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‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?


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One thing that upset me when I moved to the USA was the realisation that one cannot just walk anywhere. In Europe, for the most part, everyone has "the right to roam" which means you can pretty much g

I think it strange that people seem to view Self-gratification? as only being of a sexual nature. It isn't of course, it's just desire to obtain pleasure for oneself.   As for all this talk ab

He tends to focus on the religious clubs. This was a post in the secular part of the website.... I have noticed but don't really care as much as he does if people go off on crazy topics completely unr

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8 hours ago, Anna said:

One thing that upset me when I moved to the USA was the realisation that one cannot just walk anywhere. 

Unfortunately, lawyers cooled off much of that. When trespassers began suffering injuries on private property & owners were sued for it, many responded by making their property off-limits.

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2 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Unfortunately, lawyers cooled off much of that. When trespassers began suffering injuries on private property & owners were sued for it, many responded by making their property off-limits.

Because of peoples' reactions, I even had to stop digging holes in the back yard, at night by flashlight, in the rain.

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At least most of those cars finally got cleared off the lot. "Urban Explorers" must still be a problem, though. I read somewhere that they keep breaking locks and cutting fences just to take a selfie at a place like this. Right?

The cars were cleared by the previous owner who had used the house and grounds as a vehicle salvage / scrap yard. He had vehicle parts all over the house and grounds. My wife and I filled a large scrap metal bin with huge amount of scrap which when weighed in earnt the present owner a bit of cash. 

The present owner also hired a 'mini digger' and small dumper truck for my wife and i to clear some earth and rubbish with. It gave us 'new skills' and we didn't wreck the place. 

Urban explorers have been a big problem but in the last two months things have gone quiet so hopefully it will stay quiet for a long time now. 

But the sun shone brightly today whilst we were there and parts of it looked quite nice, in a derelict sort of way :) . 


Blacvk bro and Vid of Sharon 021.JPG

Tuesday 10th July Blacckky 023.JPG

Monday 29 Oct and black bro 142.JPG

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12 hours ago, Anna said:

One thing that upset me when I moved to the USA was the realisation that one cannot just walk anywhere. In Europe, for the most part, everyone has "the right to roam" which means you can pretty much go anywhere, even on privately owned land. In America, most land is owned by someone, and that someone does not tolerate anyone walking through their property. I'm sure @James Thomas Rook Jr. wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet through your head. There are "parks" but those parks are rarely within walking distance. You might have perfect hiking acreage right behind your house, but if it doesn't belong to you,  you can't go there. In England, most privately owned fields and meadows can be accessed by pedestrians and hikers (including their free running dogs, in America you can only let your dog run in a dog park) through a style or "kissing gate". Trails are made naturally by people frequently walking there, not by someone preparing them specially for that purpose. Farmers who drive tractors through a field leave a path, and people walk on those too. As long as you do not infringe on someones garden (yard) around the house (which is usually fenced anyway) you are not trespassing. Of course there is the odd grumpy farmer who puts up "do not trespass" signs in a field, but there are not many....

So in view of that, hiking trails are not really a planned thing in England in the same sense as in America. Of course there are nature reserves, where there are sign posted trails, but generally, in the rural countryside, (where John Buttler's house is) there is no need for them. The same goes for Scotland. In fact I think now you can also put a tent up anywhere, and you can fish and canoe on all the rivers, even if it cuts through someones land.

In Switzerland, you can hike anywhere as well, and you don't have to stick to trails. The whole alpine region is completely and freely accessible to everyone. As for other European states, it's pretty much the same. Oh, and all the nature reserves are "free". They are paid for by the state.

So apparently America is the land of the free. Not in my mind xD  The book "trespassing across America" sounds interesting.....




This almost looks identical to the field behind my mum's house. One year it was growing rapeseed and it was amazing walking through a field of pure yellow...




