, faith, love and mercy.  It does not include the GB or JW Org. 

And yes the purpose of Jesus coming to earth and giving his life willingly was to give glory to God in heaven. And the one through whom any human will get saved is Jesus Christ. 

Christ is our judge, having been given the authority and power by his heavenly Father.  

Unfortunately the GB of JW Org think they are our judges. They add further burdens to the shoulders of others, and will not even lift a finger to help.

The apostles said, recorded at Act 15 v 28 & 29  

For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things:29  to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!”

Oh yes and look it says 'the holy spirit' which proves it was inspired. But your GB and hierarchy are not inspired are they ? 

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On 6/18/2019 at 11:47 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

solidly established for over 100 years:

For example:

Virtually unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses is the idea that when the person dies, the soul dies, for the two terms are synonymous. The dead are non-existent, pending future resurrection. Failing to recognize this leads to teachings that God ‘takes’ people, even children, for his ‘heavenly garden.’ It is a non-comforting slander against Him that may have tripped up even Darwin. Imagine how history might have played out differently had he been exposed to religious truth and not error. 


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By the way, Billy, are you and Foreigner the same person ? 

I notice he or she never makes any comments, and downvotes everything everybody else says, EXCEPT YOU,   You get an upvote!

....sort of like getting a Telly Award and not having to pay $85 for it.

This will be a good test of your basic integrity, as there are several people here ( not me ) who can determine from your Internet Cyber trail exactly where both logins are coming from, and even your operating system and Browser. They ALREADY have all that information.

You going to weasel out of this honest, straightforward, and pertinent question ....

..... or reply  with an honest YES or NO answer?

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  If you weasel word your answer, or don't answer, you could legitimately be re-labeled  :

                                             "Billy(Just Weasel)theKid46"

           ... notice that the "Just Weasel" is spelled with a capital "J", and "W", which you considered JW Insider's screen name to be an affront against God.

You wouldn't want THOSE SAME irrational fruitcake rules applied to YOU ..... now would you, huh Billy?


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