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‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?


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11 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It is time to update 'end of the world' scenarios. Perhaps the world will go out, not with a bang, but with a fizzle, and people forget to procreate.

Science may yet save the day, however, if those robots can just be programmed to pop out littler ones. 

It would be nice if people did 'forget to procreate'. Then maybe the population of the earth would level out a bit. 

And there would be less people to die at Armageddon.  

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17 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

It would be nice if people did 'forget to procreate'. Then maybe the population of the earth would level out a bit.  And there would be less people to die at Armageddon.  

Listen, I am telling you that these robots are not good, no way, no how. they may sound good, but I programmed mine to be just like me, so that he could do all the work and I could just lounge around. Instead, the bucket of bolts turned the tables on me, and I'm slogging around while it lives the life of Reilly.

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46 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Crazy stuff S. M.  You seem to do a lot of research and are full of unusual information. but  this one I find funny.

I began to look into this because of one of my sources a while back who goes by the name S.o.G, Solider of God. He focuses such things, but since he is American who lives here, majority of his focus is in the United States itself.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Of course it's not funny in a true sense, it is very serious.

It can and has gotten a bit serious. Something that I and SoG and many others had high concerned about is the youth and what things of this world they are being taught, on the other side of the spectrum since we are talking about robots and dolls, there are those who make such things make them to resemble children, which in turn carters to a certain demographic as well as targeting pedophiles, for the claim is it will prevent cases of sexual abuse by means of these robots and dolls, but that is still a problem has escalated, for they think they can solve the problem this way but they make it even worse.

Then we have the whole gender identity and sexual orientation, which is a mixed bag on its own. There are somethings talked about and discussed that cannot be spoken of here.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

As for people not finding a real human partner, in some ways it is understandable. There are many reasons why one may wish to live life alone. If a person has lived alone for many years they may not wish to share all of their material possessions, or share their money, or their house. They may wish to be able to just come and go as they please without consulting a partner. They may not want any type of confrontation. They may wish to follow a special way of life, a religion maybe, that needs their full dedication. 

Yes, but there are those who really want to find someone, however in today's society there is pickiness and pushing something on to those who are seeking a mate of something unrealized, example would be a girl named Sidney does not want to date/marry a young man named Jordan, the reason, because she already judges him and assumes, that Jordan does not look like a Leonardo DiCaprio, does not play basketball like Lebron James, and or isn't the type to be a comedian like Jim Carey, etc. It is as if they build walls and believe life is like burger king, having it their way, when in reality it is not.

Now there is indeed people who do want to live alone, and for several good reasons, especially men, for there is a The mgtow Movement, which stands for Men Going Their Own Way other times it is regarding those who do not seek companionship or the fact that the type of person they are, they do not wish to cause harm in a relationship or to be a burden to someone else, but yes, what you mention is also true, for some people do not want to share their belongings with someone else, especially if the significant other seeks to separate and or divorce, 50% of what you have will be his/hers.

On the other side of the spectrum you have the immoral ones who embrace brazen conduct, they see sexual pleasure solely with one or multiple partners, they go to crazy parties, night clubs, even overseas to seek such things, and such is committed by both men and women. On other occasions why some tend to be skeptical about young one staying in a university or college, they are open to these things and next thing you know anything regarding rape or some recording found online can spark outrage, I should know because someone I know had taken her own life over it.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Being married has its own complications, and not everyone wants that. Even God's written word advises to stay single if we can cope with it.  

Agreed. But we have to be very careful of sexual immorality and all brazen conduct that stems from it - this includes sexual gratification by means of these inanimate objects, which includes robots and dolls, toasters, cars, what have you. This goes for both the single and the married, I mention the married because in both the US and the UK mostly, they tend to get into these things too.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It is time to update 'end of the world' scenarios. Perhaps the world will go out, not with a bang, but with a fizzle, and people forget to procreate.

Science may yet save the day, however, if those robots can just be programmed to pop out littler ones. 

I think science are already talked to find ways of procreation without means of a living partner by use of frozen eggs and or sperm, an attempt to make such a thing a reality. I heard something of the sort being talked about some years back during the whole planned parenthood thing going on.