Anna we do have 'Public Foot Paths' here in England and also 'Bridle paths' all of which have sign posts. In fact we noticed a few weeks ago, a lady with a clipboard, looking rather 'official', walking past 'our big house'. When we left and locked up the gates we noticed new 'arrow' stickers on gate posts.  Unfortunately there is a public right of way right by  the side of the house. Nice for genuine people but makes it easier for urban explorers to get a good look at the property before breaking in. We can't stop anyone being on the outside just looking of course, but some folks are more welcome than others. We do show some folks around and let them take a few photos too. 

Here is Devon we have those gates (in your photo) and also styles to climb over. And people are expected to keep to the edges on farmers fields. The good farmer would clear a footpath around the edge, some do, some don't.  But yes it is almost 'free to roam' which has it's good and bad points, depending if you are the land owner. 

As far as the House is concerned, the new owner wants to go far beyond restoration, and the locals are totally opposed to it all. The owner wants to turn it into a massive wedding venue, for rich folks. (He's a Londoner, big business man, property and such) He wants to extend what is now the cellar, outward under the side of the house to form some sort of paved garden or similar. And he wants to add other buildings in the large grounds for other uses. Will cost millions of pounds and take at least three years i would think...

But for my wife and i it was a great challenge, getting it cleaned out and tidied up a bit. So it now looks like a house not a scrap yard..... I also had to arrange for the car parts to go into one auction and lots of furniture to go into a different auction.  The car parts / Automobilia Auction i was also involved deeply in because I help that auctioneer lay it all out and put the Lot numbers on everything.  So being part of both the auctions this month has been a challenge too. :)  The furniture auction was today (Monday) so I haven't heard any results from it yet. But in November i may just spend more time on here, sitting, relaxing, eating mince pies and drinking tea. 


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I think it strange that people seem to view Self-gratification? as only being of a sexual nature. It isn't of course, it's just desire to obtain pleasure for oneself.  

As for all this talk about sex on here it makes me wonder if some people on here have serious problems with it.  The GB seem to talk about it a lot too. I suppose it's like Water. Whilst the water will run from the tap when you need it, all is well. But when you turn on the tap and there is no water, that's when people talk about it.  I wonder if this is the same with sex :) .


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In all things where you are getting advice from someone else .... especially those who pay NO PRICE WHATSOEVER IF THEIR ADVICE SCREWS UP YOUR LIFE ... you have to consider their history of being right ... and being wrong. 

What is their overall credibility?

Is their thinking sound.. or delusional?

Marcus Aurelius Ranks of Insane     .jpg

Gravity Electricity Wind .mp4

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

In all things where you are getting advice from someone else .... especially those who pay NO PRICE WHATSOEVER IF THEIR ADVICE SCREWS UP YOUR LIFE ... you have to consider their history of being right ... and being wrong. 

What is their overall credibility?

Is their thinking sound.. or delusional?

Marcus Aurelius Ranks of Insane     .jpg


Gravity Electricity Wind .mp4


I think he suffers with wind :). And does JW Org and it's GB have any credibility ?  

Well I think it is losing it quickly. I'm sorry for mocking the Org and it's GB, but it's better than crying over it. 

They are getting what they deserve. They are trying to outride a storm but the storm is getting bigger, Earthwide in fact. 

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4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I think it strange that people seem to view Self-gratification? as only being of a sexual nature. It isn't of course, it's just desire to obtain pleasure for oneself.  

As for all this talk about sex on here it makes me wonder if some people on here have serious problems with it.  The GB seem to talk about it a lot too. I suppose it's like Water. Whilst the water will run from the tap when you need it, all is well. But when you turn on the tap and there is no water, that's when people talk about it.  I wonder if this is the same with sex :) .

