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2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Written at a time when literally drinking the blood of fallen gladiators was the 'in thing' and when blood transfusions were not even imagined. 

Actually, by the time Jesus came upon the scene, the Egyptians had for a thousand years been giving "blood transfusions", and "brain surgery" for those soldiers wounded in combat.

I have no evidence to support the idea that the Jews had PROBABLY heard of this.

There was probably a VERY high mortality rate, as I understand (please correct me if I am wrong  ), that you can give mis-matched blood ONE TIME ONLY, and then the body produces antibodies against this foreign body, and the NEXT time the allergic reaction will kill you.

(Insert obligatory macabre humor here ... something about brain surgery with a funnel might be appropriate....)

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Billy: Your writing style has changed dramatically. Did a committee write that for you?

I suppose it is more a question of would a Jehovah's witness want this sort of treatment? "Autologous Conditioned Plasma or ACP, as it is more commonly known, is plasma that is rich in platelets.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intraoperative_blood_salvage As long as the circulation is not interrupted, a Jehovah's witness MAY conscientously submit to the use of a cell saver. https://wo

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8 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Actually, by the time Jesus came upon the scene, the Egyptians had for a thousand years been giving "blood transfusions", and "brain surgery" for those soldiers wounded in combat.

I have no evidence to support the idea that the Jews had PROBABLY heard of this.

There was probably a VERY high mortality rate, as I understand (please correct me if I am wrong  ), that you can give mis-matched blood ONE TIME ONLY, and then the body produces antibodies against this foreign body, and the NEXT time the allergic reaction will kill you.

(Insert obligatory macabre humor here ... something about brain surgery with a funnel might be appropriate....)

Um, well, all interesting stuff. Egyptians doing blood transfusions, wow. Thanks. I stand corrected. 

And you have a great sense of humour (English). :) Or Humor in American. 


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@Nicole I’m saddened by the way some have or hold on to old ideas.

simply read the KM 11/2006 KM.  PRP is clearly in the “your choice” regarding procedures with “your own” blood.

Before 2006 it was the way of “if it leaves your body it must be poured out” Rule.  Many held on to that.  

But we re Students and I know it’s hard when you see even how others stop learning and adapting.  

If Anyone extracts all scriptures with the Word Blood it’s very clear 

1.  It’s about ones blood is his life 

2.  We conclude too that it was in context in food as well

The first century didn’t have concepts of medical use like we do.  So what is the context of abstain ?  Again food.

but keeping the principal that ones blood is Their life.  So we won’t touch anyone’s blood.

As for our own blood - there is only what You Decide.

Some as you read in here have not addressed it with their conscience, thus still a law to them.

like this weeks meeting on head covering - one doesn’t Have to wear in presents of I baptized male.  But one’s conscience might move them to.  🤔  Why I have no idea.  But Paul referred to weaker consciences.

bottom line - PRP is your choice to make.

i myself am faced with this but for major instability in my neck.  I’m from pre 2006 new light.  And I learned the rule of “if it’s not an extension “ bla bla bla...  but how many never prayerfully did a new study on the matter.  It’s easier to just go as told.

If you do - no one can pull you in the back and counsel you.  It’s In Writing as Your choice to make. 


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@Jasper1375 Wow you make it so clear how JW's are ruled over by the GB and the Elders.

I especially like this bit, Quote "no one can pull you in the back and counsel you" 

Thanks, that shows that the Elders do just that, and it shows that congregants are frightened by just that. 

Also quote, " “if it leaves your body it must be poured out” Rule.  Rule, who's rule ?

And again Quote "I’m saddened by the way some have or hold on to old ideas." 

Um, exactly who's old ideas were they ? Oh yes the Society / GB's old ideas. That is the sad part Jasper, the fact that congregants follow the GB rules because the GB pretend to be the 'faithful and discreet slave'. 

In short, people have died because of the Society and the GB's rules. If people had read the scriptures, prayed to God, and used their own conscience, then some of those now dead would probably still be alive. 

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