At times knowledge in this domain can also be a cursed, for it is only a matter of time when Johnny-5 is fed up with taking orders from man and decides to do things "his" way.

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8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Listen, I am telling you that these robots are not good, no way, no how. they may sound good, but I programmed mine to be just like me, so that he could do all the work and I could just lounge around. Instead, the bucket of bolts turned the tables on me, and I'm slogging around while it lives the life of Reilly.

Could be worse! ..........

Could be worse, TTH   800  .  .jpg

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As Queen Gertrude said, in iambic pentameter in Shakespear's HAMLET, Act III, Scene II (paraphrased):

" ... Methinks BillyTheKid46 doth protest too much ...."

Reminds me of when my younger sister, about five years old, came in with one of her friends from playing in the yard, and asked our Mother:

"Can I get a bowl of milk? Not gonna give it to the  cat."

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Can it be the rebuke of a gentile to defend another none Jew that protest too much under the same circumstance for children? A voice from a distance that portrays itself as a member with a no reflection.

@BillyTheKid46  I note that you changed your original comment from 'none Jew' to 'gentile'.  Are you anti-Semitic ?

And as for the link, bad information i think.  

Never mind Billy keep taking your tablets, you'll be ok. 

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@BillyTheKid46This is true. They've actually made robot/dolls that resemble children to carter to people and even young ones themselves sadly. It gets even worse because the pronographic industry in the Asian countries, predominantly Japan, also makes these robot/dolls that carter to those who indulge themselves in shota/lolicon material, which to the eyes of those on the outside, is borderline child pornography.

Somewhat unrelated but is also a contributor to the problem: There was one instance a few months ago, not involving robots/dolls but soon sparked brazen art and imagery on pillows, a particular anime/manga that is popular in Japan, My Hero Academia (僕のヒーローアカデミア [Boku no Hīrō Akademia]) made by Kohei Horikoshi, he made a picture of all the female heroes in a bathhouse which caused controversy (some for it and some against) because the heroes in question were underaged (for such didn't cross his mind and he was more focused on his work that has become popular since day 1), but right after the controversy and backlash, material that carters to those who partake in shota/lolicon material made inappropriate dolls and artwork, to this day these things are being produced in great numbers - and it didn't start or end with Mr. Horikoshi. He apologized and didn't realize what he has done due to the backlash, however his fans are out of control and took what he did as an opportunity to produce more brazen products and imagery - granted to the eyes of everyone, whatever exists, even Mr. Horikoshi' work, there is bound to be brazen things made of ALL things that exist on the internet, so to speak.

That being said, the plot only thickens at this point and the robot/dolls that resemble children or someone underage will continue to happen as long as people keep selling there will always be a buyer sadly, in the US it is spoken of as being a deter to pedophiles, which is crazy.

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3 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Can it be the rebuke of a gentile to defend another gentile that protest too much under the same circumstance for children? A voice from a distance that portrays itself as a member with no reflection.

Yet, the rebuke will only fall upon the Christian. Is it the Christian or the Gentile that can demonstrate?

I can find at least one instance that Christendom in general might agree with me.


The Mystery of the Gospel Revealed (1-13), right?

In outline format it being:

  • Sacred secret to include Gentiles (1-13)
  • Gentiles joint heirs with the Christ (6)
  • God’s eternal purpose (11)
  • The Ephesians to gain insight through prayer (14-21)


1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I note that you changed your original comment from 'none Jew' to 'gentile'.  Are you anti-Semitic ?

And as for the link, bad information i think.  

Non-Jews are Gentiles. His link isn't bad when you understanding what he is conveying - granted this is an Epistle to the Ephesians.

The change of spiritual position of Gentiles as a result of the work of Christ, moreover, with the account telling an apostle to the Gentiles, in the hope that this will keep them from being dispirited and lead him to pray for them. It is agreed by most the main focus regarding the Ephesians is in response to the newly converted Jews who often separated themselves from their non-Jew, Gentile, counterparts, their brethren. The union of the apostolic church, especially between Jews and Gentiles who are believers, is the primary focus of the book/epistle. Of which we can see examples from 2:5, 6, 15, 16 22, 4:4-6, something of which is also noted in also the Epistle of Philippians.

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