The sad reality is that the whole robots and doll used as sexual pleasure is going to cause problems, and those who mass produce such things know the demographic they are targeting, pretty much exploiting that community, for example, you have the Otaku community, of which I made mention of before. These people, majority being males are targets because those who make the robots and dolls cater to their liking when it comes to characters seen in Japanese culture, be it from video games or Manga (the equivalent to comic books), on the other side of the spectrum, outside of this community, you have those who seek a similar thing however beyond that of the culture of the Otaku community itself, therefore the including of body suits, pillows and a list of other things also being produce if one cannot get his or her hands on a robot or doll. The most appalling thing that comes from whole robot/doll points to something that you show yourself to be adamantly against strongly.

But that being said, sexual gratification to oneself,which also includes robots and or dolls is still, to the majority,  categorized in masturbation and pornography.

Another thing is that it is crazy how nowadays instead of seeking a real partner, people tend to seek robots, pillows, dolls, virtual partners (for example, someone marrying a video game character), inanimate objects such as a car or a toaster, etc. And speaking about Otakus, there are less and less people seeking mates in Japan, and or those who think little of getting into relationships while on the other side of the spectrum, you have some people trying to make Momoko-san their waifu and senpai.

A crazy world it is.

This is one of the things I refer to: https://kotaku.com/5409877/the-one-about-the-guy-who-married-a-video-game

The unnamed man is married to the character, Nene Anegasaki, which in this case, is his "[Mai]  Waifu". Even even got everything ready at a literal church, with people, for he was that serious.


It isn't hard to imagine the case with robots, if we have situations like this.

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27 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

It isn't hard to imagine the case with robots, if we have situations like this.

It is time to update 'end of the world' scenarios. Perhaps the world will go out, not with a bang, but with a fizzle, and people forget to procreate.

Science may yet save the day, however, if those robots can just be programmed to pop out littler ones. 

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28 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

The sad reality is that the whole robots and doll used as sexual pleasure is going to cause problems, and those who mass produce such things know the demographic they are targeting, pretty much exploiting that community, for example, you have the Otaku community, of which I made mention of before. These people, majority being males are targets because those who make the robots and dolls cater to their liking when it comes to characters seen in Japanese culture, be it from video games or Manga (the equivalent to comic books), on the other side of the spectrum, outside of this community, you have those who seek a similar thing however beyond that of the culture of the Otaku community itself, therefore the including of body suits, pillows and a list of other things also being produce if one cannot get his or her hands on a robot or doll. The most appalling thing that comes from whole robot/doll points to something that you show yourself to be adamantly against strongly.

But that being said, sexual gratification to oneself,which also includes robots and or dolls is still, to the majority,  categorized in masturbation and pornography.

Another thing is that it is crazy how nowadays instead of seeking a real partner, people tend to seek robots, pillows, dolls, virtual partners (for example, someone marrying a video game character), inanimate objects such as a car or a toaster, etc. And speaking about Otakus, there are less and less people seeking mates in Japan, and or those who think little of getting into relationships while on the other side of the spectrum, you have some people trying to make Momoko-san their waifu and senpai.

A crazy world it is.

This is one of the things I refer to: https://kotaku.com/5409877/the-one-about-the-guy-who-married-a-video-game

The unnamed man is married to the character, Nene Anegasaki, which in this case, is his "[Mai]  Waifu". Even even got everything ready at a literal church, with people, for he was that serious.


It isn't hard to imagine the case with robots, if we have situations like this.

Crazy stuff S. M.  You seem to do a lot of research and are full of unusual information. but  this one I find funny.

Of course it's not funny in a true sense, it is very serious. 

As for people not finding a real human partner, in some ways it is understandable. There are many reasons why one may wish to live life alone. If a person has lived alone for many years they may not wish to share all of their material possessions, or share their money, or their house. They may wish to be able to just come and go as they please without consulting a partner. They may not want any type of confrontation. They may wish to follow a special way of life, a religion maybe, that needs their full dedication. 

Being married has its own complications, and not everyone wants that. Even God's written word advises to stay single if we can cope with it.   

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