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9 hours ago, Anna said:

On a hand shake? What does that mean, lol. That you all agreed on slave labour? My goodness, I must have been out of the country too long and got used to everyone paying for everything and expecting to be paid for everything. No one one, I mean NO one (except the brothers and sisters) does anything for free in America! Time is money. Always.

We agreed that I would do as much or as little as I wanted to, whenever I wanted to, with the Digger/dumper episode being the exception. 

The handshake was a kind of trust between us. I mean, we could have bought in squatters / homeless folk or had wild parties there. The owner was in London, mile away. He had no idea what we were doing. He trusted us to be 'caretakers / key holders' of his £850,000 property.  

My feeling is that i allowed my Christian attitude to flow over into this situation. Matthew 5 v 39 to 42 

 However, I say to you: Do not resist the one who is wicked, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him.40  And if a person wants to take you to court and get possession of your inner garment, let him also have your outer garment; 41  and if someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles. 42  Give to the one asking you, and do not turn away from one who wants to borrow from you.

The joy of doing something for someone else whilst having the free run of this semi derelict mansion was fantastic. Money is not the means to happiness is it ? Giving is better than receiving. We gave our time and we still are but in a more limited way as winter approaches. 

I have found here in the UK that there are many people, other than JW's, that give a lot of time and effort to others for free. They too have the joy of giving... And Space Merchant seems to give a lot of his time to others for free, and he is not a JW. 

I've no idea about Stateside, how they behave and why. And I have a poor opinion of Americans overall, but i don't really know why.  

Now here is one more reason that i didn't mind giving of my time and it does involve money. I receive government pension as I'm an old un'. I also receive pension top up, extra money. Now if i do any paid work, the government department, if they find out, will not only stop that extra money, but also I'll be in trouble. Any paid work would mean, I'm no longer retired, as I'd be working. But it would not be regular income, so in the long run I would be worse off.  It would be too much hassle to do a bit of part time work and declare it, then stop work, and declare it, then start again..... So much easier to give my time freely and enjoy it. 

And as I've said, therapy. To work hard in a quiet space, to rest when we wanted and sunbathe,  to walk the land and see how nature had taken over, to be at peace and not to worry about anything or any one. Therapy. To come home tired at the end of the day, knowing we had worked well and given of ourselves freely to another. To rest and sleep well. 

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John Butler:

Very interesting take on life.

I would be interested in knowing how it all works out over time.

I believe you are being taken advantage of  ... but that is not mine to call.

Giving freely to Millionaires is a double edged sword.

My philosophy is like the Motto on U.S. Money.

"In God We Trust"

..all others pay cash.

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@BillyTheKid46 The reality, activism plays little to no role in the decision with governments and is evident.

Um really ? 




Although i didn't really agree with the London protest, it still got the info' out there to the public and to the JW's that had been hidden from it all. 

More organisations putting on more pressure will get the message out there more, that is obvious.

And more pressure on governments and authorities will get things done.

Remind me of a scripture about a man knocking on his neighbours door at midnight, asking for bread to feed to a visitor. 

I think it was Jesus said, it wasn't that the other man wanted to get out of bed but the continuous knocking on his door moved him to action.

Yet another scripture about a woman that kept going to a judge and asking for justice. in the end the judge heard her case.

Keep knocking, and believe me the protesters will keep knocking and gaining support Earthwide. 

I think you are a sad person Kid, and I do have concerns about which side you are on regarding Child Abuse. Do you support the Victims or the abusers ?  Very worrying indeed.  

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14 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

John Butler:

Very interesting take on life.

I would be interested in knowing how it all works out over time.

I believe you are being taken advantage of  ... but that is not mine to call.

Giving freely to Millionaires is a double edged sword.

My philosophy is like the Motto on U.S. Money.

"In God We Trust"

..all others pay cash.

I'm not sure that he is a Millionaire in the true sense, but he is definitely a big business man. He had to sell off some of his London apartments to finance this 'project', hence a lot of the furniture that went to auction was from those apartments.  Modern horrible stuff :) that i wouldn't give room in our house. 

As for being taken advantage of, yes probably. But like i say it's all in line with the scripture I quoted. It helps to keep me humble in a way. 

