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Why aren't the householders home anymore?

Jack Ryan

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It is only inconvenient at the start for many of us. It just means a change of routine. Things we do later in the day because of the ministry, we can do earlier because of the ministry. There's no joy

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And we still go knocking at 9.00 a.m. although we know that. 

We find a few home, but we should call when people are home, though it might inconvenience us.  Yesterdays' Watchtower contained a picture of the neighbourly Good Samaritan returning at night to see that the man that fell victim to the robbers.  What did we learn from that?  He inconvenienced himself to call back at that late hour. He did not say I did enough already.  Some congregations have evening Witnessing, or even groups that go to specific places at night to meet people (on ships, etc.)   So we don't wish to be just calling on houses and feeling smart about what we did. We want the people to actually see us calling on them, even if they don't come to the doors.  The Samaritan did his caring with love and thoroughness. So we should also be willing to inconvenience ourselves to call on people to warn them and also to follow up interest.  Another thing, we should make equal effort to call on the lowly and the well off and not be prejudiced.  Poor people can be materialistic as well as rich people. Jesus said it would be difficult for rich people to get into the Kingdom but he did not say it was impossible.  Jehovah views the rich and poor the same way; he is not prejudiced; and he allowed his Son to die for both classes.

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45 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

willing to inconvenience ourselves to call on people

It is only inconvenient at the start for many of us. It just means a change of routine. Things we do later in the day because of the ministry, we can do earlier because of the ministry. There's no joy in collecting not homes. Change the order, and we will find more joy, and what was once inconvenient becomes today's must do!

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