Does everyone in the USA just do everything for money ? Yuk, what a horrible lifestyle. :) 

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4 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

As for being taken advantage of, yes probably. But like i say it's all in line with the scripture I quoted. It helps to keep me humble in a way. 

Does everyone in the USA just do everything for money ? Yuk, what a horrible lifestyle. :) 

I agree..... and in order to further your altruistic viewpoint, and upbeat perspective on life,  and to help in any way to assist you in remaining humble, I would like to invite you and your wife to come to my home and do free yard work for a year.

I do not live in a dilapidated mansion, but there is also plenty of carpentry work and painting to do.

When you return home in 2020, you can bask in the glow of a job well done.

I know it's a lot to expect, but I will do my best to work you hard every day.

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10 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I agree..... and in order to further your altruistic viewpoint, and upbeat perspective on life,  and to help in any way to assist you in remaining humble, I would like to invite you and your wife to come to my home and do free yard work for a year.

I do not live in a dilapidated mansion, but there is also plenty of carpentry work and painting to do.

When you return home in 2020, you can bask in the glow of a job well done.

I know it's a lot to expect, but I will do my best to work you hard every day.

If you are in the USA I will gladly decline your offer. As for painting and carpentry, no thank you.  We have just been doing basic manual work which in honesty doesn't involve much skill, apart from learning to drive the digger and dumper, which was 'fun'.

What i really want to find is someone fairly local that has a old farm with outbuildings full of vintage vehicles. Someone that has no knowledge of the value of things, so that i can research items for them on the internet and help them to sell stuff and earn themselves a few pound.... We did all this for ourselves over the past twenty years, going to farm sales and auctions, buying all the things they thought were rubbish, only to resell them for good money.  It was fun and made profit, so now I would like to help someone else to do the same. 

We actually found quite a few nice items at the house, some under the broken floors, which we fell through at times :) 

Coalport Countryware, which sold at auction for £210, half of which was under the floor when we found it. (Yes i worked for nothing and earnt the owner some money too). 

The ground floors are all around 18 to 24 inches above soil, built up on brick supports. 

I was disappointed not to find any 'real treasure' though. There has to be something in a house that is 180 years old.  



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10 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

We agreed that I would do as much or as little as I wanted to, whenever I wanted to, with the Digger/dumper episode being the exception. 

The handshake was a kind of trust between us. I mean, we could have bought in squatters / homeless folk or had wild parties there. The owner was in London, mile away. He had no idea what we were doing. He trusted us to be 'caretakers / key holders' of his £850,000 property.  

My feeling is that i allowed my Christian attitude to flow over into this situation. Matthew 5 v 39 to 42 

 However, I say to you: Do not resist the one who is wicked, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him.40  And if a person wants to take you to court and get possession of your inner garment, let him also have your outer garment; 41  and if someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles. 42  Give to the one asking you, and do not turn away from one who wants to borrow from you.

The joy of doing something for someone else whilst having the free run of this semi derelict mansion was fantastic. Money is not the means to happiness is it ? Giving is better than receiving. We gave our time and we still are but in a more limited way as winter approaches. 

I have found here in the UK that there are many people, other than JW's, that give a lot of time and effort to others for free. They too have the joy of giving... And Space Merchant seems to give a lot of his time to others for free, and he is not a JW. 

I've no idea about Stateside, how they behave and why. And I have a poor opinion of Americans overall, but i don't really know why.  

Now here is one more reason that i didn't mind giving of my time and it does involve money. I receive government pension as I'm an old un'. I also receive pension top up, extra money. Now if i do any paid work, the government department, if they find out, will not only stop that extra money, but also I'll be in trouble. Any paid work would mean, I'm no longer retired, as I'd be working. But it would not be regular income, so in the long run I would be worse off.  It would be too much hassle to do a bit of part time work and declare it, then stop work, and declare it, then start again..... So much easier to give my time freely and enjoy it. 

And as I've said, therapy. To work hard in a quiet space, to rest when we wanted and sunbathe,  to walk the land and see how nature had taken over, to be at peace and not to worry about anything or any one. Therapy. To come home tired at the end of the day, knowing we had worked well and given of ourselves freely to another. To rest and sleep well. 

I’m sorry John, even to be a house sitter, and using all the facilities or whatever, the decent thing for the owner of the house is to pay some kind of compensation for your services. I don’t know the details of what kind of an agreement you have but it sounds odd.  I think having you taking care of the property ensures that there are no squatters. So you are doing the owner a BIG favour. As for wild parties, I mean, even if you had one every week, what damage would that do to an already dilapidated house?  

I assume your profile pic is of your son and his wife, or your daughter and her husband? So are they working on the property too, as the young lady is driving the digger.

You are right, money is not a means to happiness and giving is better than receiving, but I think when Jesus said those words he didn’t have in mind free labour for someone with more money than you.

The only thing that does make sense is that you are retired and so earning extra money would be a problem, and so you are treating this as a hobby, and I understand that. What I don’t understand is the owner.  Hopefully he will be decent enough to reward you with some kind of compensation at a later date....

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4 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I agree..... and in order to further your altruistic viewpoint, and upbeat perspective on life,  and to help in any way to assist you in remaining humble, I would like to invite you and your wife to come to my home and do free yard work for a year.

I do not live in a dilapidated mansion, but there is also plenty of carpentry work and painting to do.

When you return home in 2020, you can bask in the glow of a job well done.

I know it's a lot to expect, but I will do my best to work you hard every day.

Spoken like a true American xD

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22 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

You and i always seem to have different opinions, which to me is quite healthy and well balanced. . 

But on this matter I think the protests Earthwide have had and are still having much influence on governments and authorities and are also helping people to have a voice so that they can release a lot of the pain they are feeling inside.

JW Org would not be being investigated were it not for protests about the Child Abuse within. I there is proof that it is working. 

Well this is good, plus it opens to learning in all things Scriptures and or the Hebrew/Greek language itself.

Protesting only prevent small instances and the problem as a whole priest, granted that even within government it is practice by the wealthy and powerful, i.e. those who partake in grim practices which is done to animals and children, perhaps far beyond child abuse and even going into the grounds of literal cannibalistic sacraments. The government will have their say on those the violent and abusive, granted it is not unknown to anyone that such ones infiltrate the schools, the churches, etc. So there is 2 sides running in the government, hence why such isn't trusted by the people, it should be known to you because one of your own in the UK lost an American ally to the government.

As for the Jehovah's Witnesses, their churches are not immune and it isn't the protesting that is doing it, it is the fact that people know the history of those who infiltrate the church, as many pieces of our history proves that. The churches are just as easily accessible than the schools. That being said, if the protests were indeed doing something, better results would have been made without tossing the baby out with the water, so to speak in an attempt shut down a religion, as they say, for this resulted in people, even former JWs against other former JWs to stop them, for they claim they have a better solution than church disruption.

The last time a protest took place, it took an artist, a gay man, and a friend of a known former JW to stop the protest, which resulted in the group to slander, send death threats, and fat shame the man in question and went on to go disrupt and attack another JW church, which caused members of the county to speak of the actions of the protesters as borderline extremism against a religion. Again, there are better ways, this way of doing it is not it. If I can offer a suggestion, take the child abuse situation to congress and or the like, going in front of churches and or disrupting a service will not do much.

The man who was threaten, I wish I saved his video because all his videos had been flagged and taken down by ExJWs. The only remnant I can find is a JW betel video by someone named Loyd/Cedars.


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@BillyTheKid46 Agreed. Other than that there is a whole lot more things out there, some things that cannot be said, so I am trying to keep it on a PG-13 level.

Now as for you guys, as with all of us, when such things start to spill over on to the people, in the schools and churches, it cannot be prevented and or contained 100% for the intent of a man who does man is not as easily recognized to the general people of the community, on the other side of the spectrum, there are even more darker things going about in the world, and in my case, I can tell you, among the things I heard and witnessed, the ruler of this world is obvious, and to all of us, we have to be careful, for how this world caters to people, ill desires, some among them will find targets, victims, take advantage of the rules and regulations in institutions in order to do so,furthermore, it turns anyone who is on the side of the one who is targeted into an avenger of blood, so to speak, which was the case with several folks who took the law in their own hands.

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